Children's bicycles from 3 years old: rating of the best models and selection

Already at a relatively early age, children are not satisfied with walking and running. For full physical development and to emphasize their status among their peers, they need a bicycle. But there are a number of subtleties that parents must take into account, otherwise the purchase will cause additional problems.

It is generally accepted that a children's bicycle differs from an adult exclusively in the dimensions of the device as a whole and in the dimensions of individual parts. However, in reality, this naive superficial view is not justified. There are many other subtleties that amateurs are usually unaware of.
Products for children under 5 years old are different simplified design. The vast majority of children's models use tubeless tires. But if these nuances may still differ, then here equipping with an ordinary chain drive, which obviously does not allow gear shifting, is a mandatory feature... Of course, the kid's bike is consistently colored brighter than the adult's. Moreover, there are practically no unisex models.
And this is very good, because it also allows you to show the bright personality of the baby.

Additional features of the children's bicycle transport are:
- use of baskets and other accessories;
- covering the chain drive with a protective cover;
- foam bushing on the steering bar;
- making a bicycle without small structural and fastening parts that could cause harm.

Speaking about children's bicycles from 3 years old, it should be borne in mind that this very definition - “from 3 years old” - is quite extensible.It includes both younger preschoolers, for whom any bump is already a serious obstacle, and adolescents aged 12-14, who like to drive several kilometers on not the best roads. Therefore, it is obvious that choosing a certain universal type of bike is not so easy. And the first guideline when choosing is the size of the wheel (its outer diameter).
There is such a gradation:
- from 3 to 5 years old - 14 or 16 inches;
- from 5 to 9 years old - 18 or 20 inches;
- from 9 to 12 years old - 24 inches;
- from 14 years old - 26 inches.

But it is necessary to take into account, of course, the growth of a particular child. So, 14- and 16-inch wheels are suitable only for those who are not taller than 1.15 m. And for children aged 9-12 years who have grown to 1.55 m, it is advisable to buy a teenage bike with a wheel of 26 inches or more. Attempts to take into account only the calendar age are pointless. However, this is not all.
Design differences can even apply to models for different genders. Of course, in a number of publications this specificity is delicately overlooked. But it still exists and deserves close attention. Differences may relate to:
- steering wheel width;
- tire width;
- frame height;
- seat height.

But all this applies rather to the initial adolescent models. Purely for children, for primary school students and for preschoolers, bikes really differ only in appearance and brightness of color. What has been said is enough to understand - the expression "ordinary children's bicycle" itself says little ... except about the fact that the speakers do not understand the essence of the matter.
Everyone knows, for example, that tricycles are usually used for children under 5-6 years old, and later they gradually switch to two-wheeled models. But this is connected not only with the emergence of better balancing skills and with the fact that "it becomes embarrassing to ride on three wheels." The third wheel is also an important safety feature.
Curiously, there are convertible models in which the third wheel can be easily removed at the request of the owners.

A simple three-wheeled bike will have to be changed to a two-wheeled one - it is almost impossible to change its design on your own or even in a workshop. But as children grow, not only the size of the bike increases, but also its weight. Movement becomes more difficult and more and more problems are caused, for example, climbing stairs with him in a house without an elevator or dragging him manually over obstacles. The way out is the use of lightweight aluminum alloys and other lightweight (compared to steel) materials.
But the increase in the size of the bicycle, even compensated for by light materials, also complicates its storage, as well as transportation in a car, bus, train, and so on. Therefore, for schoolchildren, especially adolescents, it is relevant folding type of bikes. It is subdivided into conditional subspecies depending on how much the size is reduced after folding.
To school, to the store and just for a walk, starting from a certain age, it is more comfortable to ride on a bicycle with a basket... It is easy to put various things there, freeing your hands and unloading backpacks, bags.

But back to the characteristics of children's bicycles for different ages. One might get the impression that the difference between them concerns only the size of the wheels. It's not like that at all. Designs for 3-5 years are equipped with a front or rear brake. Versions for children aged 5-9 years are usually equipped with a transmission with several speeds.
They also often have two brakes: the rear one is operated by the legs, and the front one is operated by the hands (V-brake version prevails). To make the ride more comfortable, use shock-absorbing forks of a special design. As for the versions for children from 9 to 12 years old, they differ little from adults (with the exception of the frame dimensions). Of course, bikes with a parent handle are used only for the youngest children.
Another special category is balance bikes (aka bike races): they never have pedals.

