What color should I choose my bike?

Modern people want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, some people prefer to get around by bike. In many countries, this type of transport is considered one of the priority ones. And if so, then the choice of your two-wheeled friend must be approached more responsibly. He, of course, must have all the technical capabilities and at the same time delight visually. And in this matter, its color scale plays an essential role.

Color and mood
When you are surrounded by only gray colors, then the mood for the positive disappears. No wonder many people love spring and summer. The warm sun paints the world, and it begins to sparkle with numerous colors.
Many people dream of such a flawless existence. And you need to remember that everything depends only on you. It is easy to fulfill the desire. You need to love the world and surround yourself with beautiful things. Bicycles are no exception. They should have the colors you like.
To fulfill this condition, much is not required from you. The main thing is striving for excellence.

And in order to come to this, you need to know:
- orange can create an atmosphere of well-being around you;
- red contributes to the rapid work of the human body;
- yellow calms the nervous system as a whole;
- the color pink evokes a feeling of relaxation;
- blue is used where you need to relax the nervous system;
- blue also relaxes nervous tension and gives strength;
- green can relieve stress and even pain;
- brown adjusts for stability;
- white is complete calmness and purity of thoughts;
- black is the color of depression;
- gray gives a person nobility.

Language of colors
Each of us has our favorite shades.We use them when buying clothes or decorating an apartment. It is not surprising that people can choose a bike in exactly the color they like best.

However, you need to consider what each color expresses.
- White color is considered "empty". It can be easily combined with any shade. You can draw anything you want on a white sheet, and use any paints. White suits people who treat everything that happens in a neutral way.
- Black color expresses nothing. This is the color of the void. It has a bad effect on the human psyche. Therefore, it is chosen only by those individuals who are completely confident in their abilities.
- Grey colour can be afforded by people who do not seek to communicate with the outside world. They are self-sufficient and prefer complete solitude.
- Red color suitable for those who love themselves and want to show it to everyone around. People striving for shades of red are assertive and somewhat aggressive.
- Brown shades subconsciously spoil the mood for moving forward. They are chosen by people striving for consistency. They have certain habits that they never change.
- Yellow shades are inherent in optimists who go through life with ease and a smile.
- Blue people who are not confident in their abilities love. They are prone to melancholy and require special attention.
- Green color Is the color of self-sufficient individuals who strive for excellence and can lend a helping hand to other people.

I must say that color preferences usually change with the onset of adulthood. It is also influenced by the environment and habitat. Everything happens because the character of a person undergoes changes, and with them the attitude towards color perception changes.

How to make a choice?
Cycling is associated with pleasant walks. It is not for nothing that many individuals prefer to drive them to work. This is how the whole body trains, undergoing stress, and besides, a pleasant mood appears. Therefore, choosing a bike is a serious matter. remember, that at a certain stage, the two-wheeled friend becomes an extension of the owner.
To make your touring bike even more enjoyable, you need to decide on its color. With this choice, you can express feelings and tell others about your character.

For girls who are accustomed to constant care, a pink bike is well suited. With this model, they will be able to show others that they need to be treated with condescension. And even if the person accidentally falls off the bike, then there will be a person who will help.

The painted surfaces of things can be different, they can differ in glossy sheen or matte sheen. The matte surface is not subject to heavy wear. Usually, this direction in paints is chosen by thoughtful people who know their own worth.
If you consider yourself one of those, then choose a model in which the frame will stand out with emphasized roughness.

If we continue to develop the topic, then it should be noted that modern retail chains offer bicycles in different color directions. For example, purple shades (there are a great variety of them) will attract attention already at the stage of purchase. And that's why.
Purple is considered magical. People unwittingly pay attention to unusual and mysterious things. If your attention is focused on esotericism, then purple is your color.
You need to choose it also because it is able to protect you from the evil eye, and you can safely ride your bike down the street.

The blue bike is not only beautiful, but also stylish. A thing with such a color scheme will definitely intrigue. By choosing a model in a blue shade, you will draw attention to yourself and you can stand out from the crowd.
This bike is well suited for housewives. And if he also comes with a basket, then the purchase should not be abandoned at all.

Gold colored bicycles are rare... However, there are individuals who deliberately choose just such an unusual shade. Some even buy something in a neutral color and then paint it gold. Thus, they emphasize their belonging to high society.
By the way, it is in such a simple way that you can stand out among the people around you.

People with an individual approach to life can choose an acid-colored bike with unusual wheels.... They are confident in themselves and always do as they see fit.
Bright green the shade and shade of the mint direction will indicate that people who have chosen models of such color schemes are distinguished by a soft character and are always ready to help. They love nature, at the subconscious level trying to merge with it.

Bike camouflage very disciplined individuals buy. They involuntarily associate themselves with military campaigns. However, just such bicycle lovers can safely go on a solo expedition somewhere in the mountains. They are not afraid of any ups and downs associated with everyday difficulties.

Bicycles light green or turquoise color say that their owners have soft features in their characters. By and large, these are romantics. They want the whole environment to be of a certain color and remind that life should be beautiful.

Color bike color chameleon quite rare. Not each of us will specifically look for this particular direction in color. And if the purchase of the thing was not accidental, then we can safely say that the future owner is a very mysterious person.
No one will ever be able to read his thoughts because they will replace each other very quickly.

For information on how to choose a bike, see the next video.