Bicycle accessories

Cycling stand: purpose, varieties, brands, choice

Cycling stand: purpose, varieties, brands, choice
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Manufacturers overview
  5. How to choose?

Cycling is a great workout for the whole body. But alas, cycling is only suitable for the warm season. In winter, you can replace your beloved two-wheeled friend with a home exercise machine - a bicycle station. Surprisingly, even the most ordinary bicycle can be turned into such a device.

What it is?

For a start, it's worth understanding what this thing is. A bike stand is an unusual design that can turn a regular bike or even a mountain bike into an exercise bike. Exercising on it, you can regulate the load, choosing how intense the workout will be. A bicycle on such a machine is installed only for a while, at any time it can be removed to go for a ride in the fresh air.

Many people perceive this design as an ordinary exercise bike. But in fact, it is much more difficult to train on it. A person must independently maintain balance, just like when moving on the street.

It is especially difficult to do this at the beginning, when a person is just starting to pedal. But the training is more effective.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such an interesting device has both disadvantages and advantages, which you must definitely familiarize yourself with before buying.

Let's take a look at the main benefits.

  • The good thing about the bike station is that you can do it regularly, regardless of the weather outside. A person does not have to ride on dark evenings or try to maintain balance on an ice-covered road.
  • The bike rack is not too expensive therefore, almost everyone can afford to buy it.The cost of each specific model depends on many details, including additional "bells and whistles" and which company produced it. In addition, the benefit from buying a bike rack also lies in the fact that a person manages to save money on a gym membership in the future.
  • A very important addition is the load control function. During training, you can set the desired pace, changing it in the process, if necessary.
  • If a person buys a bike rack solely to ride in the cold season, it will also be a plus that in these few months he will not get out of the habit of his bike. This is especially pleasing to athletes who need to constantly prepare for the next competition. Not only regular exercise is important for them, but also the opportunity to get used to their "iron horse".

    However, there are also disadvantages to bike stations.

    • Although a regular bicycle is installed on the machine, on which you need to be able to maintain balance, you do not have to maneuver during training. Therefore, over time, such an important skill can be lost.
    • Another disadvantage is the lack of communication and fresh air. Anyone who appreciates cycling for just this will not approve of such a device. But during training, you can enjoy watching your favorite TV series.


    There are several types of bicycle machines. Each has a characteristic that attracts a certain type of people.


    This machine is also known as a roller machine. He represents himself a flat and level structure that lifts slightly off the ground if necessary. There are 3 rollers installed across it, two of them are at the back, and the third is at the front.

    The rear wheel is placed between the rollers located at the back, and the front wheel is abutted against the roller at the front of the machine. It turns out that, when a person pedals, not only the wheels are spinning, but also these very rollers.

    Such a device allows you to simulate driving on a regular road without any problems.

    To change the load during training, a special belt can be fixed between the rollers. As it tightens, the load will increase. Another feature of this simulator is the complete absence of any support. Sitting on a bicycle, a person must independently maintain balance and constantly pedal. Otherwise, it will simply fall. This is what makes it different from a simple exercise bike.

    Although the design looks too simple, it really fits perfectly for training. Therefore, such a bike is appreciated even by professional triathletes. Using a roller bike station, you can simulate trips not only on a regular road, but also off-road. So even those preparing for road cycling will appreciate it.


    For those who are not very good at cycling, it is better to choose this design. This bike rack is more like a regular exercise machine. While riding it, you will not need to keep balance all the time, as well as constantly pedaling.

    There are several varieties of these designs.

    • Air trainer considered the most inexpensive model. The base is complemented by flywheel blades that slow down as the pedals are turned. The faster the pedals rotate, the greater the resistance. But this model has several disadvantages. First of all, this is a very high noise level. In addition, the load, although manually adjusted, cannot be too heavy.
    • Magnetic Trainer compares favorably with air in that it does not create unnecessary noise during operation. It works by attaching magnets to the bicycle wheel. With their help, you can adjust the degree of load. The price for such models is slightly higher.
    • Liquid Trainer is the quietest and most expensive bike station. It works by using a liquid, for example, a special synthetic oil.It is this trainer that most successfully imitates cycling.

    Manufacturers overview

    Today, many manufacturers are engaged in the production of such structures. Therefore, those who are looking for a suitable model for themselves should pay attention to the most popular products.

    Magnetic Turbo

    To begin with, you can familiarize yourself with models that are relatively inexpensive. The cost of a typical bike rack from this brand is 10 thousand rubles. It is good because it has 6 levels of load at once. Almost any bike can be installed on such a structure. The kit, in addition to everything you need, may also include a stand for the front wheel.

    It should be noted that the same company is also engaged in the production of cheaper models. Therefore, you can choose something more affordable for yourself.

    In'Ride 100

    The company "Decathlon", which produces various sports goods, can offer customers a large number of bike stands at an affordable price. So, this model costs only 6-7 thousand rubles. On the basis of the trainer, you can install bicycles with wheels of 26-28 inches. There are several levels of workout that allow you to make your workouts more or less intense.


    Powerful enough as well as convenient direct drive magnetic bicycle machine... Its cost varies within 25 thousand rubles. This is a modern model. It can work with a special application that is installed either on a tablet or on a smartphone. With the help of a special flywheel, the drive power can be increased.


    This model is already a roller machine for bicycles. Its price is within 11 thousand rubles. This bike rack differs from other models in that it has a small foot platform based on this design. Also provided the ability to adjust the load.

    For installation, you can use bicycles with wheels, the size of which varies between 25-29 inches.


    When buying bicycle racks, special attention should be paid to the products manufactured by this particular company. The price for all of their products is quite high, however, this is quite justified. The brand is receiving good reviews and is constantly evolving. The company is trying to translate into reality all the newest ideas and computerize its bike racks.

    The price for Tacx Cosmos is within 50 thousand rubles. The machine can be integrated with a computer and with other multimedia systems. It is very convenient to use it. However, if such a modern model seems too expensive, you can pay attention to some more affordable products from the same brand. In terms of their quality, they are no worse.

    A great option for those looking for a more affordable machine would be the Tacx Satori Smart model. Its cost is within $ 400. But this is only in America - in European countries you can buy it for $ 250. Of course, you won't be able to control the bike station wirelessly, but you can still get the necessary information about the load level using an application such as Polar.

    How to choose?

    When choosing a machine for a bicycle, you must definitely pay attention to some details, which determine how successful your workout will be, and how comfortable your family will feel at this time.

    You need to pay attention even to such trifles as noise level. There are noisy models that annoy both the person who trains and everyone around him. It is better to test the noise level before buying. It is worth asking a consultant about it.

    Before going to the store or looking for the right model on the Internet, you need to determine the type of machine for yourself in advance. For professionals, it is best to buy roller models.

    Amateurs can choose a trainer for themselves, on which it is much easier to train... It is a pleasure to ride it.

    You must definitely pay attention to the fact how many load levels there are. You also need to understand whether it is possible to additionally regulate it using special applications. Before you place an order or draw up documents, you need to clarify whether there is a guarantee for the purchased product. Usually, most manufacturers give their products a warranty for a period of one or two years.

    In addition, an important role in the choice is played by the fact who is the manufacturer of the selected products... Companies that have been producing machine tools for many years can offer better quality products.

    Summing up, we can say that the modern bike rack is suitable for more intense home workouts. It will give you the opportunity, even in the cold season, not to lose your cycling skills and always stay in shape.

    About what a bike station is, see below.

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