Features and methods of storing a bike on the balcony

Nowadays, when sports and a healthy lifestyle are in vogue, more and more people are thinking about purchasing a bicycle. However, if we are talking about a city apartment, there may be inconveniences with its storage. One of the best places for this is a balcony.

If a decision has been made to store the bike on the balcony, care must be taken to ensure that basic space requirements are met. There are not too many of them. The unit must be freely accessible. The room temperature should not be lower than +5 degrees. In addition, you need to make sure that the bike could not get direct sunlight, otherwise, the coating, plastic and rubber elements will quickly become unusable.

If the temperature on the balcony is too low, the structure will quickly break. Besides, it should not be allowed to be located in the immediate vicinity of heating devices, as they can also do harm. The room should be glazed, and the possibility of leaks during precipitation should be excluded, because moisture causes corrosion, and accordingly, the service life will be significantly reduced. Do not store the product on an open balcony.

It should be noted that storage of vehicles on the balcony has many advantages. The owner can be sure that his property will not be stolen by intruders. The storage time is absolutely unlimited. In addition, the operation becomes very convenient, and if necessary, simple repairs can be made on site.
However, there are also disadvantages. Among them, a decrease in free space on the balcony, inconvenience in cleaning due to the location of the bike.You will also need to organize storage space, for example, it should be hidden from direct sunlight.

How to store?
A bike can be stored in different ways, let's take a closer look at this point.
The most convenient for storage is a bicycle that has folding elements. You can fold the frame, pedals and handlebars. This allows the product to be placed even on small balconies, since it does not take up much space.
When folded, the unit can be hung on the wall, as well as placed in a closet or a convenient cabinet. This state changes quite simply, it takes about 10-15 seconds for assembly and disassembly.

This option will not be convenient if the bike is used often, but it is quite suitable for long-term accommodation in the winter. The disadvantage of this method is the need for assembly and disassembly. However, as a result, there is much more free space on the balcony.
Users recommend disassembling the structure as follows. To begin with, the fasteners are loosened, and the steering wheel is removed or turned so that it is parallel to the frame. The seat and pedals are removed. After that, first the front and then the rear wheel are unscrewed.
Details can be placed in a bag or special container, which is made of synthetic fabric, but at the same time has a rigid structure. It is used for long-term storage.

If you plan to put the bike on the balcony for a short time, it is better to disassemble it partially, not completely. It will be enough to remove the steering wheel, seat, pedals and front wheel.
This method is used when the bike cannot be folded and it is impossible to disassemble it for some reason. In this situation it is very important to securely fix the structure... This can be helped by special devices offered on the market. You can place the product on the floor, on the wall or on the ceiling.
The easiest way is to install it on the floor. In this case, the wheel is secured with a special support. It is very small and makes it easy to take the bike. Certain types of floor structures are designed to hold and store multiple bicycles at once. They are especially relevant if the family has not one, but 2 or 3 products for all family members.

Ceiling installations require longer term storage. In this case, it will not be easy and quick to remove the bike; you will need to make an effort. The model is fixed to the ceiling with the help of cables. This allows you to free up space on the balcony as much as possible, but not all owners like it. Even strong mounts may not support a bike that is too heavy. In addition, sometimes the height of the balcony is not enough to carry out these manipulations.

Most often, they try to place the bike on the wall. There are several explanations for this. First of all, to implement this idea, simple fasteners are used, which can be bought inexpensively in a store or made on their own. The structure is fixed mainly in a horizontal position, which makes it possible not to deform the elements. Removal is very quick and the rubber is retained for a long time.

Even if the bike suddenly falls, it is unlikely to be damaged and not cause significant harm to people on the balcony.
As for the fixtures for fastening, they must be selected, focusing on what the wall surface is made of, as well as on the weight of the structure and its features. In order not to interfere with the steering wheel, it should be turned 90 degrees. The bike can be hung on hooks, brackets or a special shelf.
Most often, users choose hooks. They will be required in the amount of 2 pieces, and it is not difficult to fix the product on them. Moreover, this fastening system is very reliable, because if one accidentally falls off, the second will continue to hold the structure.This method is easily implemented on your own, no professional help is required.

To protect the frame, the hooks should be covered with liquid rubber whenever possible.
Wall brackets can even support multiple items vertically. With the help of anchors, the device is fixed to the wall. The bike in this case can be easily removed and retracted.

Finally, special shelves cannot be ignored. They are not only functional, but also very attractive looking. Most often they are made of wood, but they have a coating that prevents slipping and damage to the surface.

Preparing for winter
Bicycle owners should take into account that it is not enough to simply put this vehicle on the balcony for the winter. Storage should be preceded by special preparation, only in this case the purchase will last a long time.
First of all, transport must be washed... All road dust and dirt is removed, brakes, cables, small structural elements are cleaned. If this is not done, dust mixed with oil will have a destructive effect on the unit.
After that, the spring mechanisms are loosened. The gear shifters and braking system are checked. It is not superfluous to remove the chain and put it in a cloth bag. If it remains in place, it must be installed on the smallest sprockets. Also, the pressure in the chambers is significantly reduced.

It should be noted here that it is not required to completely bleed the air from the wheels.
All elements are covered with grease, it will protect them from rust. Budget formulations can be used, since storage does not have the same impact on the unit as continuous operation. However, simple grease should not be used. The fact is that modern bicycle models do not tolerate its effects well. All the necessary elements are processed, in addition, they are carefully examined for breakdowns or defects.
The frame is covered with a piece of material or wrapped in paper. A storage case is a great option. Performing these simple manipulations will keep the bike in its best shape until spring.

Possible problems
However, even with all precautions, sometimes trouble does happen because storage on the balcony is not the safest option.
The fact is that a significant drop in temperatures outside often leads to cracking of the rubber in the tires. The situation will be saved by the treatment of all rubber elements with ordinary glycerin. When placing the product on the floor, you will need to periodically turn its wheels to change the area of contact with the floor.
In order to prevent damage to the structure due to moisture and dust, it can be covered with a thick blanket. Polyethylene is also suitable. These measures will help protect the surface from ultraviolet radiation, which affects the brightness and saturation of the paint. Silicone sprays can be used.

For information on how to prepare your bike for storage, see the next video.