Bicycle accessories

All about bike locks

All about bike locks
  1. Purpose and requirements
  2. Varieties
  3. Locking device types
  4. Mounting methods
  5. Popular manufacturers

Today bicycles are an indispensable means of transport for a modern person: they allow you to move quickly both in the city and beyond. Essential accessories for any bike are not only a pump, chain lubricant or repair kit, but also reliable anti-theft equipment. This article will consider all the important information about bicycle locks: about the types of such devices, the effectiveness of certain types and the rules for their selection.

Purpose and requirements

With the development of cycling and the increase in the number of bicycles on city streets, the question arises of how to protect them from intruders and thieves. Despite this, bicycle locks of any type today fulfill several key functions at once.

  • Protective function. The main reason for buying a bicycle lock for every owner is to simply protect their vehicle from theft. In the manufacture of high-quality bike locks, most options for breaking the lock or violating the integrity of the device are provided. With the correct fastening of the lock, this allows you to detain a thief for stealing a bicycle as long as possible and reduce the likelihood of burglary.
  • Fixing function. Good bike locks can not only protect your vehicle, but also secure it in a good position. Thanks to this, you can safely leave your bike in any convenient place and not be afraid that it will fall or roll somewhere.
  • Decorative function. Every cycling enthusiast tries to be as careful as possible to his two-wheeled friend and to monitor his appearance. Today in sports shops you can find bicycle locks in a wide variety of designs and designs - this will allow the owner to choose a lock model that matches the color and design.

For bicycle locks, depending on their type, certain minimum requirements for strength and key parameters are imposed.

  • Rope. Regardless of the brand of the bike lock, it is recommended to buy models with a length of 80 cm or more and a diameter of 7 mm. In large, densely populated cities, it is desirable to increase the diameter indicators, but the flexibility of the castle will suffer in this case.
  • Chain... The diameter requirements for bicycle locks of this format are identical as for cable models - at least 7 mm of link thickness. Additional conditions: the chain itself must be short-link with through hardening.

It is imperative to have a protective cover both for the chain itself and for the device (silicone or rubberized options will be best) - otherwise, the formation of scratches from the chain throughout the bike is inevitable.

  • U-shaped (also called U-Lock). The minimum requirements for the metal shackle are a diameter of 10 mm, double-sided fixation and through hardening. It is advisable to use models with short brackets - this will bring you a lot of trouble with the selection of a place, but it will complicate the work of an attacker with his tools because of the tight-fitting bracket to the bicycle frame.
  • Lamellar. In this case, the requirements are rather advisory in nature - from 80 cm in girth and from 5 mm in thickness of hardened steel segments.


A little higher we got acquainted a little with the common types of bike locks, then a detailed overview of each of the types will be presented. You will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of certain devices and determine for yourself which of the varieties is best for you.


Bike cable locks are considered classic defenses against thieves and intruders. Most often, such devices are called cable locks, since they are made of steel cables and have increased flexibility, which is their main advantage.

With the help of such a lock with a girth of no more than 1.5 m, you can easily wrap a whole bike and reach those places where, for example, U-shaped models cannot be used.

Let's consider the main advantages of such bike locks.

  • Relatively low cost - from $ 3-5 per piece.
  • Increased flexibility and long length.
  • The ability to protect several bicycles at once.
  • Low weight in comparison with other types of devices (from 300 g). You can easily carry it with you in a backpack, or attach it to the bike itself.
  • The rubberized cable does not spoil the appearance of the frame and does not leave any scratches.


  • considered the most unsafe option for long-term parking;
  • most of the models can be easily cut with a bolt cutter;
  • a simplified lock mechanism in budget models that is easy to break.

Despite their excellent flexibility, these locks are commonly used as additional protection in long parking or drive-in areas.

It is recommended to use such models when fixing the wheels, and leave the frame guard in the U-shaped or chain versions.

Professional cyclists prefer not to use these locks in long stands. Almost any steel cables, even rubberized ones, can be easily cut with working pliers or a bolt cutter within 3-4 minutes.

It is precisely because of such a low degree of protection that these models are recommended to be used only on short parking lots - during shopping trips, for example.

If cable devices are the most convenient option for you, but you often leave your bike outside your home for a long time, you should buy a model of such a lock with a thickness of at least 1.8 cm. It's okay if the braiding is included in the thickness indicators - it will also make biting much more difficult for most instruments.

As an additional security accessory, such locks can be equipped with an alarm system, which will inform about attempts to break the mechanism or bite the cable. Models with an installed alarm are also called sound or smart. Unfortunately, the signaling mechanism can also be damaged, which negates its usefulness.


These devices are triple hardened galvanized anti-theft chains, usually tightly braided. An obvious plus of such models is that the reinforcing shears will be absolutely useless against them. Such a bike lock will be able to eat only a massive meter bolt cutter, which not every thief will have with him. Despite the relative reliability of such a lock, it is not worth leaving the bike under its protection for a long time. Some thieves can be quite persistent to just saw through the links of the device.

