Bicycle accessories

Bicycle chain cleaning machines: description, tips for choosing and using

Bicycle chain cleaning machines: description, tips for choosing and using
  1. Description of the device
  2. Types of models
  3. How to use
  4. Tips for selection and operation

Due to external physical and weather influences, the bicycle chain is susceptible to stretching and rapid wear. A bicycle chain cleaner will help prevent problems with this element and transport in general.

Description of the device

A tool known as a chain cleaner is usually included in a bike care kit, along with a cassette scraper and brush. Usually, the device is made of polymer material and equipped with the same plastic gears... The machine comes with a handle for ease of use, and a lock keeps it closed throughout the cleaning process.

When the handle is removed, the device can be opened and several gears with brushes attached to them can be seen. During operation, the chain is tightly clamped and immobilized by the protrusions on the cover. The unit is collapsible - this is done so that after work it can be immediately cleaned of dirt.

Of course, cleaning is done before lubrication. As for cleaning accessories, a cyclist's tool can be a regular toothbrush, dense and clean waste material, or a cleaning machine.

Some believe that you can do without this device, however, practice shows that the device has several significant advantages:

  • cleansing is much faster;
  • hands remain clean;
  • the chain does not need to be removed;
  • the use of the design does not imply difficulties;
  • you can save on the purchase of lubricants and oils.

The disadvantage of the device is the required cleaning after use and the relatively high cost of some models, in addition, it does not clean the stars. But this is where the disadvantages end with the obvious benefits of the machine.

Types of models

Today you can choose a chain washing machine of any price category, configuration and design.

  • The C&L device is considered the most inexpensive. Despite the fact that it costs about 500-600 rubles, the model has certain advantages: it is not necessary to dismantle the chain, cleaning is quick, the device is easy to use and disassemble. However, the material of manufacture leaves much to be desired, and during the working process, the unit creaks.
  • Bike Hand YC-79 - a higher quality product with the same principle of operation. The advantage is the collapsible gears, which are easy to wash. Of the minuses - the frequent replacement of the foam rubber seal, which is subject to rapid abrasion. The brushes can also be replaced, but based on the price, it is easier to buy another device. The modification costs about 1200 rubles.
  • A more expensive, and, undoubtedly, high-quality option - Super Bike Tools... The machine, with proper care, is designed for long-term operation, has good-quality rollers, an additional scraper and a brush are included in the set. Chips and cracks are excluded on the case of this model, and in general the thing is worthy of attention. However, its cost is much higher - about 1800 rubles.
  • Pedro's Chain Machine Model is a premium device, it has the highest rating among other designs due to the quality material of the case and parts. The kit includes a brush and a special cleaning compound. This device has more than 100 rollers, so the cleaning is extremely deep and even. In addition, the clipper does not need to be held during the working process.

Despite the price (2300 rubles), this device is in great demand. Judging by the reviews, even a used unit, which can be bought at a thrift store, is more reliable and practical than other new models.

How to use

A chain wash is extremely necessary when, for some reason, the chain cannot be removed, and it is not very convenient to clean the element manually.

Using the device is quite simple:

  • you need to open the lid;
  • bring the machine to the bottom of the chain, focusing on the grooves in the body and links;
  • close the lid, so that the part will be tightly fixed;
  • fill the tub with a cleanser;
  • fix the machine to the frame;
  • set the movement of the chain using the pedals.

In this case, the chain will pass through the gears with brushes and gradually get rid of dirt. The more often this procedure is carried out, the less time it will take.

Tips for selection and operation

The main routine maintenance of a bicycle chain consists of two steps - lubricating and cleaning. First, an important element is cleaned using agents such as lithol or solidol, which every driver of a car has in the house. Boiling in boiling grease is allowed, but it is better not to use engine oil, since it turns into an emulsion, and then into a substance of increased hardness, such a composition will not only lead to even greater adhesion of dirt, but can also damage the bicycle mechanism.

The machine comes with a detergent., but it ends quickly, so many people use other degreasing compounds such as gasoline, kerosene and white spirit. If the device is cheap, low-quality plastic may be used to make it. As a result, when filling the same gasoline, it is able to dissolve the body of the device.

So it is better to buy special means for cleaning and washing the previous composition, which are available in different forms - liquid and aerosol, but they must be used with caution, trying to avoid getting on other parts of the bike.

Experienced cyclists who know how to properly care for vehicles are advised to wash off simple dirt with ordinary water, adding dishwashing detergents or diluting grated laundry soap.

In order to carry out a high-quality flushing, you can pre-treat the chain links with WD-40 universal aerosol preparation or silicone grease, having previously covered the rims and rotor with protective material. It is also important that the chain is clean and completely dry before lubrication.

There is only one recommendation regarding the choice of a typewriter - try to purchase a quality product. In cheap devices, the contact of the brushes with the surface of the links is not very tight, but a good machine will be able to cope even with strong dirt. And, of course, such a device must be treated with care and kept clean.

The machine for washing and cleaning a bicycle chain is a useful and practical device. Despite the fact that some consider it unnecessary, their opponents have a different opinion - the 21st century is in the yard, and the device allows you to carry out the necessary procedure in the most civilized way.

See below for the bike chain cleaner test.

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