All about cycle rickshaws

Among all types of personal and public transport, the most environmentally friendly is the cycle rickshaw. It does not require fuel - a person is enough to pedal. It does not harm the atmosphere and rarely gets into accidents because it moves at the speed of a bicycle. The rickshaw can carry several passengers at the same time, help in the transportation of cargo.
Description and a little history
A cycle rickshaw today in Western countries is usually called a more correct term - "cycle taxi". It is classified as public transport. In essence, a cycle rickshaw is a special design on a bicycle base, the capacity of which is 1 manpower. We are talking about a person who sits at the wheel, pedals. Thanks to his efforts, the bike taxi moves forward.
Rickshaws appeared in Asia long before the invention of the bicycle. The charioteer was running along the road, pulling a cart with a passenger. Bicycle rickshaws first appeared in Japan, and from there the idea went to other Asian countries.

Half a century ago, cycle rickshaws filled the city streets of Europe and America. There they are pinned special hopes and plans - bicycle-powered rickshaws serve as entertainment for tourists. So, cycle rickshaws are incredibly popular among guests of the central part of New York, Washington, London. Cycle taxis appeared in both Russian capitals a few years ago. In Moscow, pedicabs ride along Pushkin Square, and in St. Petersburg - along Dvortsovaya Square.

Each country that welcomed pedicabs brought something of its own into them.... Therefore, the designs of Asian models differ significantly from European or Russian-made cycle rickshaws. For example, in Western countries, they love tricycle taxis.In them, the driver is in front, and 2-3 passengers - behind him. Such carts are available with open and closed roofs. But inventive Vietnamese prefer to show guests the country "face". For this, the driver is transplanted behind the passengers, and he "pushes" them in front of him. Two wheels in Vietnamese rickshaws are located under the passenger side, and one - under the driver's side.
Four-wheeled rickshaws are not uncommon in Mongolia and China.

The Russians joined the production of such vehicles only about a decade ago. The first Russian-made cycle rickshaws left the lines of the Armavir plant in the Krasnodar Territory... It was the Russians who came up with a way to reduce the burden on the driver. They proposed installing solar panels to power the electric motor. The driver does not need to pedal furiously, he can enjoy the ride and follow the direction of travel. Two years ago, the Russian idea found support from Chinese specialists, and the Celestial Empire began the serial production of solar panels for rickshaw bicycles.
After the advent of the electric rickshaw, new ideas for the use of an unusual means of transportation began to arise. For example, this year there were presented rickshaws for transporting ice cream, lemonade, rickshaw bars for resort towns, as well as bicycle-powered ticket booths moving around the city.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?
The cycle rickshaw is suitable for family vacations within the city. On it, children and their parents can go for a walk in the park or city center. But the roads should be fairly smooth: rickshaws do not tolerate bumps and holes... Some models can overcome small obstacles, but they are not ready for rough terrain and off-road terrain. Passenger rickshaws are cheaper and more affordable than devices with thermal containers. If the bike taxi is equipped with an ice cream refrigerator, then its cost increases exactly by the price of the refrigerator.
A bicycle rickshaw for the transport of goods can be equipped with a wheelchair in the front or in the rear. The same approach is used in the production of passenger models - the cost of such Russian-made cycle rickshaws starts at 31 thousand rubles. The cost of vehicles with refrigerators is from 51 to 99 thousand rubles. There are models stylized as old carriages, they cost about 95 thousand rubles.

How to do it?
If you like a cycle rickshaw with a motor, but its cost is not, then you can try to make such a transport with your own hands from an ordinary bicycle. This will require imagination, skilled hands and the necessary materials.
- durable multi-layer plywood;
- tools for working on metal;
- bicycle transmission;
- device for grinding corners;
- several pieces of durable artificial leather;
- bicycle wheels - 3 pieces;
- metal pipe;
- fasteners;
- welding machine;
- some foam rubber.

First of all, craftsmen are advised to decide on the design. If your idea draws the image of a cycle rickshaw with a driver's seat in the rear, then you should raise the saddle higher so that you can clearly see the road over the passengers. Create a drawing or select a ready-made one.
Mark the sequence of actions on the paper with colored lines so as not to get confused.

Further, the algorithm of actions will be as follows.
- Cook the frame... The design of the cycle rickshaw frame is simple and reliable, it fully corresponds to the frame of an ordinary children's "tricycle", but it should be several times stronger. She will have to withstand more tangible loads.
- We fix the transmission. When installing this drive unit, it is important not to forget about the sprocket on the main wheel. The chain is simply put on, the pedals are attached. It is important to remember to lubricate the chain and sprocket at this stage.
- Install the steering wheel. The process is no different from installing the steering wheel on a regular bike.
- We make a seat and an awning. The passenger seat is made of plywood. After the foam rubber layer, a layer of artificial leather is laid and fastened. A canopy can be made from fabric.
All fasteners, bolts and nuts need to be tightened at the final stage when everything is ready.

Even a homemade cycle rickshaw will help to organize leisure activities for children in a fun way, make it easier for people with disabilities and the elderly to move around the city. If desired, the rickshaw will become a source of income - you can install an advertising structure on it or deliver courier parcels on it.
For a warm and dry season, this type of transport will become a reliable assistant and companion in solving a variety of everyday tasks. But in winter, the cycle rickshaw will have to be hidden or go the other way - to come up with a design for a winter cycle taxi, but no one has yet created it. Proactive craftsmen and inventors have something to think about.
For information on how to make a rickshaw with your own hands, see the next video.