Pros of chain locks:

  • a high-quality hardened chain is extremely difficult to saw through, as well as damage;
  • medium flexibility, which allows you to leave the bike in any convenient place;
  • good length, thanks to which it is possible to mount two bicycles at once.


  • overpriced for high-quality models - from $ 15;
  • strong and high-quality chains weigh at least 1.5 kg, which makes it difficult to transport the chain in a backpack or on a bicycle;
  • the need to use a braid for the chain so as not to harm the appearance of the bike.

There are 2 versions of chain bike locks: with built-in and padlocks. Directly locking mechanisms can be either with a code or with keys.

If you prefer key options, it is worth choosing a model with a disc mechanism. They are much more complex than pin cylinders and respond adequately to adverse weather conditions (rain, frost and mud).

When using this bike lock, a lot depends on the material for making the links. Today, titanium coated chain models are gaining popularity.


Today bike locks of this type are extremely common both in Europe and in the USA - there they are considered the safest and most reliable anti-theft protection for a bicycle. Recently, one can observe the spread of these bike locks among Russian cyclists.

The principle of operation and design of these units is very simple: the lock is a hardened bracket with a thickness of at least 10 mm, as well as the cylindrical body itself with a built-in lock. The brace is threaded around the support, while gripping the bike frame and one of the wheels, then the end of the bracket is placed into the locking mechanism and snaps into place. In the premium type models, there are disc-type locking mechanisms.

Pros of a U-lock:

  • considered the most reliable type of bicycle lock;
  • expensive models are equipped with a special anti-theft cable;
  • relatively low weight - starting from 0.7 kg;
  • the bike lock is easy to transport, can be attached to the bike with a holder;
  • the ability to install a vinyl or rubber braid.


  • complete lack of flexibility, impossibility of attachment to units with a large diameter or thickness;
  • impossibility of fastening two bicycles at the same time;
  • not the lowest price in comparison with cable models - from $ 60;
  • unreliable and easy to pick locks in cheap models.

An alarm can also be installed in bike locks of this type; a cylinder with a locking mechanism can be either braided or reinforced.

In Europe, variants of such a lock, both key and coded, are popular.


This type of bike assembly has been designed to overcome the shortcomings of chain and U-lock locks.These locks are distinguished by good flexibility and compactness, but they do not show themselves well in protecting a bicycle near thick posts and trees - the length of such a lock is simply not enough for this. By design, such a lock consists of hardened steel segments connected to each other. Most often, the thickness of such segments is no more than 5-6 mm. The peculiarity of such models in the method of attachment to the support - they must grip with a high tension to make it difficult for a thief to use any wire cutters.

Pros of plate or segment models:

  • good flexibility for metal construction;
  • high reliability in conjunction with another lock;
  • compactness - almost all such models fold very quickly, which facilitates their transportation;
  • light weight;
  • there is a possibility of rubber coating.


  • less reliable than chain or U-lock locks;
  • there is no possibility of fastening to thick supports, 2 bicycles cannot be fastened;
  • increased cost - from $ 30 or more.

Wheel blockers

There are about 5 different types of bicycle wheel locks. Some are mounted on disc brakes, while others are fitted to the wheel or coupled to the frame. Unfortunately, all such devices have one significant drawback - they must be used in addition to some kind of lock, since nothing will prevent a thief from simply taking the bike with him or loading it into the car.

In addition to the bicycle locks described above, the Kevlar bicycle unit (made on the basis of steel and Kevlar) is gaining popularity today. These devices are adjustable lightweight straps with a combination lock.

Locking device types

Locking devices for modern cable bike locks can be both based on a code mechanism and based on standard keys.

Full construction

It is understood here that the locking device is pin cylinder or disc mechanism. The second variant of bicycle locks is considered preferable - these locks are much more difficult to open and are resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Turnkey bicycle locks are more reliable in design than models with a code block - a cylindrical case, in which such a lock is placed, is usually well strengthened and does not lend itself to physical impact. However, if we talk about the cons, turnkey locks can be broken by persistent thieves who are not too lazy to pick up master keys for them.

With code block

Models of units of this type are considered a real godsend for people with poor memory - the code bicycle lock will never be lost, the keys to such a lock cannot be forgotten somewhere, because they are not there. All that is required of the owner is to memorize a specific 3- or 4-digit code. Such models also have disadvantages - devices with a code are not as strong against physical impact as turnkey models. Besides, A cyclist in a hurry to work or to the store may simply forget to change the code before leaving the bike.

As a rule, the option of buying a key or code unit refers specifically to cable types of bicycle locks, but recently both fastening systems have begun to be used in the manufacture of all types of locks.

