Bicycle accessories

Bicycle seat: types and recommendations for choosing

Bicycle seat: types and recommendations for choosing
  1. Basic requirements for the saddle
  2. Types and sizes
  3. Manufacturing materials
  4. Popular brands
  5. How to choose?
  6. Correct adjustment

Relatively recently, special paths for the movement of recreational vehicles began to appear in megacities. We are talking about scooters, roller skates, skateboards and bicycles. If the first 3 proposed pedestrian transport options do not require special attention, the issue is different with bicycles. When cycling, a person should feel calm and comfortable, and the main criterion for these characteristics is a comfortable seat.

Basic requirements for the saddle

The history of the emergence of the first bicycles begins in the distant past, when there was not a huge variety of materials, and practically no attention was paid to the convenience and comfort of use. But even then, the seat played an important role in the selection of the two-wheeled vehicle model of interest.

High-quality saddles of the past centuries were made exclusively from genuine leather, and with the advent of the 70s, plastic counterparts began to appear. But this does not mean that leather, as a seat material, is outdated. It's just that manufacturers were able to put competitive plastic products on the market at a lower price. In our days, the seat of the bicycle has changed in many ways, which means that cycling enthusiasts and cycling professionals now have a certain list of requirements for a saddle.

  • The surface of the bicycle seat should be comfortable and smooth, but not slippery.When riding a bicycle, a person must feel the strength and firmness of the seat, he must be sure that after making a sharp maneuver he does not slip off the seat.
  • From the constructive point of view, the saddle of a bicycle must be comfortable, elastic and durable. With constant use, the inner side of a person's thighs friction against the bicycle seat, respectively, a low-quality product will soon lose its appearance, the surface of the saddle will crack or burst.
  • The bicycle seat must be able to "breathe". This is not about the time the bike is parked on the street, but about the ingress of air into the saddle structure while driving.
  • Saddle width is an important factor in ease of use. The cyclist will feel most comfortable if this distance corresponds to the ischial tubercles, which are formed by the pelvic bones during squatting.
  • Softness is also an important criterion for a comfortable seating position. It is important to remember that soft structures are suitable only for small cycling trips; with constant use, scuffs will appear on the surface of the saddle.

Types and sizes

Novice cycling enthusiasts are probably unfamiliar with the information that there are different types of saddles, which differ significantly not only in appearance, but also in design characteristics.

Comfortable models for walking bikes

In this case, we are talking about the classic type of saddle used for quiet trips in the city, park or square. The travel time on a two-wheeled cruise transport is short-lived, respectively during a short trip, a person should experience the maximum sense of comfort. For this reason, the comfort models are equipped with additional shock absorbers in the form of soft springs.

In addition, the complete set of a comfortable seat assumes the presence of a wide and shortened seat, inside of which there is an additional soft pad located on top of the springs.

Sports models for road travel

Professional cyclists refer to this type of two-wheeler seat as a “work saddle”. With it, every athlete will be able to drive a decent distance over rough terrain or a straight track. In appearance, the sports seat is an elongated and narrow product, which includes a minimum layer of lining. And this is not surprising, because during the trip, only a small part of the human weight will fall on the ischial bones.

The very same tense posture, coupled with special clothing, eliminates the appearance of folds in the perineum.

For beginners, it is preferable to use sports saddles with additional crumb, thanks to which a person can easily get used to long-term use in training mode.

Mountain models

Represents a type of bicycle saddle, is installed on two-wheeled vehicles used in mountainous areas, where most of the trip a person needs to stand on the pedals, lean back slightly and, of course, hang with his torso over the frame. In all these movements, you have to use the most unusual postures, respectively, in the presented conditions, the cyclist cannot fully feel the comfort of the seat.

For this reason mountain models should be compact and streamlined. And already thanks to these features, a person does not have to bang the pelvic part of the body against the seat during steep descents and sharp turns. An important characteristic of the presented type of saddle is the strength and reliability of the outer materials.... Inside, the structure is equipped with a pneumatic damper that dampens strong vibrations during extreme driving.

Tourist Models

Modern people very often travel to different cities and countries on horseback on two-wheeled vehicles. It is very important for them so that the seat is comfortable and durable. Just for such cases, bike saddles made from genuine leather are the most suitable option. The quality construction of the touring seat should not restrict the rider's movement. To understand what is at stake, imagine a cross between a mountain seat model and a sports bike saddle.

Realizing that a person should experience maximum comfort during long trips, the manufacturers managed to create a unique design of the tourist model of the seat. It is a narrow front part and soft inserts located in the area of ​​contact with the ischial bones. The ideal option would be a design with a back, in which a person can lean back without worrying about an accidental fall.