Materials and design
Children's bicycles also differ in structural materials. Almost all series-produced models are equipped with steel or aluminum frames. On thematic forums, hundreds of pages of comments and dozens of fierce discussions are devoted to the question of which material is better. To understand this, you need to carefully analyze the features of all options.
For over 100 years, almost since the creation of bicycles, it has been actively used stainless steel. Until recently, some experts believed that its share would decrease significantly, and most of the new structures would be made of aluminum and other materials. But these expectations did not come true. The good old iron-carbon alloy is very strong, and alternative solutions can hardly match it in this indicator. It's obvious that for "off-road conquerors" and tourists going to uninhabited areas, it is the criterion of reliability that will come first.

It should be borne in mind that there are three types of steel alloys used in bicycles. The simplest metal is the most accessible and inexpensive. It is from it that bikes are made that are sold in markets and in hypermarkets with a universal set of goods. The cheapness of structures turns into a high risk of corrosion. Concerning carbon steel, then it is also called high-stretched, and in English-language descriptions - High Ten. The price of this metal is slightly higher, but it is more flexible and allows you to compensate for vibrations.
Steel with chromium and molybdenum additives has a structure with extra fine grain. Therefore, its strength is very great. The likelihood of corrosion is lower than that of the previous two options, but it remains. Concerning aluminum, it should be borne in mind that this material cannot be used in a chemically pure form due to its too great softness. Therefore, in practice, bicycle frames are made from aluminum alloys with other non-ferrous metals.

They are lighter than those made of steel. Therefore, acceleration is easier, and it will be less laborious to overcome a steep climb. However, the advantage of aluminum is somewhat overshadowed by its low (compared to steel) inertia. Vibration damping is also worse. An important disadvantage is that the aluminum frame will break immediately, without "warning" cracks, because the risk of injury is high enough.
It is worth remembering that the best aluminum alloys are those that have undergone heat treatment... Grades 7005 and 7075 are superior in reliability to alloy 6061, but it is easier to weld. But if there is a desire to achieve absolutely extraordinary results when riding, then you can choose bicycles with titanium frame. There is, however, another problem - the choice of such bikes, even with the availability of funds, is rather scarce.
But a titanium bike will last over 15 years and will perfectly dampen vibrations on the road.

Lovers of modern technology often choose a polymer material - carbon. It is formed by an interlacing of carbon strands surrounded by a matrix based on polymer resins. As a result, excellent strength is guaranteed with longitudinal mechanical stress. To compensate for the low resistance to side impacts, the threads are laid in layers in different directions. It is worth noting that carbon has found application not only in the creation of bicycle frames, but also in the production of:
- rudders;
- pins under the seats;
- wheels;
- steering stems;
- forks.
Despite all the efforts of the developers, carbon parts can be destroyed by intense point impact. In addition, even under favorable circumstances, they will last a maximum of several years. And the very handling of carbon bikes should be as careful as possible.

If you need the lightest frames, you should give preference to products made of magnesium. True, they are very expensive and are found only occasionally. But there are no particular complaints from users about them.Excellent vibration damping and excellent motion quality are noted. Magnesium-based bicycles look very attractive. But we must understand that this material copes even worse with point effects than carbon, and also very poorly tolerates heavy loads.
And yet magnesium has taken its rightful place in bicycle construction - it is used to make shock absorber forks.

Another lightweight material - scandium. It is very strong, heavier than magnesium, but lighter than titanium. You just need to understand that the slightest deviations from the normal processing technology turn into problems.
In isolated cases, the following applies:
- beryllium-based alloys;
- wood;
- bamboo (more and more fashionable in recent years).
There are many options for the original design of children's bikes. You can often see:
- braiding of wheels with multi-colored wire;
- bright headlights and mud flaps;
- original reflectors;
- high handlebars (suitable only for children who confidently own a bicycle).

