Correct fit on the bike

The bicycle is a popular means of transportation both among sports people and among lovers of measured trips around the city. The correct fit ensures that there are no health problems. In this article, we'll walk you through how to sit when riding mountain, road, and city bikes.

Influencing factors
In addition to human factors, proper fit is also influenced by those that depend on the bike, namely the frame, saddle and handlebars.
Buying a bike with a high frame is not recommended due to the inconvenience of control over the steering wheel. You will have to reach out to him, which will affect your posture. Also, on a steep descent, you will need to break away from the saddle. The frame of the optimal height should be determined before the purchase, as you will not be able to change it later. It is best if you choose a bike in the shoes in which you are going to ride.

Saddle height
To configure it, you can use the following method. Sit on your bike and bend your knees almost completely to find a suitable height. The saddle can be secured with a wrench. The saddle type and height affects the pelvic organs, so it should be comfortable.
When cranking the pedals the hips should not go to the sides, the leg should freely, without much effort press the pedals... The saddle slope is individually adjustable and is not changed by most cyclists. After the first ride, you will feel in which position your back will be more comfortable.

Steering wheel
Its geometry and position are essential for a correct fit as they play an important role in weight distribution. Too much lowering of the steering wheel is not useful for posture. However, it should not be higher than the saddle. Otherwise, the control will be fuzzy.Handlebars are either straight, suitable for quiet or short trips, or curved - for athletes, mountain sports enthusiasts. Also, curved handlebars are installed on some road bicycles, they are well suited for people with osteochondrosis.
All these factors, to one degree or another, affect the cyclist's posture, should be taken into account when learning to ride a bike and on the first ride.

When traveling by bike over any distance, it is desirable to have certain attributes.
- Helmet. Protect you from injury. He should not dangle on his head or squeeze it. Make sure you adjust it to fit your head before riding.
- Cycling shorts. Clothes of this or similar type are indispensable when traveling long distances.
- Gloves... They will help to avoid the appearance of calluses. Closed gloves provide additional warmth in cold weather. Fingerless gloves are available for the summer.
- Glasses. Protect not only from the sun, but also from the wind.
- Call. So you can quickly and without yelling warn pedestrians that you need to pass.

What should it be?
Correct posture when cycling is the key to good posture. Let's take a closer look at how to sit on a bicycle.
- Hands. Place them on the shifters. If you have a derailleur, you should be able to reach it easily with your fingers. The approximate angle between arms and torso is 90 degrees.
- The pelvis. To avoid injury and posture problems, this issue should be given sufficient attention. Sitting on the bike should be comfortable. Best of all, the leather saddle changes for its owner. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but this feeling will pass over time.
- Knees and elbows. They should not touch. Otherwise, your arms and legs will be bruised. The more speed the cyclist develops, the more he bends his arms at the elbows. This can be clearly seen in bicycle races, when the participants are almost lying on the handlebars.

How well you sit on the bike, spending whole hours on it while riding, determines the normal functioning of the muscles of the legs, back and neck. They don't have to be tense.
For a comfortable fit, athletes, like all men, due to their anatomical features, acquire narrow saddles. Female gender chooses wide saddlesas they are more comfortable for girls.

For a more complete understanding of the correct posture, we turn to the diagram.
- When riding a bike, it is important to be able to pedal correctly, softening the bumps in the road.
- The back needs to be slightly bent, but it should not sag. Bending too hard will lead to hunched and overstrained muscles.
- Bend your elbows a little and keep in this position.
- If you push your shoulders forward a little, the weight will be evenly distributed between the upper and lower body.
Of course, at first the landing will be unusual, for a long time you will not ride in this position. But over time, if the bike is correctly selected and adjusted, you will get used to it, and riding with the correct posture will be a pleasure.

Features of landing on different types of bicycles
The road bike is chosen for city or highway travel, while developing the highest possible speeds. Landing on such a bike has a number of features that are related to its tuning. Only by doing it right will you be able to sit comfortably on the road bike, revealing all its charms.
Don't be surprised if the handlebars on a road bike are set lower than on a regular bike. In the initial stages, it can be raised slightly to get used to the bike faster.
When riding road and racing bikes, the body is tilted forward (closer to the horizontal position), when riding a city bike, road bike, the back is almost vertical.

Thus, the entire load is borne by the saddle. If you find it uncomfortable to ride in this position, try lowering the handlebars a little. This will create a slight tilt angle, and the body will take the correct position.
While driving on a mountain (cross-country) bike the weight should be redistributed between the wheels. This is necessary to comfortably overcome all kinds of obstacles: mud, ravines, puddles. By moving the body back and forth, the weight can be effectively distributed. For example, when descending, it is better to lean back a little, and, conversely, when going up, you should lean towards the handlebars.
With a low upwind position and downhill riding is easier - the body is tilted forward at an angle of 45 degrees. A straight steering wheel can interfere - it is not very suitable for maneuvers.
Separate from the saddle when overcoming obstacles such as curbs, roots, depressions and other bumps in the road. This is necessary not only in order not to break the bike, but also in order not to harm your health and not cause injury.

A folding bike is a lightweight bike that can be folded compactly. The foldable is usually large with a low frame and small wheels, some models even have a motor. With such transport easier to navigate the subway... Sitting on a folding bike is mostly the same as on a road bike.

The landing of cyclists-racers is characterized by the desire to reduce air resistance as much as possible and, accordingly, to develop maximum speed. Especially for them were created special curved handlebars... The driver looks at the road a little sullenly. The higher the speed, the more the body approaches the horizontal position. And vice versa. Low speed is associated with the adoption of a vertical position.

The dressing bike was created specifically for participation in cycling and differs from the usual road bike in the following parameters:
- frame geometry;
- the shape of the pipes;
- big gears;
- driving.
The difference in landing on a dressing bike is less inclination, that is, the cyclist sits closer to the vertical axis.

Some road and Cruiser bikes have an upward curved handlebar. This is done so that the back can take an upright position.
At low speeds, the back muscles do not get tired. Problems begin with vertical landing if you drive distances of 50 km per day.
If you have to travel long distances every day, we recommend doing some simple exercises to warm up your shoulder and back muscles before and after your trip.
Pain in the legs is associated with an excessively high seating position. However, they can appear with a low fit. All of the above tips are general in nature. Knowing these basic principles will make it easier for you to customize your bike. Don't be afraid to experiment - comfort is very important when riding.

Improper seating on a bicycle is stressful, exhausting and harmful to your health. Let's consider several options for mistakes that are made most often.
- Among people who are starting to master a new type of transport, you can often find cyclists with the wrong grip. For example, don't twist your wrists forward or backward and downward.
- When the center of gravity of the body is shifted towards the steering wheel, hands can become numb. This is due to their overload. To avoid this, you can replace the handlebars or move the saddle back.
- Leakage occurs due to an incorrectly selected saddle. Too narrow squeezes blood flow in the muscles and leads to numbness in the limbs. Knee pain can occur when sitting too high.
- Do not keep your arms or legs straight when passing obstacles. One wrong move and problems are assured.
- Do not focus on the front wheel. It is better to always look ahead. Even if at first it is difficult to do, you need to try to control this moment. A good fit increases your horizons.

So, we have found that the correct seating position while cycling plays an important role. For each type of bike, it has its own differences. Do not forget about your health, and cycling will be beneficial and enjoyable.
For information on how to properly adjust the fit on your bike, see the next video.