How do I size the bike frame for my height?

The bike frame is one of the most important parts of the bike. It is on it that the comfort of the fit and the control of the bike depend, which is greatly facilitated with a correctly selected frame. It is also worth noting that different frames are designed for men and women for greater convenience and ease of use. However, the most universal criterion for choosing a given part is, of course, the height of the cyclist.

Why is frame size important?
This is a fairly common question, since since childhood we have become accustomed to the fact that buying a bicycle is already a holiday, and few people thought of choosing its parameters specifically for the owner. The main rule in such cases is that the feet reach the pedal. This is not an entirely correct approach. Improper frame height leads to future health problems, namely back and knee injuries. In addition, each specific frame model has a different effect on the unloading of the elbow joints and the joints of the upper shoulder girdle.
The next unpleasant effect is banal discomfort. If you rarely ride a bike, you may not even notice it, but for those who love this sport and spend a lot of time cycling, this is a serious disadvantage.

Gradually, the discomfort after such trips will outweigh the pleasure, and you will have to say goodbye to your hobby. Nobody wants to lose an interesting hobby because of some annoying little things.
It is hardly possible to find the ideal ratio of the entire set of a bicycle for a person - in this case, each model will have to be manufactured according to individual parameters, which will make mass production impossible. However, it is possible to determine the most suitable parameters for the main components, and the bicycle frame is one of the most important components.

Matching rules for men
Criteria such as weight, height and equipment are the same for women and men, but it is necessary to remember about the existence of differences in physique. For example, in men, the shoulder girdle is often more developed, while in women, on the contrary, the emphasis may be on the hips.
That's why different models have a special table that helps to most competently determine the required frame size - size. These tables are rarely divided into female and male, and if they are, then, as a rule, the discrepancies present in them are insignificant. So, the girl can use the male sizes, if there is no time to look for the appropriate plate for the selection of a suitable bike and vice versa.
Size table when selecting a men's bicycle frame.

This allows you to find out which frame size is best for you. During the search and purchase of a bike in the future, it will be enough just to remember the specific marking and choose a model with the necessary equipment. But do not forget to pay attention to other parameters, for example, the type of bike - mountain, road, urban or hybrid - each type has its own specific selection criteria.

How to choose for women?
As mentioned above. The female figure has several differences from the male. With this in mind, manufacturers of women's models create ladies' bikes, which have a slightly shorter distance between the seat and the handlebars than men's. For leisurely city walks on warm evenings be guided by varieties with a lowered top pipe. You will feel the most comfortable on such a model, and you can also ride such bikes in a skirt or dress.
On the contrary, lovers of dangerous races on difficult terrain should take a closer look at reinforced trim levels or men's models.

Once you have decided on the purpose of your bike, you can move on to the next step - choosing the right frame length for your height. To make this choice easier, study the female sizes and remember the meaning that suits you. This will help determine the most relevant search parameter. The appropriate markings should be found on a small tube under the saddle - this is where a significant part of the bicycle manufacturing company has it.
Table of sizes when selecting a frame for women.

What else do you need to consider when choosing?
In addition to the height of a person who plans to use a bicycle, it is recommended to focus on some more parameters. This is the purpose of the bike - for the mountains, hybrid, for the city. The size of the bicycle depends on the method of operation, and therefore the size of its individual parts. Remember road, city and hybrid bikes are in cm, but mountain bikes are in inches.

Don't be fooled by those who claim that proper wheel size correlates with height. It's a delusion. Indeed, in the past, each model had only a few sizes that were intended for a specific age group, but now the situation has changed. Finding the size of the frame that fits your physique is paramount. A man with a powerful physique on a bicycle with large wheels will look much more natural, but this is a matter of aesthetics and preference.

However, the size of the wheels is related to the flotation of the bike. The smaller the wheel, the higher its permeability, so for outdoor training it is better to choose the option with smaller wheels.
If you need a bike as a means of transportation around the city, relying on its speed, then consider purchasing a model with large wheels that can cover a much larger area than small ones. But don't forget that the larger the wheel diameter, the more effort will have to be applied for rotation and movement as a whole.

When purchasing a new bike, test it (with the seller's permission, of course). If the space of the store does not allow for a ride, then at least try to sit down and pay attention to your feelings - are your hands comfortable on the steering wheel, do you have to stretch and tilt your back too much, is it possible to reach the pedals with your feet without pulling the sock too much ... Measure the distance from the crotch to the upper tube: swing your leg as if you are about to sit, but do not sit, but rest on both legs.
The distance from the top tube of the bike to the crotch should be about 5-10 centimeters. If this interval is less, then the likelihood of injury increases.

Again, the purpose of the bike is if you want to cycle professionally, the frame should be as long and low as possible. For example, with a high frame and a high seating position, you will not drive up a steep hill. Well, if you rarely use a bike or just ride short distances every day, then you can take the option with a short frame.
But if you increase the load, then the frame will still need to be changed to a longer one, since with a short frame, almost all the load falls on the back and spine, which, with prolonged loads, is fraught with health problems for the cyclist.

