Bicycle seat covers: what are they and how to choose?

Convenience and safety are important conditions for any activity. This also applies to cycling. The stiffness of the seat of this beloved vehicle is often uncomfortable while driving.
Some cycling enthusiasts solve this problem by purchasing special softening pads. It would seem that the choice is logical, but many experienced cyclists speak out against such products. Let's figure out what are the pros and cons of such devices, what options are offered by manufacturers, and who can actually use this modern invention.

Advantages and disadvantages
There is a wide range of bicycle seat pads on the sports accessories market today. You can buy a regular cover that will protect the specified part of the structure from moisture and wear. To create such models, water-repellent materials (polyester, nylon, and others) are usually used. The covers are easy to put on and take off and can be washed.
And also many manufacturers offer products containing a layer of special soft filler. Some of them are performed taking into account the human anatomical features. Others are able to adapt to the user, "remembering" the optimal shape. This type of pad also helps to extend the life of the seat. Products reduce wear of the part, protect it from various mechanical damage and deformation.
However, the main task of such models is (according to the manufacturers) reducing the load on the ischial bones during riding. It is believed that the filler makes the fit softer, increases the comfort of the cyclist, has a beneficial effect on his well-being, allowing him to make even long trips without pain.

However, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance.
- If there is a "cushion" on the seat certain parts of the cyclist's body will be buried in the soft layer. In this case, the load on the vessels will increase (due to the pressure of the person's weight on the soft tissues). This, in turn, can lead to a temporary feeling of numbness in the legs and pelvis. Not only is this feeling uncomfortable when traveling, it’s also not good for health. Especially when it comes to long journeys.
- Cushioning the bike seat with an optional seat cover may lead to an increase in the intensity of sweating in certain places. This can lead to skin irritation. The fabric used to create the lining can also rub.
- If the product contains a gel filler, he can move while driving. It is fair to say that this moment will be noticed only by fans of fast driving. On a leisurely bike ride, this will be almost imperceptible.

Thus, we can conclude about the questionable benefits of a soft pad for people who are fond of long intense cycling activities. If a person rarely uses this vehicle, travels slowly and over short distances, such a purchase may be advisable.
It is worth noting that riding a bicycle for a long time every day, a person gets used to the sensations and ceases to feel discomfort on a hard saddle. However, if you are still thinking about buying a softening accessory, you should consider the options in more detail.

There are several types of overlays. on a bicycle saddle, depending on the material of the cover.
- From fabric. The upper part of the product can be made of high quality soft but dense fabric. Such pads usually do not slip, but over time, dirt can accumulate on them, which can not always be removed.
- Genuine leather. Such products look expensive and solid. They can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and retain their original presentable appearance for a long time. In addition, such material is considered more suitable for contact with the human body. On cool days, it stays warm, on hot days, on the contrary, it does not get too hot.
- Artificial leather. Such products may look no worse than the options from the previous group, but their cost is much lower. However, there are also disadvantages - most of these materials slip. This creates some discomfort while riding. In addition, artificial leather loses its appearance much faster than natural.

The seals, which form the basis of the soft cover, also differ. As a rule, manufacturers use foam rubber or a special gel as a lining.
Foam rubber products can easily slip under the weight of a cyclist. However, they return to their original form just as quickly. Due to the fact that the foam rubber does not deform, the linings made of it are well suited for obese people (about 90 kg). And also this option is optimal for lovers of long cycling trips.

Gel pads are very popular today. Such products easily take the shape of the body. Due to this, a person feels as comfortable as possible. However, this effect does not last too long. The fact is that the gel loses its shape in a short period of time. It is compressed, which negates the convenience of using the pad.
Another modern option is an orthopedic pillow designed specifically for bicycles. A durable non-slip material is used in the production of the upper part of such products.Due to this, the feeling of instability during movement is reduced. The inner part of the pillow is made of the highest quality silicone. A special technology used by the manufacturer allows the onlay to adapt to the anatomical features of the human body and remain in this position.

To ensure the safety of the cyclist, the pad is equipped with a reflective tape. The luminous strip is located on the back of the pillow. This makes a person visible on the road at night.
Models with fabric top can be made in various colors, which allows you to choose a product for every taste. Men usually like laconic black or blue options. A woman can choose a pink or red cover. On sale there are original products with stripes and floral prints. The surface adjacent to the seat is usually covered with anti-slip silicone dots.

As far as sizes are concerned, the pads are usually made to fit any adult or teen bike. The exact parameters are indicated in the product description. Covers for children's models are rare.
Installing the seat cover on a bicycle seat is a very simple procedure. You just need to put the product on a part of the vehicle and tighten it from the back with a lace. The whole process takes a couple of minutes.

Opinions vary among experienced cyclists about soft padding. Some claim that the gel seat cushion really softens the fit and makes riding a two-wheeler more enjoyable and comfortable... Others speak out against such accessories. They share negative impressions of products that chafe on the skin on long trips.
Some say that the covers interfere with acceleration to high speeds, as they increase the rocking. And also, many are afraid to harm their health by using soft pillows on a regular basis.
Thus, professionals recommend purchasing bicycle saddle pads only to lovers of a rare and unhurried walking ride.
Those who plan to devote most of their time to cycling are advised to buy special clothing with ventilation and "diaper". These shorts help reduce friction and provide good cushioning.

And also it is worth paying attention to the choice of seat. It is believed that only rigid models are suitable for fast driving over long distances. However, there are special gel saddles available today. You should not confuse them with linings, since such models cannot be called soft. Their design is thought out in such a way that the fit is more comfortable.
At the same time, the slot located in the center of the product, and some other features, allow to reduce the pressure on soft tissues during the ride. This is why some gel seat models are suitable for long runs. However, it should be noted that the cost of such products is quite high.
See below for an overview of the bike seat cover.