How to choose a bike with a handle for children from 1 year old?

Today, a huge number of bicycle models are presented for children, allowing them to operate such vehicles from an early age. Among such products, it is worth highlighting bicycles from year to year with a handle for parents, presented in several functional varieties.

Children's models for beginner cyclists, equipped with a handle, are a convenient and functional option for walking with a toddler. A distinctive feature of such bicycles is some resemblance to a stroller, in which the child spends most of the time outside after birth and up to 1 year. That is why such riding devices have several names, the gradation of which depends on differences in design, the availability of additional accessories and components.
But in general, the design of a bicycle with a handle, a wheelchair, a wheelchair or a transformer remains unchanged, assuming the presence of one wheel in front, and two behind, as well as a high handle for the parent walking behind.
A feature of models for the smallest is the ability to operate it as a full-fledged substitute for a lightweight stroller in the warm season.

Toddler bikes are made in such a way that a beginner cyclist will be able to drive independently, and will be assisted in driving by seniors walking alongside. All tricycles are equipped with not only pedals, but also an adjustable footrest for comfort at an early age. Over time, when the child gets used to it and grows up, it can be removed. This ability to transform the structure is considered the main feature of tricycles with a parent handle.

Today, products of this kind are presented in various colors and designs, in addition, bicycle strollers have additional accessories in the form of a detachable bag, a special hood that can protect a child from the sun or rain and wind, having a small viewing window.
Such a transitional option from a stroller to a bicycle gives the baby much more freedom, but at the same time provides no less comfort in the process of movement. And the presence of additional important components and the possibility of modernizing the design for the age requirements of the baby determine the demand for such a category of children's vehicles.

Advantages and disadvantages
Such bicycles are quite popular among families with small children.
However, before buying, each consumer needs to study the strengths and weaknesses of such products.
So, the following points should be attributed to the advantages of bicycles with a handle.
- In the process of testing and operation, a high cross-country ability of such bicycles was noted on difficult roads with a minimum of flat surface. At the same time, the amortization system of vehicles demonstrates good performance, which is a huge plus regarding the comfortable movement of the baby. These characteristics are directly influenced by the diameter of the wheels, which usually significantly exceed those of conventional strollers.
- In a bicycle, a growing and inquisitive child will be much more interesting to walk on a walk than in a stroller. With age, this moment will be relevant. In addition, models for the little ones can be equipped with a game panel or other devices that are no less interesting for the leisure and development of a little cyclist.
- Special attention should be paid to the multifunctionality of such products due to the possibility of quick alteration of the model for the needs of the baby and his age. This feature will allow you to purchase one model of a bicycle, and operate it together with a child for several seasons, which will turn out to be significant savings.

However, these varieties are not devoid of some disadvantages.
- There are bicycles on the market where the parental handle is not connected to the handlebars, so it can be quite inconvenient to maneuver the device.
- Also, despite all the possibilities of transforming bicycle strollers and bicycle trailers, they are not designed for the baby to sleep in them. This is due to the impossibility of adjusting the backrest to a recumbent position. Therefore, sleeping in such a device while walking is possible for a child only in a seated state.

Bicycle products of this category are divided by manufacturers into several categories. Differences in the model range lie in some design features, the presence or absence of bicycle components, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the age group and height of the child.

Bicycle stroller
Such options are intended for the joint movement of parents and babies who are already one year old. However, in some cases, such children's vehicles are used by children at an earlier age, if the child is physically ready to ride in such a model. Usually, The bike stroller will last for several more seasons. Thanks to the possibility of modernization of the structure, it can be used by children up to 3 years.
Initially, the device is controlled exclusively by an adult, using a handle. A special feature of these strollers is the deep and soft ergonomic seat.

For a safe ride, the bike has reliable seat belts and a soft bumper, making the model very similar to a stroller.Toys can be attached to the bumper, some manufacturers offer products with their own set of entertainment accessories.
In addition, the bike wheelchair has a large hood or visor, which are capable of performing similar protective functions against adverse weather conditions. The main emphasis in the models of this line is given to increased safety measures when driving with a small child. In the future, as the baby grows up, the device can simply be converted into a lightweight version of a children's bicycle. Such products are notable for their striking design. Average a three-wheeled bicycle stroller will weigh about 6-7 kilograms, the frame is made of durable metal alloys.