Those who love extreme sports and are going to engage in cycling or stunts should choose a frame smaller than recommended in the table, at least one size. This will add extra stability and maneuverability.
If you prefer quiet walks, look for a frame using your characteristics in sizes. The smaller the stunt bike, the easier it is to control while maneuvering.... The frame must be at least 2 sizes smaller than the standard frame.

There are situations when you have already purchased a bike, tried it and suddenly realized that you are experiencing discomfort during operation. I don't really want to buy another new bike, even if this time it is correctly selected for you, and buying a frame separately will cost 80% of the cost of the bike. In such situations, you can try to fix the situation. by adjusting the steering wheel and seat.

The handlebars are mounted on a special short pin called the stem. It has a certain angle and length. According to whether the bike is big or not, it is possible to adjust the corrective stem. If the bike is large, take a short stem, and if you have a bike that is too small, the stem gets longer. A separate detail is the steering wheel horns. They allow you to change the position of the body in the way that is most comfortable for you.
The best option - the antlers are installed parallel to the ground, with a slight diagonal rise. Horn models are quite varied, several can be purchased to be able to find the most suitable position for each type of riding.

The saddle is always parallel to the ground. This is the only way to avoid uncomfortable sensations in the arms and back and premature fatigue of these parts of the body. It is important to find the height of the saddle.
To adjust it, put your foot on the pedal and lower it down. At the very bottom, the foot on the pedal will be slightly bent. If you put the toe of your foot under the pedal, then the leg will straighten. This will be the optimum seat height for your height.

Overweight people often choose the wrong models for themselves. They believe that the larger the frame, the stronger it is, but this is not true. Because of this belief, which does not have any basis, very often bicycles are purchased that are completely unsuitable for a person. This will cause a lot of inconvenience, so that the pleasure of driving can be forgotten.
The only recommendation for choosing a bike design according to your weight is purchase urban or mountain models designed for high loads and with increased strength of the entire structure. For those looking for a very durable bike, it's best to look for a reinforced frame option. Another reason in favor of a low frame is that if you are too full, it will be simply inconvenient to climb onto a bike with a large and high frame.

A special category of frames is spatial for an electric bike. The purpose of this frame is slightly different: the battery and some small parts are attached to it. The ergonomic appearance not only adds durability to this bike part, but also helps to hide all the electrical stuff.
Often such bikes can be assembled by yourself, having acquired all the necessary components, but simply adding them to the simplest bike is not enough. At the very least, it will look ridiculous, and if you try to attach any heavy battery or other power source (with the exception of special batteries) to the frame of a regular bicycle, you can accurately predict how many trips this flimsy structure will fall apart.
The characteristics of space frames are different - each manufacturer has its own set of technical properties.

In this case, it is better to pay attention to what kind of bike you want to get: fully automated, semi-automated (pedals spin or not spin as you wish), with removable electronics or not. It is recommended to start from the amount of equipment added to the space frame when looking for a frame - this affects the strength and durability.
On e-bikes, the load on the legs is reduced, so while frame size is still an important criterion, it fades into the background, giving way to the strength, durability and technical properties of the battery. But the weight of such a frame differs significantly from a conventional bicycle frame - spatial frames are several times heavier. If you expect to put on a space frame and be able to pedal and ride with your strength, you are deeply mistaken.

Make sure the weight of the frame and the power of the battery or other power source are matched so that you can truly enjoy the ride.
Do not forget that the design of an ordinary bicycle is focused only on muscle strength with a small margin, therefore, when assembling an electric bike with a regular frame as a basis, you greatly risk not only your health, but, possibly, life... Better to spend a little more and build your bike on a space frame that is much more durable than a conventional bike and allows for more powerful power supplies. So the speed of a bike assembled on such a frame will be significantly higher than the speed of an e-bike assembled on a regular frame.
If you are looking for a space frame, then check in advance the compatibility of the specific selected model that you decided to purchase and the rest of the necessary components. This is a very important parameter, as some parts can be created specifically for each batch, and when used with parts from other manufacturers or from the same manufacturer, but from a different batch, the entire e-bike assembly may cease to function. It is better to find out such things from specialists or on the manufacturer's websites.

So, if you need a bicycle or a separate frame for your bike, pay attention to its height, or rather try the bike when buying, since not only your comfort, but also your health will depend on it. When looking for a frame for an e-bike, first of all consider its technical properties and compatibility with other parts for assembly.
And remember that There is no one-size-fits-all bike that fits all family members of all sizes and ages. So, if a consultant offers you to purchase such a miracle, give up the advice and choose the appropriate model yourself, separate for each.
How to choose a bike for your height, see below.