All about tricycles

In the realities of modern society, on the streets there are more often young children rolling on tricycles than representatives of the older generation, although many manufacturers of pedestrian transport create various modifications of tricycles for adults. Unfortunately, not many are interested in such a purchase, but in vain. After all, three-wheeled bikes are a universal sports device that can not only transport a person, but also give him health.

Today, tricycle bicycles are becoming increasingly popular among the world community. The most common drivers of 3-wheel structures are young children, although there are models designed for adults, the elderly, the disabled and riders who are unable to balance.
The demand for tricycle bikes is driven by their structural design. It is a low frame that makes it much easier for the cyclist to get on. Also, tricycles are distinguished by a high level of strength and stability, which means they can move on any surfaces and overcome any road obstacles.

Three-wheeled bikes do not accelerate to prohibitive speeds, which is why the product does not experience balance problems... When stopping, the driver can easily place both feet on the ground. The vertical position of the seat minimizes the stress on the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and arms.
There are no problems in the repair of three-wheeled structures. Parts similar to two-wheeled bicycles are used for these models.

To date, dozens of varieties of tricycle models for adults have been developed, so even the most fastidious driver will be able to find a vehicle that meets his individual requirements.
A tricycle designed for children's use is the salvation of parents of a small child, especially in the age range from 1 to 2 years. Just the baby begins to walk on his own, refuses to ride in a stroller. Parents, however, at the first sign of fatigue, have to take their child in their arms. After 10 minutes, an adult begins to feel fatigue in the muscles, a dull pain in the shoulders, which is not surprising if you carry a child weighing 10-12 kg for a long time.

On the other hand, the parents claim that they agreed in advance among themselves about the purchase of a tricycle for a child, with the goal of introducing the child to sports from "young nails".
Pediatricians, like other specialists, argue that children's tricycles provide exceptional health benefits for the child:
- babies develop endurance, coordination of movements is stabilized;
- the muscular apparatus is strengthened;
- the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
- Cycling has a positive effect on the optic nerves, as the child has to constantly look ahead and gaze into the distance.

Neurologists advise parents of children suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to put the baby on a bicycle as soon as possible.
Bicycle modifications for children and adults have a lot of different additional elements... For example, a visor, a seat belt, a cart in the back, or a basket in the front. The main thing is that all add-ons can boast of versatility and conformity to the design of the three-wheeled structure.

Advantages and disadvantages
Each tricycle model has many unique features. Bicycle designs differ from each other in technical characteristics. When comparing all the modifications of tricycles, it turned out to compile a list of their common advantages and disadvantages.

To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of positive qualities of tricycles.
- For adults with balance problems, the tricycle unit allows you to move around the city with a sense of maximum safety. And this is not surprising: tricycles have additional support that firmly holds the rider while driving.
- Driving a large tricycle is within the power of a person with the worst physical condition. The design of the transport was developed using a special technology that relieves stress from the human body.
- Three-wheeled models provide the driver with the ability to drive in a seated, recumbent and semi-recumbent state.
- A tricycle is an ideal transportation option for older people and people with disabilities.
- Additional space in the tricycle bicycles design allows for the transport of small loads, for example, purchases from the supermarket.
- Models of tricycles for children contribute to the development of the child, develop his athletic performance and strengthen the immune system.

Next, you need to consider the list of disadvantages of three-wheeled units.
- It is impossible to find a tricycle in any sports store. This product has a limited selection and is not often of interest to the consumer.
- Tricycles are not designed for high riding speeds.
- Driving a tricycle on the road is very difficult. A car driver may not notice a cyclist driving a lowered three-wheeled vehicle on the road.
- In some models of children's tricycles, there is no steering wheel limiter, which means that during a sharp turn, the structure may topple over.

It may seem that the tricycle bicycle design is the simplest model of transport that allows children and adults to move along a straight road at a low speed. In fact, manufacturers approached this issue from a different point of view and developed various modifications of tricycles. with individual operational requirements. There are even drift tricycles available. For kids, they prepare models intended only for walking trips.

