How to choose the diameter of the bicycle wheels by height?

A bicycle is not a purchase that can be taken carelessly. The only discrepancy in any of its parameters can turn this vehicle from a sports equipment or relatively comfortable vehicle into a real tormentor. Each ride on it will be full of discomfort and not the most pleasant associations associated with overwork, and in some cases even with aching and dull pain.

Marking tables
The radius of the wheel is greater than the length of the spoke - this is an imaginary line from the center of the hub to the edge of the rim. But as the initial data, the diameter of the rim is often indicated - the distance from edge to edge (two opposite points on its circumference).
Wheel diameter in inches | Audience |
20 (XS) | Children under 10 years old |
24 (S) | Children from 10 to 17 years old |
26 (M) | Adults from 20 years old |
27.5 (L) | Adults |
29 (XL) | Universal |

The following classification will help to determine which bike a child or an adult will need.
Wheel, inches | Bike category | Height |
12 | For kids | 80-85 |
14 | 85-100 | |
16 | 100-110 | |
Folding | 140-180 | |
18 | For kids | 110-120 |
20 | 120-130 | |
Folding | 140-180 | |
24 | For teenagers | 135-150 |
Folding | 140-180 | |
26 | For adults, all types | 150-190 |
27,5 | 160-190 | |
29 | For adults, riding in the mountains | 170-200 |
To summarize the comparison and selection of a bike, the average height is given. The exact selection is made directly in the store.

The next parameter is the size of the frame or the length of the “seatpost” that is part of the frame (without the inner seatpost). If you do not want to hesitate because of studying other characteristics of the bike and delve into the scatter of their parameters - use the selection of the size of the bike frame according to the growth data.
Biker's height, cm | Bicycle frame size, inches |
145-165 | 15 |
150-170 | 16 |
155-175 | 17 |
160-180 | 18 |
170-185 | 19 |
175-190 | 20 |
180-195 | 21 |
190-200 | 22 |

Finally, in order to generalize, link all these characteristics into a single equation, it is customary to use the following values for universal and purely urban bikes.
Biker's height, cm | Wheel diameter, inches | Bicycle frame size, inches |
140 | 24 | 14-15 |
145 | 24, 26 | 15-16 14-15 |
150 | 26, 27,5 | 16-17 15,16 |
160 | 26 27,5 29 | 17-19 16-17 16 |
170 | 26 27,5 29 | 19-20 18-19 16-18 |
180 | 26 27,5 29 | 20-21 19-20 18-19 |
190 | 26 27,5 29 | 22-23 21-22 20-21 |
200 | 27,5 29 | 21-24 |

Thus, a bike for an adult is most often chosen on wheels of 26, 27.5, 28 and 29 inches. Wheels 24 inches - "borderline" size for short people.
The size is 17-24 inches. You can, of course, take as a basis the average height of people and the maximum size, while lowering the saddle as much as possible. But the upper tube of the bike frame, if it is not a women's model with lowered crossbars and a folding bike “for everyone”, will interfere with sitting down - especially for people with not fully trained stretching.
The dependence of the size and diameter of the bicycle wheels on the height and complexion is given for a reason. Ideally balanced height and weight of the user with wheel diameter and frame size allow better control of the bike, better control of the situation on the road and avoid accidents and falls on steeper and slippery turns.

What does the diameter affect?
Affects the diameter of the wheels on the roll, speed of acceleration, cross-country ability in bad road conditions. The larger the wheel, the easier and faster it moves over potholes and cracks in the asphalt, pebbles and gravel poured along the railroad bed. On a flat road (streets, highways) with large wheels, it is much easier to maintain a high speed - there is no need to pedal at an overestimated frequency. But these wheels are sluggish compared to their smaller siblings. It is more difficult to drive uphill without shifting to a lower gear with larger diameter wheels.
To make it easier to classify and select a bike with a specific wheel diameter, remember their assessment of suitability in real situations, which is as follows.
- 20 inch suitable for children's bikes with the height of a child (or teenager) from 120 to 140 cm. Rider weight - up to 40 kg. The bike is equipped with a folding hinge with a lock mounted on the frame. The child's age is 5-10 years.
- 24 inch suitable for adolescents and adults in height 140-170 cm and weighing up to 70 kg. Available: stem and saddle lift adjustment, frame folding mechanism. Purpose - for streets and highways, country roads with a relatively flat surface.

26 inches will do for high speed. Many of them are equipped with 12-18 speeds. The rider's height is 160-185 cm, these bicycles can withstand a person's weight of 90 kg.
- Bikes with 27.5-inch wheels, rider height - up to 165 cm, weight - 95 kg... Single-speed city bikes and multi-speed universal models are common. In addition to a wide range of speeds, there are also women's models with a lowered upper frame tube.
- 28 inch - these bikes are designed for people of the tallest (from 175 cm) height, they are easy to choose according to the corresponding frame size. Hybrid, touring and road models with this rim size are common.
- Finally, bicycles with 29-inch wheels - mostly urban, highway and hybrid. They will be appreciated by people of the largest height category. Their purpose is racing, cycling and cycling trips, as well as trips around the city and the region.

As a result, an adult is unlikely to ride a bicycle with a wheel diameter of less than 24 inches - except in special cases:
- not the biggest growth (for example, up to 175 cm);
- the bike belongs to folding and belongs to one of the well-known brands of the company, the purpose of which is to specialize precisely on ultra-compact folding models that easily pass into the train or bus.
Likewise, a schoolboy is unlikely to be able to immediately sit on a men's bicycle with 28 or 29 inches wheels, where the frame is a decent size. An exception will be people who have inherited great growth from their ancestors, and at the age of 14-15 they reach, for example, 180-185 cm. A typical, not too "openwork" model of a bicycle for men is quite suitable for this.

In order not to buy the "wrong" bike, before choosing the size and diameter of the wheels, decide in advance where you will ride more often: in a mountainous city or region - or your "area" is not replete with ups and downs. For residents, for example, the republics of the North Caucasus and the regions of the Urals, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, the choice is obvious - in favor of a miner with ten or more speeds. A similar option will also attract tourists who decide to travel around Russia. Otherwise, a 1-7 speed city bike is your optimal solution.
It is inadmissible for children to "grow up" to choose a bike.Being oversized will make it difficult for your child to develop correct posture. The seat should be adjusted so that the legs are fully extended when pedaling. Otherwise, the size of the bike frame may not suit you. When pedaling, your knees should not touch the frame or any attachments hanging from it (such as a shoulder bag).
And although manufacturers are closely monitoring this, it is recommended to check this aspect. The best solution is to choose a bike in the presence of the person who will use it.

The more careful and comprehensive approach to choosing the "right" bike in each specific case, the less stress on the knees, arms and spine in the end. The goal is to choose a model of a bicycle on which to travel long distances of tens and hundreds of kilometers a day is not a problem for a more or less prepared person.
For information on how to choose the diameter of the bicycle wheels by height, see the next video.