Rating of the best models
German models of the brand fall into the top of high-quality children's bicycles Kreiss. For example, a three-wheel modification with seat belts and a limiting bumper. This bike has:
- parental control knobs;
- small luggage baskets;
- wheels with a diameter of 0.23 m in front and 0.19 m in the rear;
- permissible load 30 kg.
It is worth noting that despite the actual development in Germany, the production itself is located in China. The Kreiss tricycle weighs 9.15 kg. In the process of its manufacture, not only metal is used, but also plastic, and even textiles.

The model should be considered as an alternative. Globber Go Bike.
Its main characteristics are as follows:
- intended for girls (pink), for boys (blue);
- frame format hardtail;
- no brakes;
- wheels 8 inches;
- aluminum handlebar with height adjustment of 0.43-0.48 m;
- single driving speed;
- solid steel frame;
- compacted composite grips;
- industrial grade bearings;
- reinforced plastic rims;
- total weight 2.58 kg;
- ethyl vinyl acetate tires.

Another good option is Novatrack prime with a single size for a height of 1-1.17 m. This bike is painted white. It is equipped with foot brakes and sixteen-inch wheels. The hardtail frame is made of aluminum and the front brake is V-Brake compliant. By default, the model is designed to use rigid shock absorbing forks.
The optimal model for many can be Forward funky with wheels with a diameter of 14 inches. This bike is designed for a height of 0.95-1.14m. By default, it is equipped with foot brakes and a hardtail steel frame. Only one driving speed is provided. The threaded steering column is equipped with a steering angle limiter. Handlebar type FWD made of steel.

Model chain KMC C410 works very reliably and stably. The same applies to the hubs, 2.125-inch Forward tires, and the steel pin located under the seat. The rigid steel fork also does not cause complaints.
But for teenagers, a bicycle is better suited. Silverback Stride Speed. This is a road model with 28-inch wheels. The rim brakes will stop the bike at any of 16 speeds. The aluminum alloy frame is light enough. There is no frame folding function. Shifters, cranks, derailleurs, cassette, bushings are manufactured at Shimano factories.
There are no brake rotors. The Square steel bottom bracket works relatively well, and the same goes for the PYC 8003 chain. The wheels are fitted with twin steel rims. A steering stem made of aluminum with a length of 0.08-0.11 m is provided. Pedals are not used in the design, but there is an aluminum steering wheel with butted.

How to choose?
But it is not enough just to be limited to acquaintance with the offers of the leading companies.When choosing transport for babies from the age of three, you need to pay main attention to the level of safety. For small children it is better to choose especially stable four-wheeled models. Even if balance is lost for a while, falling from them is almost impossible.
When choosing a bike for a child, pay attention to its height. This indicator is sequentially divided by 2.5 and 2.54 (this is how the optimal frame size is calculated). It is better to go shopping with the children themselves. Let them get on the bike and talk about their experiences. If the distance from the waist to the frame is more than 0.2 m, then, if necessary, the traveling child will not be able to jump to the side.
Normally, the legs reach the pedals and there is no need to bend, bend over to reach the steering wheel.

Both the first and subsequent bicycles preferably purchased at specialized retail outlets... There is no certainty that quality goods are being sold in the markets and in small shops, and even in ordinary supermarkets. As for the difference between bikes for a boy and a girl, in the 3-5 year age group it is expressed exclusively in the design of the structures. And of course, the products of well-known world brands deserve approval much more than fakes issued by someone unknown.
Rotation of the steering wheel around its axis is unacceptable. Special limiters help to prevent it. It is imperative to make sure that there are headlights and reflectors.

As with adult models, when buying bikes for children of any age, they evaluate:
- quality and ease of spinning wheels;
- serviceability of brakes;
- steering responsiveness;
- quality of fasteners;
- sound signals.
The seat must be made of soft material and be ergonomically shaped. Protective pads for chains, steering columns are very useful. Thanks to them, the risk of injury is reduced and the contamination of clothing is excluded. At the age from 6 to 10 years old, one should be guided by the interest in driving. Horns, rear-view mirrors, various accessories and interactive toys are already important here.
These elements also guarantee the intellectual development of the child.

For information on how to choose a children's bike from 3 years old, see the next video.