Bicycle baskets: varieties, selection, installation

A bicycle basket is not often found in stores, although this accessory can be quite useful. It is installed both on pleasure bikes and on real rural "workhorses". It is not at all difficult to choose a high-quality model, and many craftsmen even decide to make such an accessory with their own hands - due to the structural simplicity of the device, this does not pose any difficulties.
The bike basket, as well as the rack, cannot be classified as an accessory for sports two-wheelers. And even on touring bicycles, which often use all kinds of complex load securing mechanisms, baskets are not at all a frequent visitor. Nevertheless, such a device is convenient for prompt loading and unloading of luggage.

Most often it is used in several areas:
- with walking bikes, while the main cargo can be a bag of groceries, a bottle of water, mobile gadgets;
- with tourist bikes, in most cases, a rear basket is installed, as a rule, it performs the functions of a cargo body;
- with bicycles of any model for pet owners, these baskets require special inner upholstery, as well as a lid and ventilation holes.
Bike baskets can be fitted to a wide variety of bike brands, even budget bikes like Stern and Stels.
Please note: road bikes, mountain bikes and especially high-speed bicycles are not designed to hold a basket.

Bicycle baskets can be installed on the front of the handlebars or on the rear of the trunk.The good thing about handlebar-mounted products is that everything a bike user needs is always at hand: towels, a container of water, a small snack, as well as a camera and phone. In order to take the necessary item, it is not at all necessary to stop - you can just get it and use it along the way.
The model for the trunk is selected taking into account the location of the trunk itself. So, accessories designed for placement on the rear wheel are a little more voluminous, they can carry up to 10, 30 and even 40-50 kg of cargo, depending on the capabilities of the bike. But the options for the front racks are considered more compact and much less spacious, but even in them you can carry much more items than in models that are fixed on the steering wheel.
Very often, roof rack products are used by pet owners to move cats, small dogs and other pets.

On sale you can find bicycle baskets of a wide variety of capacities - the choice here depends only on personal preferences and the peculiarities of using the bike. For example, if one cyclist constantly drives his two-wheeled vehicle to the supermarket or market for shopping - he needs a large basket in which he can put all the products. Another cyclist prefers to walk the streets of the city light in order to maintain good shape, he does not need a large basket, he can purchase a small elegant accessory that will hold a bottle of mineral water, a pack of wet wipes, a small towel and the necessary gadgets.
It should be noted that a cycling basket is a great way to save money. With such a spacious accessory at your fingertips, you no longer have to buy a bag or backpack when going on a long bike ride.

Materials (edit)
When it comes to bike baskets, most consumers think of wicker products. However, when it comes to bikes, the raw materials for this accessory can vary significantly. The materials that are most often used for the manufacture of cycling baskets are presented below.
Natural vine
Very often on bicycles you can see transportations made from natural or artificial rods, for example, from rattan. The braided material is highly environmentally friendly, lightweight, reliable and practical. Of course, as the operation progresses, the rods will lose their properties, although for the first 4-5 years the basket will serve faithfully to its owners and will become one of the most optimal choices.
Problems with such an accessory can arise only when attaching it. The fact is that it is very difficult to fix the braided product on a light bracket, since a large number of rods impedes the reliability of the entire structure.

Metal grid
The most demanded are products from a metal mesh. It is lightweight, fairly reliable, practical and at the same time versatile material. After special processing, the mesh becomes resistant to corrosion, moisture and temperature fluctuations. Over time, the mesh does not lose its properties and, unlike the vine, retains all the necessary performance characteristics for many years. On the other hand, the metal mesh also has a noticeable drawback - it is absolutely unsuitable for repair, despite the fact that it is not difficult to damage a rather thin material, especially if the product is used actively. In the event of a product failure, you will have to purchase a new basket.
Considering this fact, reliable brands try to pay special attention to the quality of their products, so some models are able to withstand even several tens of kilograms of cargo.

The greatest demand is for baskets, the design of which includes metal pipes, as well as plastic walls and a bracket.Plastic is used to make a variety of models, so you can find elegant options for ladies' bikes from different manufacturers, as well as more impressive items for a serious hike. Typically, plastic accessories come with replaceable items. They can be repaired piece by piece if damaged. In addition, the plastic walls allow the use of additional elements of the arrangement of the interior space, for example, soft sides for cats.

The list of materials used to make bicycle baskets does not end there. There are a large number of models of one-piece accessories, which, rather, can be called metal boxes with attachments, they allow you to turn the most ordinary bikes with a basket into a reliable cargo model. Homemade baskets stand separately - here you can see the weave of synthetic and natural rods, baskets with linen upholstery and wood boxes, there are no restrictions for the implementation of ideas.
The colors of the baskets are no less varied; if you wish, you can always purchase a women's basket of pink color, white models in a retro style or brutal black options.

Regardless of the design and materials used, any removable bicycle basket is a lightweight and highly durable construction that is not afraid of falls, mechanical damage and shock. Such baskets are not afraid of unfavorable weather conditions; they endure prolonged showers and hot sun with equal ease. However, it is better to protect models with a textile finish from frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, since in this case they can lose the brightness of the colors. And after a ride in the pouring rain, it is advisable to wipe the bike itself and all accessories with a soft cloth.
For greater user convenience, some quick-detachable models are equipped with additional handles: once you reach your destination, such a basket can be easily removed and further moved as with the simplest bag.

Some bicycle baskets are additionally equipped with lids, most often they are used for transporting animals. In some models, small hooks are provided, they allow you to quickly, but at the same time securely fix the basket and also easily remove it. Cycling baskets designed to be fixed to the handlebars are made especially durable, since they take on a rather powerful shock load at the potential risk of collision with any moving or static objects.

See below for an overview of bicycle basket models.