Bicycle accessories

How to choose a bicycle cable lock?

How to choose a bicycle cable lock?
  1. Reliable protection
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Anti-theft mechanism with alarm
  4. Criterias of choice

Today, the bicycle is considered one of the most popular types of transport, regardless of the status of the person. This two-wheeled vehicle is convenient, comfortable and, most importantly, does not require fuel.

But, despite all of the above, there is one problem that the owners of this vehicle often face - it is theft. Unfortunately, it is bicycles that are most often the target of thieves. However, there is an effective method that will help protect your "iron horse" - this is a cable lock. Let's figure out what types of such a device exist, and how to choose it correctly.

Reliable protection

A cable lock is one of the most reliable, popular and frequently used mechanisms to protect your bike from theft.

There is a wide range of similar products, differing from each other according to different criteria.

  • Material from which it is made. Most often, manufacturers of cable locks use polymer rubber, which is durable and thick. This material is quite flexible and easy to use. It is thanks to these characteristics that it will be difficult for a hijacker, for example, to cut the lock with a knife.
  • Rope thickness. This is of great importance, because the thicker it is, the more reliable it is. If you choose a thin copy, be prepared for the fact that it will not fully protect the transport.
  • Cable length, which is short in most cases... Short and long cable locks are available on the modern bike protection market. The short one is used to attach directly to the wheel or to some kind of support.If this type of lock is used, it is advisable not to leave the bike unattended for a long time. But a long cable is already more stable and reliable protection. Its length can reach two meters, which makes it possible to install the mechanism not only on the wheel, but also on the frame, which will provide more reliable protection.
  • The type of device that closes the cable. Lever, combination or cylinder locks can be installed. The lever opens with a special flat key and is considered quite burglar-proof. Using the combination lock, you need to come up with and memorize a combination of four numbers.

Remember, no matter what cable lock you use, and what degree of protection the manufacturer has promised you, you should not leave your bike unattended for a long time.

    Experienced thieves have learned to open locking devices of any complexity in a very short time.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A cable lock, like any other anti-theft device, has its pros and cons.

    So, the advantages of the device include:

    • ease and ease of use;
    • flexibility;
    • high level of security;
    • using a cable lock, it is possible to protect individual elements of the bike.

      Speaking about the shortcomings, I would like to point out a number of factors.

      • Cannot be used as a primary defense mechanism.
      • If you live or drive in hazardous areas, this lock is not recommended. The cable mechanism can be easily broken - it can be opened in a matter of seconds with a bolt cutter.
      • Does not guarantee maximum protection.
      • Visually, the cable lock is quite strong and thick, but very often manufacturers do not think about its inner part, which is presented in the form of an ordinary cable. The latter is very thin, and it is easy to bite it with a special tool.

        As you can see, cable bike locks have many positive and negative qualities. Whether or not to buy this mechanism is a matter of the user's choice, but it is imperative to take into account both the pros and cons.

        Anti-theft mechanism with alarm

        Today, the alarm is used not only in cars or apartments, but also installed on a bicycle.

        The cable anti-theft device, which was described in detail above, can be equipped with a special siren, the operation of which will give the owner the opportunity to understand that someone is planning "villainy".

        Such a model is in demand among the consumer, because the presence of an alarm provides many advantages:

        • its loud and unpleasant sound will scare off any thief;
        • the locking device is made more efficiently and reliably;
        • guarantees safety.

        Setting up an alarm is easy, you just need to:

        • Set password;
        • adjust the response accuracy;
        • adjust the audio signal level.

        There are both expensive alarm models on the market, which have a wider range of possibilities, and budget options. The latter react only to sound and movement, but there is no way to adjust the sensitivity. And also a cheap option in most cases cannot be controlled remotely.

        An expensive and high-quality alarm is a completely different matter. Such a device is characterized by:

        • vandal-proof design;
        • precise settings;
        • remote control;
        • response when trying to break the lock or mechanical intervention.

        Remember, even if a cable lock with alarms is installed on your "iron horse", the main part of the responsibility for the safety of the property lies with you.

        Criterias of choice

        The choice of a bicycle cable lock to protect against theft should be approached very responsibly and seriously, realizing that it depends on it whether a burglar can steal your vehicle. There are some important criteria to consider.

        • The cost of the device. Experts and professionals say that the price of a lock should be at least 5-10% of the cost of the bike itself.
        • Manufacturer. Consider who made the castle. It is best to choose a well-known, high-quality and reliable company, whose activities are directly related to the production of not only locks, but also the bicycles themselves.
        • Functionality mechanism.
        • Visual specifications.
        • Availability additional functions, eg alarms.
        • Locking device type... Experts say that it is better to give preference to a mechanism with a combination lock.

          It is advisable to be guided by those in which area of ​​the city you live, and if possible, familiarize yourself with the statistics of thefts in your locality.

          You can get a detailed understanding of the mechanism and its characteristics by looking at the factory box. It is on it that all the detailed information about the device should be indicated and, necessarily, the degree of security that it guarantees.

          How to choose a bike lock, see below.

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