Aist bicycles: model range and selection criteria

Nowadays, a good bike, and even at an affordable price, is rightly considered a real godsend. Some of the representatives of the older generation, who still remember the two-wheeled transport of the Soviet years, longingly remember the Aist bicycles. If you thought that they have been gone for a long time, we have good news for you: the manufacturer is still continuing to release them.

The Aist bicycle (recently it is correct to write its name in Latin letters) has been known to the consumer in our country since ancient times, because production was started back in 1947, and then 6 thousand bicycles were immediately sold. The company grew rapidly and in three years of operation was able to sell 100 thousand units of two-wheeled vehicles. Already in 1955, sales volumes increased to 400 thousand units annually, and soon the brand became cramped in the market even of such a huge country as the USSR. In 1963, a two-wheeled vehicle, now decorated with Latin letters, went for export for the first time.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, production and sales decreased significantly, which was caused by increased competition in the market, but for its now quite small country, the firm remains a source of pride.

Today, as in all previous decades, the production of Aist bicycles is located in Belarus. LLC MotoVeloZavod, as the name implies, is engaged in the production of two-wheeled vehicles of both pedal and motor types.The Minsk Motorcycle and Bicycle Plant has two specific features: firstly, almost all known types of bicycles are made here, from classic children's bicycles to mountain and road bicycles, and secondly, they all belong to the budget category, which has always been appreciated in our country. It should be noted that the modern Aist remains Belarusian only in terms of assembly, while most of the frames are purchased in China.

However, many important components are supplied by leading enterprises in their industry, which every cyclist has heard of, for example, the same Shimano provides supplies of attachments, as well as brakes and chains for some models.
At one time, such bicycles were highly valued among ordinary Soviet citizens for their extreme simplicity of design, and, consequently, for simple maintenance and repair. Today the enterprise is very far from the peak 400 thousand bicycles per year, but even with the current volume of 70 thousand units of two-wheeled vehicles, the brand continues to be an export brand every year, delighting also Russian cyclists.

Advantages and disadvantages
The modern bicycle market is very rich in various offers, and the task of the future owner of a two-wheeled vehicle is to choose the right model for himself, but also the manufacturer. It should be admitted that even under a desperate onslaught from world-famous manufacturers, Aist managed to resist, and all because most of its key advantages have remained relevant since Soviet times. Today, having given preference to the products of the Belarusian brand, you have every right to count on the following advantages of a perfect purchase.

Simplicity of design
Known fact: the fewer nodes and parts in the mechanism, the less often it breaks. However, breakdowns with one frequency or another are typical for absolutely any mechanisms, and in the case of the Aist, you can try to repair it even on your own, because there is nothing complicated about this bike.

Spare parts availability
Since we are talking about the need for periodic maintenance and repair, the question arises of how to get spare parts. There are no problems with this - since production does not stop assembly work, it means that all components continue to be produced. Considering that Aist is not one of the overseas brands from far abroad and in many respects works for the Russian market, it is quite easy to get the necessary spare part.

Affordable cost
If you are not applying for top-class bicycles, which are one hundred percent "indestructible", but also worth accordingly, then for sure the products of a manufacturer who can combine good quality with loyal pricing fall into the circle of your interests. The foregoing characterizes Aist in the best possible way, because this is a Belarusian bicycle on a Chinese frame, and in these countries they usually do not "tear" at exorbitant prices.
In addition, Minsk, where the production of two-wheeled "horses" is established, is located relatively close to many densely populated regions of Russia, which means that the logistics component in the price is not so noticeable. In addition, due to the special relations between the Russian Federation and Belarus, crossing the interstate border also does not affect the cost in any way.

Good handling
At one time, two-wheeled products from Belarus captivated Soviet citizens also by the fact that the bicycles produced by the Minsk plant were distinguished by good handling - this made it possible to rely on their own transport, even if the route ran far from any adequate roads, and such routes in our country are still there are enough pores.
Today, many potential consumers mistakenly assume that the Aist has changed a lot by switching to Chinese frames, but in fact it is not - although only assembly takes place in Minsk, parts are still ordered according to the drawings of local designers.

Folding possibility
Back in 1977, the first Aist with a folding frame appeared, and since then the folding structure has become a kind of "trick" of the brand - most of the models have a frame that can become much more compact at the request of the owner. Given the distances that are typical for our country, in many cases the bicycle must first be ridden in the trunk of a private car or on public transport, before playing the role of transport itself.
In such a situation, the possibility of folding is considered nothing other than a solid advantage. The same feature, by the way, makes it easy to store a bicycle even in cramped Soviet apartments.

The disadvantages of these bicycles are also present, and to some they even seem significant, but in fact, it is not a matter of marriage or constructive miscalculations, but of the manufacturer's orientation towards a certain segment of cyclists. So, Aist, releasing all kinds of two-wheeled vehicles, focuses on the general consumer, therefore it produces mainly amateur models.
Such a bike is suitable for everyday riding, and in some cases, even for training at the beginner's level.
If you see yourself as a serious athlete, then such transport is unlikely to be useful to you.