Children's tricycles are divided into 3 main categories, each with its own characteristics and technical characteristics.
Bicycle stroller
This type of construction is known to parents as a wheelchair bicycle. When considering the model range, it becomes clear that the device is not, in principle, a bicycle. The movement of this vehicle is similar to the movement of a wheelchair. And this is not surprising, a one-year-old child has not yet acquired the skill of independent pedaling. The designers gave the kids the opportunity to feel like a grown-up child. And by putting the legs on imitation of pedals, the child will gradually master the basics of independent driving.
As a child protection, the design of the bike stroller equipped with seat belts. There is a basket on the back where you can put the toys your child needs.
In different models of strollers you can find music play bar, removable seat and removable visor.

Classic bike
Every person in childhood had such a sports car. Of course, the modifications of past years differed in many ways from modern models. But still, the similarities between them remained.
Today, classic tricycles are purchased by children over the age of 3. With their help, babies can move independently.
In their design, there is a comfortable seat, made of a tougher material than bicycle carriages, there are comfortable pedals, wide wheels and a steering limiter.

In this case, we are talking about a modification, combining the classic design of a tricycle and a bicycle stroller, which is very convenient for a small child and practical for parents. From the age of one, the baby is accustomed to balance, independent pedaling. After he comprehends the intricacies of independent driving, the parental handle is removed from the transformer, the visor is removed, stationary pedals are placed and the child can go on a trip around the yard himself. And the maximum level of adhesion to the road is carried out by rubber wheels.

Tricycles for adults have a wider variety than children's designs.
Electric Models
The frames of these bicycles are equipped with a small motor, thanks to which the cyclist does not have to expend his own energy. The structure moves independently. The battery is charged for a long period of time. An electric bike is considered a suitable option for a comfortable ride.

It is worth noting that such bikes are in most cases rear-wheel drive, but this does not affect trips in any way.
Folding tricycle
An ideal modification for people who were confused by the large dimensions of the models. They can be folded several times, so the product becomes compact and fits well into any corner of the apartment. A folding cycle track is considered the most comfortable and ergonomic device for disabled people.

Low frame cargo models
For the older generation, classic bicycles are extremely inconvenient to use. Just for them, special designs with a low frame have been developed. They are easy to climb and easy to operate.

Cargo modifications are ideal for persons suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
These modifications of bicycles are intended for use by several people. They are purchased mainly by couples who own a large apartment or a fenced house, since it is very difficult to place a structure in a room with a small square.
The design feature of the tandem bike is adjacent seats and dual controls. And the main thing is that both drivers are sitting in a comfortable body with a roof.

Three wheel chopper
In appearance, this model is not simple, but its functional features are identical to conventional tricycles. This design has a very high price, it is almost impossible to find it in sports stores.

Those wishing to purchase a chopper have to place an order in advance, and then wait for its delivery.
Two-seater tricycle
It may seem to some that we are talking about a tandem, but this is not so. This type of bicycle assumes the location of passengers next to each other. In this case, only one person can operate the device. A two-seater truck is considered quite romantic, because a man can ride his beloved in picturesque places on it.

Reclining track
The pedals of this type of bicycle are located in the front part in accordance with the position of the cyclist, so that the person experiences the maximum sense of comfort while riding.

Recumbent tricycle
Sitting on such a model, the main task of the cyclist is not to fall asleep. Comfortable seating and multi-speed transmission allow a person to go for a walk in any terrain.
Among the modifications of three-wheeled bikes for the older generation, there are separate models.
- Deltoid. Standard version with one wheel at the front and two at the rear.
- Reverse delta. Designs with two front wheels and one rear. This option is often found on sports vehicles.

Tricycles are not as widespread as their two-wheelers. But despite this, there are many well-known brands in the line of which there are such unusual designs. Introducing the top 3 best tricycle manufacturers based on customer reviews.

The company dates back to 1985. The two partners decided to create a small business, but they did not even have the idea that in the 21st century the brand they created would be considered one of the world leaders in the field of bicycle transport. There was a time when demand for bicycles plummeted, but the company did not fall apart. To maintain its stable position, the management of this American company decided to start production of motorcycles. At the same time, Schwinn bought out several companies dealing only with bicycle transport.

