Bicycle mudguards: varieties, tips for choosing and installing

Buying a bicycle is most often a significant event for a person. However, after this or during operation, the owner may wonder about the advisability of purchasing fenders for the front and rear wheels. Someone considers them to be an absolutely meaningless adaptation, while others, on the contrary, are inclined towards significant advantages. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

It should be noted that bicycle fenders differ from each other even visually. However, several main types can be distinguished. They are meant for different bikes, suitable for sports, mountain, road models, folding and universal, adults and children, perfect, for example, for a two-suspension bike, which is convenient to move on difficult terrain. They can be both easily removable and stationary. However, the main ones are long stationary, short stationary and short removable wings.

As for short stationary models, they are usually made of lightweight material such as plastic. Their installation is straightforward. They are fixed to the frame with just one bolt. In addition, the fender can be fork-mounted. Installation is carried out once, after which the elements are constantly on the bike.
However, it must be borne in mind that the rider's shins, as well as the area of the switches, are practically not protected from dirt.

When it comes to short, removable wings, they look similar to the previous ones. The material of manufacture is also plastic. The elements are fixed with a special clamp.Users do not consider this option particularly successful, since it is located too far from the wheel, respectively, the mud flies in different directions, but it does not clog the fenders. In addition, the protection can be easily removed if necessary.

Long stationary wings cannot be ignored either. They can be metal or metal-plastic. There are all-metal models. Their distinguishing feature is the ability to close the wheels by almost a quarter. This allows you to maximize protection against adverse road conditions. However, not everyone likes these models. The fact is that they are located next to the wheels, respectively, they quickly clog up, and also weigh quite a lot. It is not recommended to use them when driving over rough terrain or forest.
In addition, the cyclist's kit can be refilled with mini fenders. Initially, their function was considered to protect the seat and lower torso of the cyclist. However, the model did not become particularly popular.

Advantages and disadvantages
It must be said that each type of wing has its pros and cons. You should make your choice, focusing on their certain nuances. It is also important how the cyclist plans to use his transport: whether it will be driving on the highway or on rough terrain.

Long stationary models are heavy and bulky. However, protection in this case will be maximum. Cyclists can choose from metal or metal-plastic models. In some cases, it is advisable to pay attention to carbon fiber models. The fastening turns out to be reliable and is carried out at several points at once - this helps the element not to dangle, even with fast and active driving.

The long stationary wing hides the wheel by almost a quarter, being as close as possible. This is good in the sense that protection is provided as much as possible. However, among the minuses, it can be noted that due to this arrangement, dirt can clog under the wing, and this, in turn, interferes with the free movement of the wheel.
Cleaning helps to correct the situation, which takes time from the owner of the bike.

The long stationary wing is approximately half the size of the short... In the second case, it turns out to avoid bulkiness, in addition, the weight is significantly reduced. At the same time, there are also disadvantages, one of which is weaker fastening, since the element is held by only one bolt... This does not add stability to it. Most often, a device is made of plastic, which is rather fragile, but very cheap to use. The protection is not very reliable, but it is still there, and the design looks neat.

In terms of basic qualities, a short fixed wing is very similar to a quick-release wing. However, there are still differences. For example, the element is practically not clogged with dirt, since it is located quite far from the wheel. As the name suggests, it locks onto the bike quickly and retracts just as quickly.
At the same time, users note rather weak protective properties.

How to choose?
The bike fender is designed to protect the bike owner from dirt and splash from under the wheels. It should be borne in mind that large structures will significantly increase the overall weight, while reducing aerodynamics. In some cases, this is highly undesirable, for example, when it comes to competitive and extreme disciplines.

Experts recommend when choosing a device to pay attention mainly to the size of the tires and the type of mounts present. The size includes not only the width, but also the diameter. There are no difficulties with their determination, since the data is indicated on the surface of the tire. The diameter can be from 12 "to 29". The most popular tires are 16, 20, 24, 26, 27 and 28 inches. And the width is also very important, because the coverage area should be as large as possible.
This value is especially important for fat bikes and mountain bikes. The part can be chosen wide or, on the contrary, very small.

Next, you should decide on the mount. The bike bike must have the necessary holes that are required to fix the wing. Most often they are located on the gorilla forks, sometimes on the down tube of the frame. They can also be in the area where the rear wheel is attached to the structure. If these holes are provided by the manufacturer, a complete set of fenders can be installed.
The shape and appearance of the bike wings must be chosen based on the type of bike. The fact is that different models are adapted to different driving conditions. That's why fenders can be divided into several groups: for mountain bikes, road and city bikes.

An important consideration when choosing is the wing geometry. For example, the famous German SKS firm offers a variety of quality products - cross profiles with a large number of edges and grooves that serve to drain water that will not fall on the cyclist. It is also protected by mud flaps.
It is the detailed elaboration of the elements and the honing of every detail that distinguishes branded products from unknown Chinese products.
We must not forget about the appearance. This element is quite capable of adding attractiveness to the bike. You can choose from models in different colors, ranging from standard white to matte black. More expensive copies are made chrome. Aesthetes manage to find bike wings even for retro bikes.

In no case should you choose bike fenders based on cost. The fact is that for the production of the cheapest Chinese models, fragile and low-quality plastic is used, and it can break even from a minor external impact, such as a pebble, and, accordingly, fail. Moreover, the price of branded products is not so high as to save on them, and the service life turns out to be much longer.

Features of each type
Whichever guards are used, if the cyclist's path runs over mountain plains, he will need protection from mud. In this case, users recommend using quick release elements. The market offers this product in a wide range. The main thing is to choose the right size.

When it comes to road cycling, one of the main conditions is maintaining speed characteristics. Both aerodynamics and weight must be considered. Accordingly, large and heavy metal fenders are not a good idea. Full-size carbon or plastic fittings are fine, though.
They will not only provide reliable protection, but also allow you to move around quite quickly and comfortably.

If the bike is being used for city travel, you should opt for full length long fenders. The preferred materials of manufacture are metal and metal-plastic. They will perfectly protect the cyclist from moisture and dirt in rainy weather.
However, you need to understand that during bad weather it will still not be possible to stay dry, but after a rainstorm it will be quite comfortable to move around.

Wing diameter 26
Users claim that the 26-inch full-size wing deserves special attention. It not only looks neat, but also protects the cyclist from dirt and water. This is because the element takes up almost half of the wheel.
The material of manufacture can be both plastic and metal-plastic or light metal. This allows you to create a structure that is not too heavy, but at the same time quite strong. In some cases, the elements are water-repellent.
There may be several mounting options.They have their own clamps, which allows them to be securely fixed to the frame or fork by themselves.

Do I need to bet?
This question is most often asked by those who are going to make a choice regarding full-size cycling wings. All arguments should be considered.
Despite the fact that many consider the protection to be rather weak, it still allows you to protect the bike owner from dirt and moisture. This is especially true after rain, when dirt can fly out from under the wheels and stain the rider.
For the most part, fenders give the bike a presentable appearance. However, on some vehicles, they really may not look very appropriate, but this is rather an exception.

Excess weight can, of course, be an obstacle. However, we are talking literally about seconds, which in ordinary life are not particularly important. And there are much more pluses.
The same goes for the deterioration of aerodynamics. It, indeed, can be reduced, but not so much that it matters, if we are not talking about sports competitions. That's why bike owners are making the choice in favor of wings more and more often.

For information on how to choose fenders for a bike, see the next video.