Another important point is the strength and reliability of the modern "Aista"... It can be argued whether the price of bicycles from the world's leading manufacturers of bicycle transport is justified, but there are no miracles in the world, and the Belarusian “iron horse”, which costs a buyer a penny, is unlikely to be inherited by grandchildren. In principle, the simplicity and low cost of repairs largely neutralize this problem, But the situation here is about the same as with a car: when buying, a person wants to spend as much time as possible behind the wheel, and not at all under the hood.

In addition, some consumers also complain about the unreliable paintwork - soon after buying the bike, it loses its original attractive appearance. There are also complaints about poor assembly: in particular, the front and rear wheels may not form an integral line, which negatively affects the driving qualities of the vehicle.

Species overview
If you are a longtime fan of the products of the Minsk plant, then the advantages of Aist include an impressive variety of its assortment - you can recommend the brand to anyone looking for an inexpensive bike without being interested at all, what type of two-wheeled transport a person needs. Indeed, the modern Aist produces vehicles for every taste.
The diameter of the wheels and the height of the frame allow you to choose a child (including three-wheeled), teenager or adult version. There are no restrictions on the sex of the rider either - female models are produced in approximately equal quantities with male and "neutral" ones.

Let's briefly go through the main types of Belarusian-made bicycles that may be of interest to a potential consumer.
- Mountain bikes, as the name suggests, are built specifically for cross-country driving, although of course they're not completely useless in urban environments either. Although the Aist products cannot be considered full-fledged sports, all the characteristic features such as a more reliable frame, thick tires with aggressive tread and increased clearance are observed. The Minsk plant produces both lightweight hardtails without a rear suspension that feel every unevenness, but impetuous bullets and double suspensions, which have a more noticeable weight and lower speed, but effectively dampen the relief.
Neither one nor the other is suitable for professional training, but for those who like to simply ride outside the city will be very relevant.

- Road bikes all over the world are the most popular and in the case of Aist there is no exception to the rule. In technical terms, this is the simplest bike, sharpened mainly for riding on flat city roads.Attachments here are focused on urban conditions, for example, a typical configuration can be equipped with a lamp, bell and basket or trunk. It is a popular type of cycling transport for walking or regular commuting as an alternative to boring public transport.

- Road models, like road, are intended for roads of decent quality, but their purpose is somewhat different - they are adapted for high-speed movement along highways outside the city. The set of speed for such a bike is relatively simple, while the transport has a good coasting rate and maintains the pace of movement for a long time. All this is possible thanks to specific design features, including a "ram's horn" steering wheel, a lightweight frame of increased rigidity, narrow and maximally inflated tires.

- Folding bicycles Usually they are singled out as an independent category of two-wheeled vehicles, and this is logical: without an integral rigid frame, such a model is fundamentally unsuitable for solid loads, especially since Aist, in principle, cannot be considered a manufacturer with excellent build quality. The folding option is good for comfortable storage in a cramped home and cycling on public transport, but routes for riding should be chosen without difficult and shaky sections, and it is undesirable to accelerate.

- Female models in general, they duplicate all the above classes of bicycles, but have the specifics of the design, developed taking into account the anatomy of the female body. The most striking example is the absence of an upper tube at the frame at all, or its noticeable downward displacement, so as not to interfere with the fit of the girl, even if she is in a dress or skirt. Ladies' bikes usually have a special design that will appeal to any real lady.

- Teenage stories, like women, they are mainly analogs of the same adult models, only the frame and the diameter of the wheels are somewhat smaller. According to the generally accepted standard, teenage bicycles are designed for riders from 10 to 18 years old, both in height and in weight, but it is clear that this division is largely arbitrary - some of the children grow up so quickly that they must switch to an adult bike before they come of age. and some miniature adults at any age feel more comfortable behind the wheel of a compact teenage bike.

- Children's bicycles targeted at toddlers between the ages of 1 and 10. The frame and wheels are here, for obvious reasons, greatly reduced in size. To prevent painful falls during riding, many two-wheeled models are equipped with two additional quick-release wheels on the sides of the rear wheel - they do not allow the bike to roll, and can be removed after mastering the riding skills.

The best models and their characteristics
The lineup of the Belarusian manufacturer is impressive - whatever type of bike you want, it is probably presented in one of the lines. Our review will cover several models of Aist bikes. When compiling the list, we focused on the most recognizable and popular bicycles, but it may also happen that a bike that is not presented in the rating seems more convenient and practical to you.

One of the brand's most recognizable female models, referring to to the class of urban. The relatively new city bike on 26-inch wheels and a steel frame with a rigid front fork is decorated in pink. The package includes a front vibration brake and a rear foot brake, the chain is partially protected. The reliability of the frame is given by the presence of a second pipe, which is greatly underestimated here. To increase convenience, there is a basket.

