How is a mountain bike different from city and other types?

Mountain biking is the dream of most young and adult fans of extreme riding. This category of two-wheeled vehicles is rightfully considered off-road - it does not depend on the quality of the surface and is able to overcome even narrow paths and gorges. Of course, not every mountain bike owner has to ride the canyons, but the very opportunity not to think about obstacles can inspire even the most inexperienced extreme lovers to feats.
And what are the differences from road bicycles for this popular transport today? Is it worth comparing it with sports models? Is there a big difference between road bikes and regular bikes? In fact, mountain bike does not belong to highly specialized categories of transport, but it cannot be called a universal solution either. Such a bike copes better than others with riding on rough terrain, suitable for mastering some sports disciplines. But in order to understand how it differs from others, it is worth comparing different types of two-wheeled vehicles with each other.

General characteristics of a mountain bike
Mountain bike or simply MTB is a well-known mountain bike designed specifically for off-road travel. These models traditionally have:
- wider tires, thicker, with clearly and deeply pronounced toes;
- chain transmission with a speed switch;
- the steering block brought forward;
- trapezoidal frame;
- shock absorber for vibration dampening;
- rear suspension (optional);
- raised carriage.

A standard mountain bike for sports use is equipped with attachments and can be both light - from 6 kg, and quite heavy, the maximum curb weight reaches 19 kg. Common wheel diameters for this class are 24, 26, 27.5 and 29 inches. Since 1990, mountain bikes have gained international recognition and are used in sports. The current classification of these vehicles includes such models.
- Freeride. Free riding on an obstacle course requires the use of full-suspension bicycles with powerful brakes.

- Bicycle trial. Discipline involves overcoming obstacles by the cyclist. The main task is not to lean any part of the body on the ground or other objects. All natural and artificial obstacles are passed by the rider in the bike saddle.

- Downhill. Downhill for a while on a track with sharp turns, unexpected traps in the form of cliffs and jumps, natural obstacles is carried out on the heaviest bicycles in the mountain class. The standard wheel diameter in this discipline is 27.5.

- Cross country. The discipline where the lightest mountain bikes are used. There is a classic format of a race in a circle with a changing type of terrain, a marathon and an eliminator - a survival race.

- All mountain. Some of the lightest bikes are used here, and the rides are like freeriding.

In addition, there are slopestyle jump bikes, reinforced for bikercross and many other options.But for most lovers of mountain biking, it is primarily a means of free movement, allowing you to feel confident and comfortable in any environment.
The main differences
How is a mountain bike different from other types? In most cases, it will not be difficult to feel the difference - it is in the position of the rider's body, the intensity of the load on his shoulders and arms.
Comparing models of different types will help to assess these differences more fully and accurately.

From urban
A classic road bike - the most ordinary one, walking or touring, noticeably loses to a mountain bike both in the choice of speed mode and in cross-country ability. But in such models, the gender difference is clearly visible - women do not have a transverse tube that increases rigidity, they are often made in a folding version. City bikes are equipped with a vertical saddle that is tall, wide and has a spring block for support. The steering wheel in such models has an inclination towards the rider's body, it is located high and does not require changing the position of the rider while driving.
In fact, road bikes are created exclusively for a leisurely ride at your pleasure - it will not be possible to develop significant speed with their help, and the absence of shock absorbers (they are rarely used) will significantly complicate any exit outside the asphalt path.
But urban two-wheeled models are adapted for use in everyday clothes - their design takes into account all important nuances and eliminates problems with wardrobe items getting stuck inside the chain.

The complete set of city bikes is also quite noticeably different from mountain bikes. They initially include fenders, full-size, anti-splashing mud, trunk, reflectors and headlights. Riding through mud on a mountain bike without wings will definitely not be fun, but it will allow you to overcome obstacles. The urban model will get bogged down on the approach to the obstacle.

