Bicycle accessories: what are there and how to choose?

The bicycle as a means of transportation is becoming more and more popular. But to ride it comfortably, you need some accessories. There are many such attributes now, and they are becoming more and more in demand.

Simple essential accessories
All bicycle accessories can be conditionally subdivided into the necessary, which are constantly used, attributes for the safety of cyclists and modern electronics.
It is impossible to foresee all unexpected situations, but every cyclist must have a certain necessary set of bicycle accessories. Such a kit should include several items.

Bicycle Pump
It is necessary to pump up a flat tire at any time. Typically the pump has attachments to secure it to the frame, and many bicycles have a space for this.
For amateurs, the usual hand-held model will do.
Professional riders require a large pump that can pump up the wheels in a matter of seconds.
Such models have a pressure gauge that shows the pressure in the wheels, which is very important for high-speed racing.

When choosing a pump, universal models should be preferred, suitable for any type of chamber.
Cycling first aid kit
It includes basic spare parts and basic repair tools. Usually, a first-aid kit consists of a set of hexagons and the most commonly used screwdrivers, with which you can carry out elementary repairs, elimination of minor breakdowns. It can also be supplemented with a knife and a chain wringer.
There is also a special set, called a multi-key, which includes this entire tool. Such a set is convenient because it is compact and takes up little space.
When choosing a bicycle first aid kit, you should pay attention to the presence of a kit for gluing punctures in the chamber and a plastic spatula for mounting tires... However, some punctures cannot be repaired, so it is recommended that you also have a spare chamber.

Bicycle thefts are quite common. When leaving the bike unattended, it should be locked with a padlock to prevent theft. Locks are available with a chain, without it and with a cable.
Ordinary metal chains are fragile and can be easily cut with a hacksaw. You should only leave your bike with this lock for a short time. Chains made of a special alloy and with a link of complex configuration are distinguished by good strength: they are extremely difficult to cut. Locks with a cable are lighter and more convenient to use.
It is recommended to purchase a lock with a coiled cable: with a long cable length, it takes up little space.

When choosing a castle the length of the chain or rope must also be taken into account: it must be such that it is possible to block not only the frame, but also the wheel. Several useful attributes should be acquired to ensure comfort while cycling.
Bottle holder and cup holder
These devices are designed to hold containers with liquid - flasks, bottles, glasses, thermos. They allow the cyclist to quench his thirst without stopping. The cup holder is usually fixed to the handlebars, while the bottle cage can also be placed on a rack under the seat and on the trunk.

Handlebar horns or grips
They are designed to provide a secure grip on the hands and handlebars. The versatility of this accessory makes it indispensable for a comfortable ride.
Hands get very tired during long trips. Horns make it possible to change the position of the hands, due to which tension is relieved from some muscles, redistributing to others.
They can also save hands when falling, and when climbing uphill, you can increase the pedaling by applying a wider grip with your hands, which is important for mountain bikes. Most often, grips are made of rubber, which does not conduct heat well, which allows you to create thermal comfort for your hands.

Fenders on wheels
They are needed to protect the bike and cyclist from contamination by splashing mud flying out from under the wheels. There are many models of this attribute: plastic, quick-release models and fixed to the frame; elongated metal-plastic wheels with wide coverage; metal constants.
For a mountain bike, wings of a slightly shorter length and a different shape are used, corresponding to this type of bike. They can be easily installed and removed thanks to a special mechanism.
Consider the design of your bike when choosing these accessories.

Trunk, bike bag
They are optional accessories for the bike, but they make it easier to transport your luggage. When choosing a luggage carrier, you need to take into account the dimensions and weight of the items to be transported. The 4-point model is capable of supporting up to 50 kg, and the lightweight (up to 4 kg) can be carried in the trunk, which is installed on the seatpost.
Bicycle bags differ in design and also come in different sizes - from 5 to 85 liters... Monobauls with straps are considered the most comfortable, which makes it possible to use them as a backpack. The bike bags can be attached either to the frame or under the seat.

The bicycle basket is also convenient. It is quite roomy and has straps that fix things, preventing them from falling out while driving.
Cycling clothing
Riding comfort is highly dependent on clothing.It should be made of quality material that allows air to pass through well and allows the body to breathe, dry quickly and have thermoregulatory properties.
Cycling equipment includes such specific clothing accessories as a cycling T-shirt that can wick moisture away and dry quickly, breeches (shorts) with a built-in lining that absorbs sweat and protects from inconvenience while riding, socks with a reflector, a jacket with signal lights.
LEDs sewn into the sleeves are activated when moving. When they raise their hands, they indicate to other participants in the movement about their intention to make a turn to the left or right.

Useful electronics
The advancement of modern technology makes it possible to greatly expand the potential of the bicycle. There are many different devices for this.
Bike computer
It is a bike odometer and speedometer. Such a device is necessary for high-speed skiing in order to monitor the progress of the workout. This multifunctional device will allow you to monitor both the current and average and maximum speed, determine the travel time, as well as the total and daily mileage.
The device makes it possible to actually calculate the forces, determine the amount of energy expended, and schedule long runs.
There are also universal gadgets that have simultaneously the functions of a navigator, fitness tracker, anti-theft system, backlight and even a music center.

Bicycle GPS Navigator
Such a device is essential for cyclists making long journeys over long unfamiliar distances. The touch screen will indicate the current location of the bike, route, speed.
There are different, slightly different models of navigators. For example, the Schwinn Cyclenav model, informing the route, directly sends a signal to the cyclist's phone using normal sound and a screen.