Female models

The presented variety of female-type seats suggests a lot of anatomical nuances that should be paid attention to. In the fair sex, in contrast to the male anatomy, the structure of the hips is located much wider, and this is an indisputable scientific fact, although the body itself is smaller in size. For this reason the design of the female seat should ideally match the features of the female structure described.

Otherwise, the fair sex will experience inconvenience and discomfort.

As an additional element in the construction of women's seats, there are elastomers, thanks to which the seats acquire additional softness.

Baby models

For the youngest cycling enthusiasts, manufacturers offer unique seating designs. The child's bike ride is not only comfortable while riding, but also does not injure the inner side of the child's thighs, especially taken into account is the fact that at a young age the baby's skeleton is just being formed, and any mechanical influences can affect the future structure of an adult.

When choosing the right saddle size for a bicycle, remember that each of us has an individual structure of the ischial bones. If the seat is tapered on the back side, the ischial bones will hang down at the edges, making the rider not confident in the strength of the seat. If the saddle is too wide in relation to the ischial bones, it will chafe the inner thighs. In order not to get into a mess during the purchase, it is best to take a sample of an old saddle with you and use it to find a similar model.

It is important for novice cyclists to know that the initial ride on a new bicycle saddle will not bring comfortable sensations, since the product needs to get used to the human structure, and the person needs to get used to the new seat.

In order for the saddle to be sharpened for the ischial bones, the cyclist needs to ride it for about 50 km.

Manufacturing materials

Modern bike saddles are made from several types of materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Everyone knows that the first bicycle saddles were made from genuine leather. The main advantage of this material is that it freely accepts the human structure, lets air into the seat and absorbs the resulting moisture. The first few rides on the new leather seat will not allow you to fully enjoy the convenience and comfort. And in some cases, there may even be painful sensations on the inner thighs.The reason for these shortcomings is the unformed surface in the areas of the pressure of the ischial bones.

After several trips, the skin will begin to squeeze at the points of contact with the human skeleton, due to which it will acquire the necessary shape corresponding to the physique of its owner. When buying a very it is important to purchase a product made from natural materials. But some unscrupulous sellers deceive buyers and sell under the guise of leather models seats trimmed with dermantine.

Those wishing to purchase a sports version of the seat made of leather, you need to know that natural material in this case is used as a thin coating.

It is based on durable carbon. This material is highly breathable and has a high level of strength.


Many modern bicycle seats are made from a PVC base, as well as foam cushions, the surface of which is covered with artificial materials. Seats of this type are installed on almost all budget bicycles, and are also sold additionally according to the average price position. And this is not surprising, because plastic itself is not expensive.

Experienced cyclists advise novice riders to stock up on special bike uniforms or wear thick clothes for trips., otherwise calluses may appear on the inner thighs, as you will have to fidget on the slippery surface of the product. Despite the fact that plastic is mainly used for the manufacture of budget seats, this material is used in the manufacture of high-quality seats.

Their distinctive features are quick adjustment to the shape of the human body, springiness and self-cooling, so that trips on a summer day bring only joy.


This type of material is used in the production of budget models of seats. Their cost fluctuates at a low level of pricing policy. Each individual seat seems to be very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but after the operation, all their shortcomings will be revealed.

  • Dermantin. The presented type of leatherette strongly resembles natural leather material, even to the touch. A well-processed analog seems like a great original. But despite its external qualities, dermantin wears off very quickly during operation, and all because of the constant friction of a person on the seat.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. This material is used in the manufacture of budget bike seats. It differs in wear resistance, but it is very slippery in texture, which makes it extremely difficult for a person to sit still freely. In addition, polyvinyl chloride cannot boast of having a moisture permeability system. In simple terms, getting off the bike after a long ride can cause a person to have a wet pelvic part of the body.
  • Stretch leather. The material is quite durable, in appearance it can be confused with genuine leather. Its only drawback is its slippery texture, which makes the rider unable to feel comfortable.

Popular brands

Today there are many companies and large holdings engaged in the production of parts and spare parts for bicycles of all types. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers can boast of a quality product line. The products of small firms are not in high demand by consumers. Professional cyclists prefer to buy components from famous brands for their two-wheeled horses.