From the highway
This type of bicycle can be classified as a sports bike - there are races in the discipline, and in general it is quite popular. Road models high-speed, but demonstrate their best qualities exclusively on an even surface... In off-road conditions, they are almost impossible to use due to the lack of the necessary equipment.
Among the common features with a mountain bike in a road bike, one can single out only the material for the frame - it can be carbon or aluminum, but steel options are also found.

Another obvious difference is the shape of the steering wheel, which at first glance demonstrates a sporty character. It is steeply curved and allows the athlete to keep the body almost horizontal during movement, leaning strongly forward. The saddle is also different - here it is longer and narrower, it allows you not to rub the inner thighs even with prolonged contact. The mountain bike's handlebars are wide and almost straight, positioned above the seat for optimal balance in both the seated position and while standing on the pedals.
The road fork is always rigid. Mountain bikes are equipped with shock absorbers, but there are also options similar to sports. Rigid fork does not fit all models.
Today, almost all hardtails already have elements that cushion shock loads, and in double suspensions they are even double and are divided into types.

From sports
The comparison between sports and mountain bikes is not very appropriate - simply because their goals are too different. In the Sport class models, the emphasis is on speed performance and ergonomics to reduce energy loss while driving. They do not use shock-absorbing suspensions - they "dampen" part of the effort transmitted by the athlete during the pedaling process. Respectively, any irregularities on the road strongly affect the well-being of the rider and the condition of the equipment itself.

The class of the sports bike also matters. For example, the design of racing models is maximally simplified - the rear wheel has a solid disc design, a short frame maximally lightens the weight of the equipment itself. The saddle in these sports bikes is located above the handlebars, which helps to maintain optimal aerodynamics while traveling. Brakes are often absent or are represented by the simplest "tick" in the front, the gearshift system is also absent.
In fact, sports bikes are only good on the highway or track, outside of their environment they are practically useless.

From hybrid
The hybrid bike combines the properties of road and mountain types and allows you to find a compromise between comfortable movement on a flat road and overcoming off-road. Visually, it is closer to mountain bikes., the material is carbon, steel or aluminum, but the travel of such models is softer and lighter. The wheels on the hybrids are large - 28 ″, the tires are thinner and narrower, the tread pattern is smoothed, closer to the road.
The hybrids are equipped with a fork damper and use a mountain bike handlebar. It seems that in such a combination all possible disadvantages have been eliminated. But in practice, there are problems, and they are quite obvious. This technique implies a higher seating position, which in combination with a mountain handlebar creates some discomfort and increases the stress on the arms.

In addition, hybrid bikes clearly lack the strength and rigidity of the mountain bike design - they are not suitable for extreme rides and quickly fail with intensive off-road use.
Selection recommendations
Which bike to choose for regular commuting? If you plan to select a model for the city, but with the possibility of driving off the highway, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of purchasing a full-fledged mountain bike. It is also suitable for active teenagers or young people who want to learn simple tricks or go on a trip. Besides, for a mountain bike, the quality of the road surface is not so important, thanks to the shock absorbers, it more easily tolerates hard contact with the road.
Another reason to choose a mountain bike is the wider wheels to improve the stability of the vehicle.... It is good for beginner riders and makes them safer to ride during the learning phase.The choice in the mountain bike class is the largest - you can choose a hardtail from the budget segment or purchase a truly passable two-suspension version for professional sports. In addition, they implement mechanisms to reduce vibration, reduce the load on the hands and spine.

If you plan to travel exclusively on a perfectly flat highway or participate in classic cycling races, you can choose the regular road option. It is good for building physical shape or long-distance cycling trips across Europe. For leisurely skiing in the park near the house, you can also do with the urban option - the walking model is suitable for those who, in general, do not seek to conquer sports peaks and ride for pleasure.
Considering the quality and condition of the roads, we can safely recommend a mountain bike with gear shifting for choosing. It is suitable for long periods in the saddle, as opposed to a sporty one. Better road holding compared to hybrid - especially on shaky, loose soils and has the most durable structure.
And mountain bike, due to its popularity, is much cheaper to maintain, and its choice of models is one of the widest.

For information on how to choose a mountain bike, see the next video.