Mounting methods

Half of the success with any bike lock is securing it correctly. Useful tips from experienced cyclists will help you position the device correctly, protecting your bike from theft as much as possible.

  • At the time of fastening the device, try to bend around the frame with the lock. If only the wheel is protected by the lock in the mount, an attacker can safely disconnect it and leave, taking the rest of the bike.
  • The unit should not be anchored directly above the ground - this will give the thief additional leverage when using the bolt cutter.The same goes for attaching the lock to the upper frame - by intelligently using the pressure from the frame itself, the thief will be able to simply break the lock device. Try to wrap the padlock around the lowest frame or frame that is responsible for securing the seat.
  • Position the machine so that it is as less exposed as possible to a potential burglar. For example, if we are talking about a U-Lock lock, then it will be most advantageous if the bracket covers as many frame components as possible and the wheel itself, and does not stick out above the ground. Try to 100% load the space inside the staple, but make sure you can remove the lock yourself later.
  • In the case of turnkey models, the hole with the key mechanism should be positioned so that it looks down. This will make it less convenient for a thief to break into a device.

Below you can find the most popular ways to attach a bike lock to a bike. Experienced cyclists recommend using exactly two locks when securing bicycles on the street - one for attaching frame components, one for wheels.

  • Two U-lock locks. One lock covers the seat frame and rear wheel, the next one covers the lower frame and front wheel.
  • U-lock and chain. The first one grabs the seatpost and rear wheel, the second one grabs the top, front wheel and support.
  • U-lock and cable... The first one covers the seat frame, support and rear wheel, while the cable connects the U-lock and the front wheel.
  • The Sheldon method... In this case, only one U-lock lock is used - the unit is placed directly in the frame triangle and connects the wheel and the vertical support. The advantage of this method is that an attacker, even by unscrewing the wheel, will not be able to take it away with him without damaging the bike.

Popular manufacturers

We offer a rating of the most popular manufacturers of quality bike locks.

  • Abus. This manufacturer is not limited to the production of specific models of bicycle locks: they produce cable, folding, U-locks, chain locks, as well as high quality locks. Among the U-lock locks of this brand, the models of the Abus Granit series are the most popular. Of the chain options of locks, the Lock-Chain Combination Granit CityChain X-Plus 1060 model shows itself well.

The most reliable folding lock models of this brand are the Folding Lock Bordo 6000 Twin Set and Folding Lock Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500.

  • Cyclotech... The trademark of this brand is their quality coded bicycle locks, but the company also produces chain, cable and U-lock locks. Users of the products of this company note both the durability and reliability of the products, and the high cost of high-quality models of locks.
  • Kryptonite. One of the few firms that is engaged in the production of locks not only for bicycles, but also for other vehicles. U-lock locks from this brand are distinguished by a pleasant design, vinyl coating and an oval shape of the bracket. The company manufactures 3 types of protective units: U-lock, cable and chain. In addition to standard bike locks, the company is engaged in the production of durable anti-theft cables.
  • Knog. Bicycle locks from this brand are extremely popular among cyclists who see cycling not only as sports, but also as an opportunity for aesthetic pleasure. The locks of this company, despite their high cost, have an original and minimalist appearance. The company is not fixated on the production of certain types of locks. Today you can find all types of bike locks of this brand: folding, U-lock, chain and cable.
  • "Bulat". One of the most popular bicycle locks in Russia. Differs in increased protection against theft, well protected from the negative effects of adverse weather conditions. Due to the special composition of flexible hardened steel, such locks are extremely difficult to bite or saw. As a rule, when mentioning models of this brand, we mean models of a cable or chain type with a sheath.Here, both a turnkey lock and a coded version can be used.

The obvious advantage of such models, unlike others, is the relatively low cost and great flexibility.

Selection Tips

There are a number of factors to consider when purchasing a particular model of bike lock.

  • Lock length. Keep in mind that not every building is now equipped with a convenient bicycle parking, where you can use even the shortest lock without any problems. Try to choose options for bike locks with a length of at least 80 cm, a length of 1.5 m should be enough to guard 2 bicycles.
  • Thickness. Some cyclists are of the opinion that the thicker the cable or chain in the lock, the more difficult it will be to bite it with a bolt cutter, but it is worth remembering that the thickness affects the flexibility of the unit.
  • Quality, strength and hardening of steel. How quickly thieves can cut through your castle will depend on these parameters.
  • Price. It is also an important factor, but remember that it will be cheaper to buy an expensive, but high-quality lock than to be left without a bike at all.
  • Goals. Before choosing a particular castle, decide why you need it. If you plan to ride from time to time and occasionally go to shops for groceries on a bike, then it will be more profitable to stay on budget options for locks. If you are a frequent cyclist, often in the city or outside, it would be more prudent to choose a more expensive model of a bicycle lock.

All about bike locks, see the next video.

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