How to learn to ride a bike?

In everyday life, a bicycle is one of the most convenient and economical ways of transportation. But despite its simplicity in management, not everyone has the skill to ride it. Today we are going to talk about how to learn to ride a bike.

Fundamental rules
Before starting training, you need to remember that the main thing is well adjusted seat... Correct adjustment will allow you to rest your foot on the ground when starting to move. In order to ride a bike, you need special clothing.
After all the preparations, you first need to learn how to ride a bike. To do this, you should walk on one side of it, keeping one of your hands on the steering wheel.
This exercise is necessary in order to see how the bike will behave when bending the body and turning the arms. When you get a feel for the bike, you can move on to riding. When boarding a bike, you need to relax and not panic. Your body weight should be evenly distributed over your limbs. You need to move smoothly, trying to avoid sudden movements. Try to look ahead, not under your feet.

Features of training
You can learn to ride a bike at any age. Consider the difference in teaching adults and children.

If you decide to teach your child to ride a sports bike, then you can start at the age of two. For starters, the child can start learning on a bicycle with additional wheels. By the age of four, you can change to a two-wheeled analogue. If you are not sure that your child will be able to ride it, then analogs can be used for training.
Before you put your child on a bike, you should think about his safety.For this, it is recommended to purchase a helmet, as well as protection for the elbows and knees. Don't forget about shoes. It should be closed and securely fix the leg.
When all the precautions have been taken, you can begin training.

First, choose a vehicle that suits your child. Determining if the correct model has been chosen is quite simple. Make sure your child's feet reach the ground and are slightly bent when boarding the bike. Get your little one behind the wheel and place their feet on the pedals. Support the child from the side and roll the bike. This will help the cyclist learn to balance faster.
For the first trainings, an apartment is suitable. In a familiar environment, the child will be more comfortable.
When the baby feels more confident in the saddle, you can take walks in an open area such as a park.

But remember that teaching a child to ride a bike requires extra attention to detail:
- while riding, make sure that the child keeps his back straight;
- skating after eating should be excluded;
- for children under 13 years old, it is enough to drive up to ten kilometers, for children under 15 years old, the distance can be increased up to twenty kilometers.

An adult
Unlike a child it is much easier for an adult to master the skill of cycling. This is due to the fact that the muscular system of an adult is much better developed. But in stressful situations, an adult can become very squeezed, and such a simple incident as a fall can discourage the desire to study further for a long time.
The first thing an adult should learn is to maintain balance while sitting on a bicycle.
To do this, you can lower the bike seat down and remove the pedals. So the person can lean on the ground and not get injured.

The training should start on a flat road.
When a person feels confident, then you can move to areas with more uneven terrain. You can return the pedals only when the student has mastered the simplest maneuvers. You should be aware that pedals should not be turned when cornering, as the risk of falling off the bike increases. To maintain balance, turn the handlebars towards your tilt.

If you are a beginner then you should not put too much stress on yourself right away. At first, it is recommended to drive no more than a kilometer per day. When you feel that the distance is too short for you, then you can increase the distance. When a person has learned to keep balance, he can try to drive on his own. If the student is not yet able to deal with the pedals, then you should stay close to him in case the person loses control or forgets about the brakes.

Riding technique on different bicycles
There are a large number of bike models. Each of them has its own peculiarities in management. If you are starting out on a two-wheeled bike, you should adjust the saddle so that your foot is straight when you touch the pedal. Then you need to understand how the brakes work. Start with the rear brake. Sit in the saddle and hold the rear brake lever and try to maintain balance. Just lift your feet off the ground. This will help you master the principle of balance on a 2-wheeled bike and see if you are comfortable in the seat.

To start moving, you need to push off the ground. If you need to get off the bike or feel like you are falling, you should apply the brakes. The bike must always go straight. If you understand that the technique is leaning to the left, then you should turn in the same direction. The turn can be done at both high and low speed. If you are driving slowly, you can turn using the steering wheel.
If you want to learn how to ride a high-speed bike, then you should choose a technique for your height and weight. This will ensure your maximum comfort.
The hallmark of speed bikes is transmission. The main function of such a device is to facilitate the movement of the cyclist. Thanks to them, a person will be able to freely overcome his path.

There are several rules for using broadcasts:
- if you start climbing, then you should select a mode in advance that will reduce the speed;
- watch the chain carefully - there should be no distortions;
- try to switch gears only while driving;
- try to avoid a sharp gear change, wait until your vehicle starts fully operating in the selected mode, and then switch;
- to avoid breakdowns and malfunctions, you should not start driving with the fastest gear.

If your choice fell on a mountain bike, then it should also be selected in relation to your height and weight.
On average, this vehicle weighs from 7 to 20 kilograms. The difference in weight depends on which model is presented. If the bike weighs up to 10 kilograms, then this is a typical carbon model. If the bike weighs more than 13 kilograms, then such a model is suitable for downhill or freeride (descent from unprepared peaks).
There are three types of mountain bikes. Choose a model based on your interests.
If your choice fell on tough Mountain bike, then it should be noted that there is no suspension in it, which means that such a bike will not require frequent repairs. This model is best used on simple roads, as off-road driving will bring you discomfort. To date, the most expensive model among mountain bikes is considered 2-suspension. But despite its high cost, such a bike is perfect for off-road riding due to the front and rear suspension.

For beginners, the hardtail model is recommended as it has a rigid rear wheel and front suspension.
As already noted, mountain bikes are designed for off-road riding, and therefore an integral part of the equipment is a helmet that should not squeeze your ears and obstruct your view. A distinctive feature of mountain bikes can be called their very structure, namely: the presence of mud gaps... This design is ideal for off-road driving. The bike is equipped with tires that have a combined or off-road pattern. This way of protecting the tire from the inside will prevent damage to the wheels due to a difficult route.

Mountain bike wheels are equipped with high-strength rims that can withstand constantly increasing loads. The standard equipment for mountain bikes is the presence of two suspensions - on the rear and front wheels. But suspension on the front wheel is also allowed. There are a few things to keep in mind when riding a mountain bike.

When going up a steep incline, you may notice that the front wheel is lifting off the ground. To avoid this, shift your weight forward. This will help to shift the center of gravity and balance the wheels. When descending, you may have a problem of the opposite nature. You may feel that your bike might tip over forward. To avoid this, you need to step on the pedals, while keeping your knees bent, and move your body back a little, thereby moving to the edge of the seat.

Let's list a few recommendations of experts that will be useful for a novice cyclist.
- When skating, one should be prepared not only physically, but also psychologically. Nobody is safe from injuries and falls. The key to cycling is perseverance.
- It should be remembered that at low speeds it will be quite difficult for you to maintain your balance. So try to keep your pace at a moderate pace to make it easier for you to ride.
- You don't have to be pinched. The tension will tire your muscles faster, and your desire to ride a bike will quickly disappear. Smooth movements should be made.
- You don't need to grip the handlebar with all your strength, but you also shouldn't let go of it if you want to avoid injury.
- It is forbidden to carry out sudden braking.
- If you decide to ride, then it is not out of place to get a bicycle helmet. You should always ride in it to avoid injury.
- At the beginning of your training, try to travel short distances. Increase the distance as you gain skill. But never forget that you need to be comfortable.
- Your vehicle should be equipped for your comfort. Don't rush to ride your bike if something doesn't suit you. Try another model.

In the following video, you will learn the basic rules for beginners to learn how to ride a bike with confidence.