Review of German bicycles

Bicycles are a popular means of transportation that does not require fuel costs and costly repairs. They do not get stuck in traffic and contribute to adequate physical activity. German bicycles are a special page in this product group. Like everything German, they are characterized by conciseness, reliability and high quality.

Bicycles for a modern person are produced by a variety of firms and brands. All of them secretly or openly compete with each other in who will offer new qualities and improved characteristics, who will distinguish themselves with a new product. In other words, the process of inventing the bicycle is not over yet. The Germans are considered to be some of the most progressive bicycle builders, and Germany is one of the key countries in the European cycling industry. It is in this country that the largest cycling exhibitions are held, and from here the best specimens are sent to international expositions. Just think about it - Germany has pavilions at 23 international exhibitions, with a total area of almost 3 million square meters, and half of it is occupied by bicycles!
The Germans have a special, reverent attitude towards a two-wheeled vehicle. They themselves are happy to change from their comfortable German cars to bicycles at the slightest opportunity.
The approach in production, as in the case of the production of German cars, lies in a convincing and reliable design, durability, and thoughtfulness of details.

Firms and brands
So many bicycle companies are concentrated in Germany, which is small in size, that one can only wonder. But two-wheeled transport for the Germans is more than just transport. This is part of the national idea. Among the variety of manufacturers, I would like to note the best companies that enjoy a well-deserved reputation for producing the most reliable and stylish bicycles.

The company is originally from Hamburg. There are no mountains or extreme rough terrain in the city, but this does not in the least prevent the company from producing excellent mountain bikes of excellent quality. Part of the production is located, according to European and Western tradition, at the production sites of Taiwan and China, but the development, details and full quality control are invariably German.
This manufacturer has quite a few decent models. According to customer reviews, Bergamont Fastlane Team is rightfully considered one of the best. This two-wheeled mountain bike has a carbon frame that is lightweight and very durable. With German pedantry, the suspension is thought out, and therefore the bike has high handling characteristics. Shock absorption will not allow you to feel bumps and bumps on the road.
The model has a hydraulic braking system, excellent build quality and amazing speed characteristics.

More than four decades ago, 13-year-old German resident Roman Arnold decided to get involved in bicycle racing. At the same time, the teenager began selling bicycle parts directly from the trailer, since he did not have his own store. It all came to the fact that by the time the young man came of age, he opened his own company, Radsport Arnold. And a few years later saw the light of the first two-suspension, designed for riding on rough terrain.
Frame has always been important to Arnold. He tried to find materials that would make it light and strong at the same time. So, his company began making bicycles with carbon frames, which Arnold himself called "ideal". Today, Canyon brand appliances are manufactured in workshops in Taiwan, but each quality stage is checked by German engineers.
When buying such bicycles, every fan of this type of transport has a real opportunity to create a transport for themselves - small modifications allow you to choose the configuration that suits the most.

The best model of the company for today is Ultimate CF SLX... It is a very light bike for a comfortable ride. In it, every little thing is done at the highest level in compliance with strict requirements. The carbon frame is complemented by a precise and responsive chassis, and the safety system is thought out to the smallest detail.

It is one of the most renowned German bicycle manufacturers. The bicycles of this brand are the brainchild of an ordinary German student Markus Pürner from Waldershof. If the young man did not experience financial problems, it is unlikely that he would ever have founded his famous enterprise. But the student had nothing to pay for his studies, nothing to live on - and he borrowed money and bought the first batch of bicycle frames in Asia, assembled simple bicycles from them and sold them. The income was enough to pay off debts, pay for studies and again buy spare parts in Asian countries.
Gradually, Markus came to understand and a clear vision of what kind of bicycles he would like to produce.
Today Cube is a brand that supplies two-wheeled vehicles to 33 countries of the world, produces not only the bicycles themselves, but also a large selection of accessories and equipment.

The rating of the best models of the brand is rightfully headed by Cube Stereo 120 Super HPC Race. It is a very light bike with excellent stability, precise handling and thoughtful suspension.
The company has the widest selection of ladies ', children's and teenagers' bicycles, models for professionals and amateurs. Manufacturers consider the satisfaction of any rider's needs an important benchmark, and therefore the company produces urban, mountain, and hybrid models for every taste.

The company that produces vehicles under this brand was founded by a real athlete, a professional racer in 1992. Manufacturers make models of bicycles for any budget, but there is no doubt that even the most inexpensive models are made conscientiously - qualitatively and using innovative methods and technologies... It is this distinctive feature that sets the brand apart from its many competitors.Another feature is that all models are produced exclusively in Germany - the company does not trust production to other countries.
Focus Black Forest 29R 3.0 is considered one of the best models.... It has a lightweight and durable high-grade aluminum alloy frame, 29-inch wheels and hydraulic disc brakes. This model easily overcomes any unevenness of the terrain.

This German company started its work in 1993. At first, all production was concentrated in the blacksmith's yard, and only 3 models were produced. But after 3 years the assortment consisted of 12 models, and after a couple of years - of 25.
This brand treats the fair sex with special trepidation. For them, a whole line of bicycles is presented, on which you can ride even in heels, even in a dress. Men were not offended either. Dozens of world competitions have been won on the bicycles of this German brand, which brought great fame to the brand itself.

The list of the best models of the manufacturer rightfully heads Ghost HTX Lector 2977. This bike has been awarded the national title of best mountain bike. The frame is made of carbon fiber. The model has a hydraulic brake system, an air-oil adjustable fork.
You can ride it with the same degree of comfort both in the city and in the mountains.

This brand - the youngest among all German bicycle manufacturers. It appeared in 2007. In the first place, the company puts questions of interesting and unusual design. Glory came to the brand after several riders won world tournaments on these bicycles. The company also fulfills a social mission - it has opened a sports school to train a worthy change of cyclists.
Among the rating of models, it is worth giving first place Bulls Copperhead 3 27.5 RS. Light and safe model, developing high speeds, is produced in an unusual design solution. Like all other models of the brand, it is intended for connoisseurs of originality.

Almost 3 decades ago, the company was given birth by two cycling brothers. They set up production in Hamburg. The main office is located there today, while the production is located in Taiwan.
The best model of the manufacturer to date is the Stevens Sentiero. It is equipped with a lightweight and high-strength aluminum frame, semi-professional attachments and a hydraulic brake system.
The technique is considered optimal for roads with poor coverage and country roads.

A manufacturer from Bavaria launches special bicycles on the market. All their frame structures are not welded by the factory, but by hand. Welding places are subjected to special heat treatment, which increases their safety margin several times.
It is difficult to choose the best model in the line of this manufacturer, since they all deserve attention and their "moment of glory".

Just as it is difficult to choose the best German bike. Each of them is special. After all, buying a bicycle from a German manufacturer, you acquire a loyal and reliable "iron friend" who will be with you where no human has stepped foot or a bicycle wheel has passed. For Russian roads with their national characteristics, cycling from Germany is considered one of the most adapted and ideally suited.
The cost of German bicycles is higher than Russian, Chinese and Korean. But in general, it is quite affordable for a wide range of consumers. There are no problems with spare parts - they are in abundance. But there is no special need for the spare parts themselves for a long time, bicycles from Germany rarely "present" unpleasant surprises to their owners in the form of unexpected breakdowns.

For an overview of the German bicycle Steppenwolf, see the next video.