The most unusual bicycles in the world

A bicycle is an irreplaceable sports attribute and a favorite vehicle of many people. Riding on it makes it possible not only to quickly reach the desired place without traffic jams, but also to have a great time, to keep yourself in excellent physical and emotional condition.
Have you ever thought about the fact that the bicycles that we are all used to and see in shop windows, on cycle tracks and roads are far from the entire assortment that is actually available? In addition to the well-known models of familiar configurations, there are other, very interesting and unusual specimens. We will talk about them in our article.

Original designs
Yes, it's not a secret for anyone that there are a lot of interesting and smart people in our world, whose brains work differently from those of others. It is these "kulibins" that stand at the origins of the creation of bicycles, which impressed the whole world with their originality and dissimilarity from their other brothers.

Let's talk about the most incredible and unusual bikes. So, in history, such inventions have become the most famous.
The creation of this bike was heavily influenced by the motorcycle industry. Visually, it is very similar to a chopper motorcycle, but it has many advantages over its sibling:
- it does not need to be refueled;
- you do not need a license to drive;
- environmentally friendly and safe transport for the surrounding world;
- there is no need to get and pay for insurance.
Such a vehicle is characterized by long wheelbase, wide wheels and low stance. The bike chopper is very stylish and convenient. Today, many craftsmen create such a design on their own, only using drawings and diagrams that are publicly available on the Internet.

Wooden bike
First of all, I would like to note that it was from such material that the very first two-wheeled transport in the world was made in time immemorial. Today, a wooden vehicle is a great luxury that costs a lot of money.
To make this type of bike, you need a durable and high-quality wood, for example, bamboo. Unfortunately, cyclists rarely buy such models, do not really trust the wooden structure, thinking that it is short-lived.
However, the manufacturer guarantees that such a model will last as long as with an aluminum frame.

The most popular and well-known wooden bicycles are these models.
- Arvak Bicycle. It was conceived and developed in France. White ash wood was used to make the bike frame, carbon was used for the wheels, but the chain and pedals were made of metal.
You cannot just come and buy this bike in a store - it is made exclusively to order.

- Pedal forward almost entirely made of bamboo - a material that reads harder and more durable than aluminum. Bicycle wheels are also made of wood. Of course, there are also metal parts: pedals, chain, frame joints.
Equipment and modern technologies are not involved in the production of this bike, the entire bike is assembled by hand.

Bike scooter
This is incredible transport - it is both a bike and a scooter at the same time. Such an ingenious invention belongs to a Frenchman Philip Starck. Its great advantage is that, due to its unusual design, the ride involves absolutely all muscle groups, which has a positive effect on the physical condition of the rider. The seat height adjustment function is also available, making it possible to ride the bike for men, women and teenagers.

Night bike
This transport comes from the future. Looking at it, you can see some kind of spaceship. The bike is characterized by:
- fashionable and modern design design;
- high quality materials;
- light tubes, the presence of which provides a radiant effect.
This transport is great for night walks.

Bicycle with roof for adults
If such models can often be seen as a symbiosis of a baby carriage and a bicycle, then for adults such products are rare. They are convenient because in this case, the rider can travel in the rain or scorching sun.

Three-wheeled bike with a cabin and doors
This is a fairly stable closed-type design. It has three wheels and a cab, like a car driver, thanks to which the trip becomes even more comfortable and safe.

Bike with propeller
The design of the vehicle is similar to a helicopter, but visually resembles an ordinary bicycle equipped with a propeller. The bike can even rise a couple of meters into the air and can maneuver.
It is also called a flying bike.

Model with triangular wheels
The idea of creating such an unusual and seemingly not very convenient means of transportation belongs to a Chinese man who decided to surprise the world with his invention. But, for obvious reasons, it is not in demand among fans of riding an "iron horse", since it can be called soft and comfortable with great difficulty.

Bicycle with sail
The patent for the invention belongs to the Dutchman Frege Twight. This design is a hybrid of a tricycle and a sailboat. But, despite this, the invention turned out to be so successful and in demand that it was registered as a vehicle that can be a full participant in road traffic.
The bicycle can be set in motion both by pedaling and by wind force.

With treadmill
This is definitely an incomparable design. It is the world's first and only hybrid bike and treadmill, ideal for those looking to be healthy. A treadmill bike is an electric bike equipped with an electric motor. Such an invention can be purchased exclusively from the manufacturer. It is not set in motion by pedaling: an electric motor is walked along the track and starts to work, which sets the vehicle in motion.

With square wheels
And this is not a flight of fantasy - such a miracle really exists. Traveling on the very first such model was not very convenient, but over time, the inventors finalized it and were able to ensure that the ride was comfortable and soft.

With wings to fly
The bike is equipped with wings that are directly involved in the riding process. It is set in motion by pedaling, and the presence of wings helps to develop high speed using the influence of the wind.
As you can see, thanks to human thought and engineering thinking, many different unusual bicycles have been created. Some of them are made in a single copy and are either in the houses of their inventors, or in museums. And there are also such copies that are mass-produced and sold, are road users.

You can watch a video review of the 10 most unusual bicycles below.