A sample fat bike for those looking for a true two-wheeled SUV for riding on snow, sand or tall grass. The transport is equipped with large wheels with a diameter of 28 inches, the tires, as it should be for this type of bicycle, are wide and semi-deflated. Particularly soft off-road travel is ensured by the front oil-spring fork and disc brake hydraulics both at the front and at the rear. For finer control of the stroke, 10 speeds are provided.

One of the most recognizable Belarusian bicycle models, created specifically in order to teach a child from an early age to a simple rule: the roads are designed not so much so that you can drive there, but to limit your horizons. Mountain bike on 20-inch wheels does not have a pronounced "gender", but it is available in rigid versions (both forks are rigid, but the bike is a little lighter) and hardtail (front fork with shock absorption). The unit is aimed at tomboy aged 10-12 years, vibraleys are responsible for the safety of riding. There are options with both 1 speed and 6.

Foldable model for men and women, which, due to the "transitional" wheel diameter of 24 inches, can be considered both adult and teenage to the same extent. As is the case with many other models Aist, Smart is produced in different configuration options - there is a minimum one with a single rear brake and one speed, and there is an advanced version with a 7-speed gearbox and vibrating racks.

Perhaps it does not belong to the most common models of bicycles of the Minsk plant, but not including it on this list would be a real crime. It's no joke - this is a real cargo bike capable of carrying up to 40 kilograms of cargo in a basket located at the back of the seat!
It is clear that the banal two wheels in this situation would have to be heavy, and it is not easy to keep the balance with such a load, therefore the designers decided on an extraordinary move and made the adult bike a tricycle with a rather wide rear wheel arrangement, which still does not interfere with wading along narrow roads. A rigid front fork and 24 inches of wheel diameter are prerequisites, but the number of speeds can be chosen - there are 7 or 1 of them.

Can be considered the top road by Aist, it is even suitable for amateur competitions. The lightest aluminum frame, 28-inch wheels, rigid front forks and a choice of 16 or 22 speeds are the formula for an inexpensive yet fast two-wheeler for long-distance travel. Caliper brakes will be responsible for timely braking.

Criterias of choice
The process for choosing the perfect bike is long and complex, and in general, you shouldn't ignore any characteristics of the bike if you want it to fit you perfectly. Of course, the choice in favor of the budget Aist already means that you are not a very demanding person and, among all the advantages, not least of all appreciate the economy, but you need to understand at least the type of bike.
Before going to the store, give yourself a clear answer to the question of what purpose you need the bike for.
Forget about big sports and serious training right away - no matter how pathetic the Aist is called - mountain or fat bike, this is just the initial level.

Think more down-to-earth: if you will periodically ride on normal roads for pleasure or to work, you should pay attention to city bike, aka road bike, aka city bike.
The urban option is good in case your work is close, but for regular trips tens of kilometers away, whether it is a severe need or your own hobby, it is better to take road racers - they are faster and more practical. Mountain bike useful if you are not at all a supporter of driving strictly on the roads. Living in a picturesque area and enjoying a mountain bike, you will have the pleasant opportunity to turn off the beaten track and immerse yourself in acquaintance with nature. Finally, folding bike - this is an emphasis on the compactness of the bike and you should not expect any other significant advantages from it.

Do not forget to focus on your weight and height as well.
When doing this, please note that there is no strict binding of growth to the diameter of the wheel - a certain gradation is allowed, because a small diameter is good for the reduced weight of the transport, and a large one makes it easier to overcome irregularities. Girls who love to wear classic women's clothing should pay attention to women's bicycles - they are not only convenient for getting in and out, but even in terms of design, will once again emphasize the woman's femininity. Wherein it is better not to abandon the lower pipe at all - let it be, just lower, because without it the frame loses a significant part of its strength and durability.

Review overview
Finally, consider the opinions of owners who have experienced all the advantages and disadvantages of Aist bicycles of various models. It must be admitted that the comments collected on various forums have all shades of emotion - there are both complete “smashing” of the bike, and enthusiastic responses. Apparently, a lot depends both on the requests of the author of the comment and on the model, as well as on the build quality of a particular instance.
If we talk about the good, then most often they focus on cheapness.
If you do not consider yourself to be a demanding cyclist and you can safely be registered as a beginner, the price factor will be the main one for you, and by this criterion it is difficult to compete with Aist.

Without loading your transport with complex tests, you will not face problems, and those that do come out can usually be solved by anyone who knows how to hold a screwdriver in their hands.
With criticism, the situation is more ambiguous - someone generally refuses to criticize Aist, given its low cost, and someone starts to find fault with the details. In most cases, the authors of negative comments point to poor build reliability - then the wings are wobbling, then the protector is completely wiped off (much faster than expected), then the grips are rubbed. They periodically complain about the significant weight, although there are opposite opinions, which apparently depends on the model and the physical readiness of the owner.
In a word, The Aist is perfect for your first bike, especially if you don't plan on spending all your free time in the saddle.
If you are picky about transport, do not want to engage in regular repairs and are even ready to overpay for it, it makes sense to pay attention to more expensive brands.

An overview of the mountain bike Aist Slide 3.0 29 "can be seen in the following video.