  • Velo. The history of the company began in 1979. The founder of the brand is a fast-paced lady who dreams of giving the world the opportunity to ride the highest quality bike saddles.It is worth noting that during such a short period of its existence, Velo has acquired several factories in Taiwan and China. Today the brand owns 17 patents, but this is not the limit. Thanks to the perseverance and dedication of the engineers, Velo is able to create the latest modifications of the bike seats.
  • Stern. The brand is quite young, initially conquered the world market with high-quality bicycles, and after a short period of time it began to produce components for bicycle structures. At the same time, consumer demand is being covered not only with adult bicycles, but also with models for children. It should be noted that one of the main reasons for the rapid gaining of trust is the close connection between Stern and the Sportmaster brand.
  • Stels. Cyclists living in the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries are very familiar with the presented brand. Moreover, the history of the company is hidden in secrets and mysteries. Initially, the two brothers began to sell bicycles from foreign manufacturers, after which they decided to start their own production of two-wheeled vehicles. And already the first plant of the Stels company was launched in 2003. Today, the domestic brand is highly valued among cyclists, and not only for bicycles, but also for high-quality components, especially comfortable saddles.
  • Brooks. The represented brand proudly takes the honorable first place in the ranking of manufacturers of bicycles and components for them. And this is not surprising. From the earliest days of its existence, Brooks has been striving to provide its customers with the best cycling products. Leather seats are in special demand today.

How to choose?

Buying a new saddle doesn't have to expect the old seat to wear out. The cyclist may be tempted to add an extra seat. In order to choose the right design, it is not necessary to remove the existing saddle and run around the shops with it in search of a similar option. Just follow a few tips from experienced cyclists to help you find the perfect bike.

To begin with, remember that There are no universal bike saddles, so each individual seat must be considered individually. First of all, it is necessary to decide how much time the cyclist will spend with two-wheeled vehicles, how often he will ride around the city or train off-road.

Wide saddles are best for cruising in parks or squares. Most often, such structures have additional springs that can save a person from unpleasant vibrations when crossing uneven terrain.

Next, you need to remember that human weight while cycling is distributed between the two ischial bones. By measuring the exact distance between them, you can easily find a saddle that is suitable for the width. And in order not to run with a ruler, you just need to pay attention to the characteristics indicated by the manufacturer, where this information will be written.

The next nuance that you need to pay special attention to is seat stiffness. In order not to delve into scientific anatomical studies, suffice it to say that a soft seat is not entirely beneficial for the human body. The pelvic bones will sink into the soft material, causing discomfort during long journeys. If women can endure such an unpleasant condition, this factor negatively affects men's health. But that doesn't mean choosing a saddle with a rigid base. It is preferable to pay attention to sports saddles.

As for the saddle nose, it should not be as short as the seat platform itself... During the ride, the cyclist very often has to get up in an uncomfortable position and move in this position for a long distance. The elongated spout will provide additional protection. Finding a saddle for men is much easier than for the fair sex. This is not just about tourist models. And ladies will probably spend more than one day looking for mountain and road seats.

Correct adjustment

Each bicycle with its own design characteristics must be maximally adjusted to the structure of the owner's body, otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient for a person to use a two-wheeled vehicle. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the intricacies of correct bicycle adjustment, especially the seats.


Most often, novice cyclists try to deal with the fear of falling from a height of two-wheeled vehicles. Accordingly, they lower the saddles as much as possible in order to be able to reach the ground with their feet at any time. In this case, it turns out that cyclists during the ride intensively bend their knees. This means fatigue arises, but it is more unpleasant that the joints suffer during such trips. For this reason, a low seat setting is considered a gross error. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make the correct footprint adjustment.

  1. Turn the pedals so that one is at the lowest level of the wheel.
  2. Choose the height of the seat at which it will be possible to straighten the leg and reach the pedal located at the lower level.
  3. To check if the seat is too high, try to touch your toes to the bottom of the released pedal.


If the nose of the seat is lifted up, then it will press on the crotch. In the opposite situation, when the nose is too low, the cyclist will constantly slide forward during the ride, thereby creating tension on the arms.

Ideally, the saddle tilt should be at zero position, which corresponds to the parallelism of the road.... It should be noted that riding on an even saddle is much more pleasant, especially if you have a long journey.

If discomfort arises, it seems that a huge saddle is pressing on the perineum, it is necessary to lower it a couple of millimeters down.

Longitudinal position

The designs of modern bicycles allow you to move the seat a little further or closer to the handlebars. And to get the seat in the most suitable position, you need to follow the advice of an experienced cyclist. The knee should be above the pedal axis.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to position the saddle in a suitable longitudinal position. The reason for this is the anatomical features of the cyclist and the characteristics of the design of the bicycle frame. In such cases, you will need to install a curved seatpost with a slight rearward offset.

You will learn more about how to choose a saddle for a bicycle in the following video.

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