The next category of bicycles with a handle for parents includes transformers, recommended for the older age group of children from 2 to 5 years old. The model will have larger dimensions compared to the previous version, in addition, the seat is no longer equipped with a high back.
These options are more like tricycles. Among the advantages of the models, it is worth noting the possibility of adjusting the seat and steering wheel, adjusting them to the characteristics of the child.

However, the transformation possibilities are reflected in the mass of the device, which can reach up to 10 kilograms. As a rule, such bicycles can "grow" into full-fledged children's tricycles. These opportunities are also reflected in the cost of production. Among the capabilities of the transformer, it is worth highlighting:
- the ability to detach the footrest;
- removing the visor or hood;
- height and tilt adjustment of the seat and rudder;
- the possibility of turning the chair in the direction of the bicycle or away from it.

Classic bike
If in the previous versions the boundaries and differences are rather blurred, then the last category of vehicles with a parental handle will differ significantly and stand out from the background of other modifications.
The products are recommended by the manufacturer for babies from 2 years old who have already mastered the skills of working on pedals. Such a bike will be stable, so it will come in handy for independent movement.
Models in terms of design are presented in variations for boys and girls.
For the most part, the handle at the back will be needed only for easier starting of the child or for help on difficult sections of the road when the beginning cyclist is tired.
The handle can usually be removed if desired. As far as safety is concerned, the seat is still fitted with straps and the weight of the bike is kept to a minimum. Often such products are made from lightweight polymer.

Folding bicycles
A separate category is allocated models that can be folded for easy storage and transport. Such cycling carriages are notable for their more complex device, in addition, they have a high cost compared to options where there is no folding option.

On the market, children's bicycles with a handle are presented by different manufacturers.
Lamborghini L3 Egoist
The popularity of this model is due to its attractive design and high build quality. The bike is equipped with inflatable wheels, which provide it with good shock absorption, as well as the ability to easily overcome various obstacles. The seat has a high and soft back. The model is equipped with a safety rim, a hood with a viewing window for a child. The parental handle can be adjusted in height.
There is a pedal lock function. The bike is recommended for children from 1 year old, the weight of the structure is 14 kilograms.

Babyhit kids tour
The inflatable tricycle stands out for its affordable cost, as well as the standard equipment found in most strollers. The steering wheel can be adjusted for the child's height, the seat is equipped with seat belts.This model can be used for several seasons. Deserves special attention the minimum weight of the bike is only 9 kilograms.

Puky cat s6 ceety
German model of a tricycle, designed for a children's audience from 1 year old. This brand manufactures its products in accordance with increased safety requirements.
The chair has a high back, seat belts, as well as a handbrake lever, comfortable non-slip footrests, and a spacious basket.
However, the parental stick is not connected to the steering wheel controls, so it cannot turn the front wheel.

Funny Jaguar MS-0531
Model with cast wheels and deep hood. The design feature is the ability to recline the back of the seat as far back as possible. The chair has soft headrests, seat belts, the hood is equipped with a special viewing window for the baby.

How to choose?
When purchasing a children's bike with a handle, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.
- In light of the large assortment of models from this product line, it is initially necessary to determine the main purpose of such a vehicle for a baby. If a riding device is of interest for the long term, then it is recommended to consider bicycle strollers, which can be adjusted to the interests and growth of the child over time. These options include transformers.
- For some manufacturers, the age and height of the babies indicated in the documentation may not correspond to the realities. Therefore, before buying, it will be superfluous to measure the step seam of the baby, to find out exactly his height and weight.
- An important nuance will be the size and weight of the structure itself. Models weighing more than 10 kilograms can be quite heavy to drive, especially when a child starts pedaling on his own.
- Of course, with a single visual examination, it will be quite difficult to determine the reliability of the entire structure. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the build quality and the raw materials used to make all the components. Metal in this case will be more durable compared to bicycles, where most of the fasteners will be made of plastic.
- It is most correct to dwell on models where the parental handle will be adjustable in height.

How to choose a tricycle with a handle, see below.