Bicycle cruiser: description and selection

How to move around the city, everyone chooses independently. Someone is comfortable just walking, someone is comfortable driving a private car, while others prefer cycling. There are a huge number of types of bicycles - e-bikes, mountain bicycles, childrens, BMX, city and so on. Each has a number of features that determine its functional purpose. Consider the features and subtleties of choosing a bicycle cruiser.

What is it and what is it for?
For many, a cruiser bike is known as a pleasure bike. It was created based on the design of motorcycles over 100 years ago. Cycle cruisers are among the most popular city bikes today. This type of transport is used for city walks.
It is preferred by a contingent of people who love measured and comfortable driving around the city. Throughout its history, bicycle cruisers have been assistants to both soldiers and couriers, then occupying their niche in the category of city bicycles. Now many Europeans ride such "iron beauties", even some Russians use them for a quiet walk around the city.
Cycling cruiser is a great alternative to walking in the park or promenade.

History of appearance
Bicycle manufacturing company founded by Ignaz Schwin - German by birth, but living at that time in the United States. And in 1895, the first model of a bicycle cruiser, the Schwinn, was released. By the time the bike entered the market, the founder of the company was no longer alive. During the Great Depression in the United States (1933), the state was in a deep economic crisis, which was reflected in all spheres of people's lives.

During this period, a completely new bike design was released - Schwinn B-10E, radically different from its previous models, not only with new accessories, but also with the size of the tires and the layout of the frame. The new bike "blows up" the cycle market, which eventually leads to the launch of a whole series of bicycles of this class.

Initially, the release of bicycle cruisers was aimed at the younger generation, but with the growing popularity, thanks to its ease of use and good technical characteristics, the model is beginning to be in demand among the working population. For a long time, the bicycles of this company were associated among Americans with the peddlers of newspapers, since they often used them for work.
The popularity of these devices peaked in the 1930s-1940s, but 20 years later, with the release of new, more technologically advanced models, the demand for Schwinn bicycles begins to fall.

Design features
Referring to the technical features of bicycle cruisers, we can say that this is a female version of the bicycle. They do not have such characteristics as sports models, but are great for trips through parks, squares, city streets. And thanks to the low-set saddle, you can move around even in a dress. A significant advantage of such cycling is that the back is practically not strained when moving on it.

A variety of cruiser bicycles should be mentioned - bike choppers... Their name is due to the distinctive shape of the frame and handlebars that are characteristic of chopper bikes. Outwardly, they resemble Stels Cruiser - a chopper that was released jointly by Russian and Chinese manufacturers. This cruiser has become the men's version of walking bikes.

Each type of bicycle has its own design features that are a distinctive feature of each. Cycling cruisers also have such a number of characteristics, which emphasize the uniqueness of this class.
- Frame design features. The unusual solution for cruiser bicycles immediately attracted the attention of buyers. They have many similarities in appearance to a motorcycle - an elongated frame, a low comfortable seat, a high-positioned handlebar, wide wheels. In combination, all these elements create the image of a comfortable transport for moving around the city. Also, on cruisers, there is no shock absorption on the front fork. Of the shortcomings, one can also note the weight of the product. The creators have not yet thought about making the frames from a lighter material - carbon fiber, plus the individual parts of the cruiser class models are quite massive when compared to those in sports bikes.

- Design features of the transmission. For a long time (until the end of the 20th century), bicycle cruisers had only one speed limit, and with a closed system and chain. This made it possible not to smear clothes and shoes. With the growth of planetary hub production, everything changed. Today in stores you can see many models with the ability to switch multiple speed modes. However, the innovations did not increase the sales of bike cruisers. This is due to the high price of products with the planetary hub, as well as its weight, which has become even greater.

The emphasis on aesthetic appearance and comfort determines the availability of many additional accessories. Buyers note that the factory assembly of cruisers is replete with an abundance of additional elements, namely:
- installation of two trunks (front and rear);
- special covering of the chain and clutch system with a cover;
- wings as a necessary component of additional protection;
- the presence of a stand for a phone or a navigator is an innovation associated with the growing popularity of the use of gadgets.

Popular brands
Nowadays, many classic bicycle models are called cruisers, although this is incorrect. To figure out what kind of companies are engaged in the production of bike cruisers, we will consider the best of them.
- Schwinn. The discoverer of bicycle cuisers, is engaged in the production of top quality cruisers. Products are imported to the Russian Federation at a rather high cost.

- Electra. One of the most famous manufacturers of cruiser bicycles today. The American firm has existed since 1993 in California, thanks to a good marketing company, it occupies a leading position in this market segment. It has a wide range of models in various price categories. There are products of both premium and more budgetary options. In Russia, the products of this brand are in great demand and are considered one of the best imported bicycles.

- Stels. American company engaged in the production of various types of bicycles, including cruisers. Cruiser class models are a combination of good build quality and reasonable price. All bikes are equipped with large wheels and a sturdy aluminum frame. The spring seat and high handlebar provide a comfortable ride on level roads. Metal fenders will help prevent dirt from getting on your clothes.
Cycle cruisers from Stels are considered one of the most budgetary options with good technical characteristics.

- Nirve. One of the world's leading bicycle brands that has been on the market for over 30 years and creates stylish and original bicycle models. The company combines the latest technological solutions and a special design approach to each created product, resulting in unique options for cycling. In the cruiser class, almost every year, new models of both female and male cruisers are produced, differing in their style and geometry.

- Stinger. The brand is part of the Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer Yung Grand. The company's developers create cruiser bicycles of special quality based on carefully selected components and strict control over the assembly of products. The products of this company are distinguished by high wear resistance, soft control and aesthetic appearance. In the Russian market, cruisers of this brand can be purchased at the best price, while receiving a good guarantee with the ability to contact the service center without any problems in the event of a breakdown.

- Forward. Russian manufacturer of various types of bicycles and all its components. The company has existed since 1999. The first direction of the firm's activity was the import of foreign bicycles to the domestic market. Later, the company began its own production of bicycles, which is now based in Perm.
Forward products have the most attractive price for a domestic buyer, although the quality of bicycles is slightly lower than their foreign counterparts.

How to choose?
There are several important things to consider when buying a cruiser bike. Nevertheless, when choosing a walking bike, it is not the technical features of the product that are of paramount importance, but its appearance, and how convenient it is during operation. Therefore, when choosing a cruiser, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
- product weight - almost all bicycle cruisers are quite heavy, so when buying such a vehicle, a woman needs to select models made of lighter materials - aluminum, carbon, but it is very difficult to find such;
- transmission - the number of speeds must either be limited to one, or a planetary hub must be installed;
- frame - for women, the most comfortable will be bicycles with an open frame, but for the male half - closed;
- chain and transmission system must necessarily be protected, most often this is done with the help of a casing;
- saddle should not only be soft and have a comfortable shape, but also be securely fixed; and the shape of the handlebar and its height are also important, so you should always try on the bike on yourself.

How to choose a cruiser bike, see the video.