Today the brand is engaged in the production of bicycles of various types and designs. In their lineup there are both two-wheeled and three-wheeled models, for children and adults, sports and walking.
The brand is quite young, which means that it does not have such a rich and eventful history. But in a short period of time, the company has managed to achieve tremendous success. It is important to note that all Stels products owned by Velomotors are exclusive Russian production. The only caveat: most of the components are purchased from China and Taiwan. But this is in no way a disadvantage, because at the moment most of the parts for vehicles and other items are ordered in Asia.

Today the Stels company has a wide range of bicycles not only for adults, but also for children.
Belarusian company engaged in the development and production of bicycles of various types and purposes. The main feature of all products of the described brand is an affordable pricing policy. Its products have spread not only in the CIS countries, but throughout Europe. The assembly of the bicycle transport takes place directly in Minsk, and spare parts for the bicycle structures are supplied from China.

Today the Aist brand boasts the production of more than 75 thousand bicycles of various types per year.
How to choose?
Choosing a tricycle is not an easy task. It is important to treat such a serious purchase wisely, thanks to which it will be possible to acquire the perfect three-wheeled vehicle.

First of all, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing the appropriate model for adults.
- Appointment... In this case, we are talking about determining the needs of the cyclist. If transport is necessary for walking and moving on a flat road, the simplest models should be considered. For luggage transportation or companionable riding, it is best to choose designs with a transmission and a gear shifting system. Disabled people and people with joint diseases need a bike with a low frame for ease of movement. People with a small living space need to choose folding-type models that, when assembled, can be easily placed on the balcony.
- Individual or group use. If the bike is for one person only, you can choose a model that suits the cyclist's preferences. This can be a design with wide wheels, a low frame, a soft seat, or models with other design characteristics. Where the bike is going to be used by someone else, it is necessary to select designs that will suit the needs of all cyclists.
- Budget. Tricycle bicycles have a range from economy to elite class, so it is important to determine in advance the allowable amount of costs for it.
- Considering the model you like, you need to carefully study all elements of the product, check fasteners, connecting seams, additional structural parts, if any.

The choice of a child's bike also falls on the shoulders of adults, more precisely, on the child's parents. It is important that the device is not only beautiful but also safe.
- Cycling is not purchased for growth, but specifically when the child reaches a certain age. In this case, the baby should freely reach with the legs to the pedals and the handles to the steering wheel.
- Three-wheeled bicycle strollers for children must have seat belts and a safety rim.
- When choosing a traditional tricycle design, check for the presence of a handlebar limiter. Thanks to his presence, it will be possible to protect the baby from falls and bruises during sudden braking.
- The highest quality, reliable and durable structures are tricycles, made of a metal frame with iron mounts. Such structures have a significant weight for a child, which is very inconvenient for a kid who wants to rearrange the structure from one place to another.
- When choosing a plastic bike structure for a small child, it is important to make sure that the connecting points in it have additional support.
- Ideally, a kid's bike should have rubber wheels. They have high shock absorption, do not emit extraneous noise, and also have maximum adhesion to the road surface.
- Each children's bike is equipped with additional accessories, for example, play panels, a rack for toys, a horn, a removable seat with a backrest. Special attention should be paid to the quality of all these elements.

Review overview
Users who have already acquired tricycles are happy to share their impressions with people who are just about to make a similar purchase. Unfortunately, reviews about designs for adults are extremely rare, while comments about children's models are available on almost every thematic Internet resource.

Most parents say they are oblivious to the bike brand name. Initially, they personally get acquainted with the designs of the proposed products, check the seat belts, frame, strength of the joints. If plastic elements are present, check their quality. Clarify the resource of the three-wheeled vehicle from the sales consultant, make sure that there is a steering limitation.

In simple terms, first of all, the quality of the bike's construction is checked, and only after that attention is paid to its design and design.
Well, in a small number of comments about models for adults, tandem bicycles and folding tracks are most often mentioned. As for the latter, these designs have received positive reviews due to the possibility of their assembly. In winter, folded vehicles can easily fit even on a small balcony. The tandem is acquired by couples who love to spend time in nature or on trips around the city. They are also convenient for two people to go shopping or visit.

For information on how to choose a tricycle, see the next video.