Clothing and equipment

Cycling jerseys: varieties, manufacturers review and care tips

Cycling jerseys: varieties, manufacturers review and care tips
  1. Description
  3. Manufacturers
  4. Care rules

Cycling is not only a sport or an interesting hobby, but also a path to longevity. Scientists from around the world have proven that taking regular cycling trips can help you stay active and vital throughout your life. For many, children's hobby for cycling develops into a professional activity, which is associated with constant training and participation in competitions.

To ensure maximum comfort while covering huge distances, sportswear manufacturers have developed special equipment for cyclists, of which cycling jerseys are an integral part.


Cycling jersey is a special t-shirt for cyclists that is part of their equipment. For the first time, these T-shirts were used by athletes participating in bicycle rallies and cycling races. Much later, almost all professional athletes and amateurs began to use special equipment during training and competitions.

Due to the high price range, experts do not recommend purchasing these clothes for people who drive a bicycle for only a few hours a week. But the owners of road models, cyclocross and hybrids, as well as people, which cover tens of kilometers, you must definitely pay attention to cycling jerseys.

In order to choose the right jersey for cycling, you need to focus not on your size, but on your height. For maximum fit, most cycling riders choose a jersey that is slightly smaller.The features of such sportswear are a narrow bottom, a high neckline, the presence of reflective inserts on the back pocket, the manufacture of side and shoulder inserts from a blown mesh, the use of a special zipper that does not leave any snags.

Like any wardrobe item, a cycling jersey has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • quick removal of moisture;
  • snug fit;
  • the presence of lightning;
  • high aerodynamic performance;
  • the presence of pockets;
  • special cut, in which the back fabric is much longer than the front;
  • the presence of special reflective inserts;
  • the presence of special fixing silicone cuffs on all edges.

The disadvantage is the high price range. In the manufacture of these clothes, manufacturers are guided by the following principles:

  • comfort;
  • convenience;
  • security.


On the shelves of specialized stores, you can see a wide range of these products. Manufacturers produce both male and female models that best match the anatomical features of athletes of different genders. Features of Men's Cycling T-Shirts:

  • slim waist;
  • wide shoulder area;
  • straight cut hem.

Features of female models:

  • the presence of expansion in the chest area;
  • narrow cut of the shoulder area;
  • the presence of narrowing in the waist area;
  • slight flaring at the thighs.

Depending on the purpose, manufacturers produce the following types of cycling jerseys.

  • Highway (cross-country) - a product with maximum adherence to the body, quick moisture removal, high aerodynamic performance and special pockets on the back. These models have bright colors that make driving on the roads as safe as possible.
  • For city trips - an analogue of cross-country, which has a more strict and classic appearance.
  • Enuro, Downhill (Fox) - Long sleeve cycling jersey for cycling on slopes and mountainous areas. Feature - free fit, space for putting on special protection, no back pockets.

Depending on the climatic conditions, the bike shirts are of the following types:

  • for warm weather - classic cycling shirts and cycling shirts, which are used at temperatures over + 20 degrees;
  • for cool weather - products that are always made with long sleeves;
  • for cold weather - insulated models (velokofta), which include sheep's wool.

Dense products not only prevent hypothermia, but also have maximum moisture removal.

If the ambient temperature drops below 0 degrees, then it is better to wear a light jacket on top of the T-shirt. Special attention should be paid to new models that are made of carbon and ceramic fibers. These products have the following advantages:

  • increased level of wear resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • the presence of a lightweight cut;
  • UV protection;
  • protection of the skin from penetration of microparticles;
  • water-repellent effect.


A large number of manufacturers from around the world are engaged in the manufacture of special equipment for cyclists. Professional athletes recommend paying attention to the following brands, branded products of which are of high quality and long service life.

  • Altura - a manufacturer that produces loose-fitting T-shirts. These models are in demand for dunhill, freeride and enduro.
  • Enduro Is a brand that specializes in the production of equipment for extreme cycling. Feature - the use of a more elastic material.
  • Castelli, Assos, Gore, Mavic - trade brands that produce tight-fitting T-shirts that are designed for movement on the highway and special training tracks.
  • Grane, Scott, Skoda, Milram - manufacturers producing insulated cycling jersey models.

Care rules

In order for the bike to retain its color and appearance as long as possible, experts recommend paying attention not only to its choice, but also to observing the rules of caring for it. Well-known manufacturers on special tags place detailed information on the care of their products, which must be strictly observed.

If after training it is not possible to wash the equipment, then you must at least clean it of dirt and sweat drops by rinsing in clean and cool water. After training, never put wet clothing in your gym bag. Before removing the cycling jersey, you need to be sure to dry.

According to hygiene standards, it is unacceptable to reuse dirty and sweaty clothes, bacteria and dangerous fungi on which can provoke skin rashes and itching.

To maximize product integrity Do not wash elastic clothes together with accessories with Velcro. Adhesives will quickly spoil the top layer of sportswear. To prevent the zipper from breaking, be sure to close it before loading clothes into the machine.

Laundry specialists recommend using delicate formulations that do not contain fragrances, dyes, bleaches and chlorine. The optimal washing mode is delicate with a 30-degree temperature mode and a delicate rinse. It is strictly forbidden to use dryers to dry T-shirts; it is better to simply hang the linen on the street.

          Cycling races are one of the most spectacular and vibrant sporting events, watched by a huge number of fans. The appearance of an athlete plays an important role in this event.

          Each cyclist tries to choose not only a high-quality, reliable and beautiful bike, but also spectacular and comfortable clothes that will help him not only quickly overcome the distance, but also not get lost among the other participants. Modern manufacturers produce a wide range of sports kits, which differ not only in size, but also in design, purpose and price range. The choice of the necessary equipment depends only on individual preferences and the amount of financial resources.

          See below for an overview of the Castelli Gabba 2 cycling jersey.

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