Bicycle battery generator
The device generates and stores energy, from which gadgets, phones and other devices are charged. The speed of charging it depends on the speed of the bike, and most effectively it occurs at a speed of 20 km / h, although the process begins already at a speed of 5 km / h.
The body of such a device has a waterproof coating, and it is usually installed on a wheel.

Bicycle Radar Backtracker
The device has 2 blocks: gadgets, one of which is mounted on the handlebars, and the other on the seatpost. The front gadget shows an approaching vehicle from a distance of 140 meters.
The rear block houses an ARM processor and a radar system.
It can also function as a conventional side light.

Bicycle Camcorder
The mirror may not always give a sufficient view of the background of the road. The camcorder easily copes with this task. One of the best models is the Hexagon, which is mounted behind the saddle.
Having received a picture from the gadget, she then transfers it to her smartphone. The smart device also performs unusual functions: it monitors the well-being of the cyclist, records the distance traveled, sends the video of the trip directly to the Internet, and reports the accident to the rescue services.
The camera body has built-in bright LEDs that serve as flashlights at night.

Anti-theft systems
There are many different models of this device. BikeSpike System, which, in fact, is a GPS beacon, looks like a regular holder for a water container, and it can be used in this capacity as well. The device is installed on the frame.
When attempting to steal, the device emits a loud sound, drawing attention to itself. Along with the signal, the owner's phone receives a message about the theft, indicating the location of the bike on the smartphone screen.
Another anti-theft agent considered to be more reliable are GPS pedals and GPRS pedals... A feature of the device is that it is impossible to remove your feet from the pedals without a special key.In addition to indicating the location of the bike, they also perform the function of a fitness tracker: they take into account the kilometers of the path and the calories spent at the same time, indicate the jumps in speeds and differences in altitude.

Cycling Safety Accessories
Cyclist safety is very important. There are many things you need to do to provide it.
Cycling gloves
In the event of a fall, the cyclist reflexively stretches his arms forward, with the palms being the first to be injured. Gloves will help prevent this. In addition, gloved hands do not rub against the steering wheel or calluses.
Cycling gloves are of 2 types - short with open fingertips, which are used in summer, and long, covering the entire wrist: they are suitable for winter and protect from frost and wind. The palm on the gloves is usually made of natural or artificial, but high-quality leather, and the upper part is made of spandex, lycra or other material that can allow air and moisture to pass through.
When buying, trying on gloves, you should clench your fingers into a fist: while gloves should not press on your fingers. It is better to choose bright models: they are more noticeable when signaling when driving.

Bike helmet
It is the most essential piece of equipment for a cyclist. It is designed to protect the head from injury from a fall. A quality helmet is made of foam that has no elastic properties. Replacing the helmet is necessary if he even experienced a blow once, since he may not withstand a second blow.
A mountain bike helmet has a slightly different design. The body is made of a resilient material that can regain its shape after impact. Therefore, it can be used repeatedly after light falls.
When choosing a helmet, you need to remember that it should be lightweight, but durable, and have good ventilation.

Goggles are necessary because during movement the eyes often suffer from the ingress of midges, dust particles, and also from the wind. Bicycle goggles differ from ordinary sunglasses in their streamlined shape, the presence of rubber liners and a tighter fit on the face.
Glasses are more comfortable, and you can change lenses. In cloudy weather, ordinary transparent glasses are suitable, in sunny weather - dark glasses, and in fog - orange or light green. The lenses of such glasses do not break into small fragments upon impact, which means they cannot damage the eyes.

For mountain bikes, models with light-sensitive glasses that react to light are the best option. They can be used both in sunny and cloudy weather.
Knee pads
This accessory is optional. But it is necessary for cyclists engaged in extreme types of riding with the performance of stunts.

Bicycle Light Components
Such attributes are necessary, and their set is set by the SDA. They include a front light and a rear flasher. Lanterns ensure safe traffic at night.
According to the rules, a white lamp is installed in front, and a red marker at the back. Under no circumstances should the lights be replaced with reflective elements. The range of front lights is quite large: they differ in power, operating mode, and the presence of batteries.
More powerful lights are essential for night riders. For mountain bikes, choose a lamp with a wide beam diffusion radius to safely ride on unfamiliar roads.
The rear marker lights are red to indicate the presence of the bike on the road. The difference between the rear lights is the main flashing mode.

Luminous Stickers
They can be placed all over the bike, and at night they are additional elements that make the bike more visible on the road. Reflective elements should also be worn on clothing.

It is believed that mirrors are not quite a necessary attribute. However, they make it easier to move in traffic.At speed, it is inconvenient to turn back, and this is necessary when making turns. In the presence of a mirror, this need disappears, since you can see the situation on the road in it.

Steering wheel signal
It is needed for sound warning of the approach of the bike to other road users. Signals can be of various types: a regular bell, a horn, a buzzer.

What kind of decorations are needed?
Every cyclist wants his bike not only to fulfill its purpose, but also to look beautiful.
You can decorate your bike in different ways:
- stickers on the frame and steering wheel;
- decorative decoration with ribbons, artificial flowers, multi-colored wire, flags;
- painting in a different color of the bike body;
- decorating knitting needles;
- lighting design.

The bike has a spectacular look if you put multi-colored LED strips on the wheels. They not only decorate the bike, but also make it very visible at night. Such backlighting can be constant, blinking and with different operating modes.
The wheels can also be fitted with glowing stickers and reflectors. The spokes of your bike can be wrapped in colorful drinking straws or wrapped in colored wire.
There are a lot of possibilities for decorating a bicycle, you just need to show your imagination and ingenuity.
You will learn how to choose accessories for your bike in the next video.