Bicycle documents: who needs them and how to get them?

One of the most popular means of transportation is a bicycle. And this is not at all surprising - it is easy and simple to move around on it, there are no additional costs, for example, for gasoline, and, importantly, it is very useful for the physical and emotional state. Yes, you won’t surprise anyone with the presence of a bicycle and the ability to ride it, but the documents for the “iron horse” are something new. It is about what they are needed for, and will be discussed in this article.

What it is?
Let's be clear about something right now. Bicycle documents are not at all a cyclist's license, which indicates his right to ride behind the wheel.
This is a passport or warranty card of the vehicle itself, as well as a check or receipt that indicates that the bike was purchased.
The following information must be entered in the passport:
- model name;
- the color scheme in which it is decorated;
- frame parameters;
- how much the product costs;
- the time it was sold;
- the name and location of the store that made the sale.

If we talk about the appearance of a bicycle passport, then it can be different. Such documents usually look like a sheet of A4 paper or a small book. Very often, in addition to the above data, they describe the rules for operating the bike. It is advisable to attach the purchase receipt to your passport or coupon using a stapler. This way the necessary documents will be kept together.

Why are they needed and when is it better to take them with you?
It's no secret that stealing an "iron horse" is a nuisance that almost every vehicle owner can face. It is in recent times that the number of bike thefts has increased dramatically.

To combat this, the following plan or scheme was developed: every cyclist can at any time be stopped by a police officer who is on duty, in order to present documents for the bike.
They should definitely be at handotherwise, a law enforcement officer has every right to detain the rider, record all information about him, fix the technical parameters of the bike and take some photos. After that, if information about the theft of this bike comes in, the police will already have everything they need to catch the offender.

The question of when you must take your bike documents with you, and when you can forget them, is probably inappropriate. Of course, everyone chooses for himself, but it is more expedient to just put two small pieces of paper in his pocket than to spend half a day trying to prove that this bike is not stolen.

And it is worth noting that now in Russia, where such an environmentally friendly, fast and cost-effective means of transportation is increasingly used, the following rule has come into force: the cyclist is obliged to have documents for his vehicle with him.

Where and how to get documents?
In order to receive such documents, you do not need to stand in an incomprehensible line for hours and fill out a bunch of papers. All you need is not to rush to the store and think, because it is by making a purchase that everyone can receive this package of documents.

Based on the above information, we want to give you some useful tips.
- Buy a bike exclusively from a branded sports store. In this case, you can be sure that in the end you will receive a warranty card, a passport, and a payment receipt. Also, the store will be able to show you a sample document and the rules for filling it out.
- If the purchase is carried out through an online store or the product is taken "from the hands", insist that the documents for the vehicle be sent to you before paying for the goods, for example, by e-mail.
Also, be sure to check all the information that is indicated in the technical passport with the product - everything must match.

How to recover?
There are situations when documents for a bicycle are lost - it's a matter of everyday life. Then the questions arise, what to do and how you can restore them.
This can only be done if you bought a bike in a store and you have a purchase receipt.
All you need is to contact the outlet where the purchase was made, write an application and attach a receipt for payment. Only then can the store contact the supplier and help you. No other recovery process is possible. This again suggests that it is best to buy transport in certified stores, and not elsewhere.

Make several photocopies of your bike documents (a backup, so to speak), carry one of them with you, and keep the original at home.
In this case, the loss of one of the many copies will not be a big loss.

In the next video, you will learn how to behave correctly for a cyclist if he is stopped by a police patrol to check if the bike is stolen.
Well it is clear. But what to do in such a situation: for example, I buy a bicycle from my hands! The docks for it are lost! And it was bought "N" a number of years ago! Or was it also purchased hand-held? There are many who resell bicycles after a couple of years of use! I will outline the situation! I bought a bike! There are no numbers on the frame! What if a police officer slows you down?
In this case, alas, unforgettable adventures await you in the nearest police department ...))