Stunt bikes: varieties, brands, choices

Cyclists who conquer their surroundings and make dizzying maneuvers immediately attract attention. To do this, they use specialized equipment that surpasses conventional bikes. If you want to buy it, you need to understand the types of such bicycles and their features.

Design features
There are many modifications of extreme types of equipment. But among them, stunt bikes stand out. Their specificity is associated, of course, with design features. A number of innovations have resulted in a product that:
- allows you to make amazing jumps;
- makes it possible to overcome dizzying obstacles;
- at the same time makes exceptional demands on the safety of riders.
If the bike is called BMX, then it is small. This ensures complete control over the ride, combined with increased maneuverability. The frame is necessarily underestimated.

In order to have the best support when performing individual tricks, pegs are provided. The stunt sports bike is manufactured using durable yet extremely lightweight construction materials.
The average wheel size is 20 inches. Thanks to the nuances described, well-trained cyclists can conquer railings, parapets and ride in other places where they cannot otherwise be reached. In describing what a good stunt bike looks like, there are some other things to mention:
- sturdy frame;
- rigid fork;
- increased thickness of dropouts;
- gear ratio optimized for reaching maximum speed;
- 3-chamber bezels;
- wide base pedals;
- frequent use of gyrorotors.

There is a strange belief that stunt bikes are just BMX. In fact, this type of bike is really designed for risky maneuvers and all kinds of acrobatic exercises. But tricks can be done on trial bikes, which are now rapidly gaining popularity. But it still makes sense to start with BMX. They were first used for cycling motocross.

Motocross has experienced its rise and fall, and now almost no one is interested in it. But on the other hand, new disciplines and skiing methods have appeared, for example:
BMX racing - racing at high speed on asphalt with overcoming obstacles;

Street-BMX - driving along an ordinary city street, accompanied by a demonstration of tricks;

Flatland-BMX - Cycling acrobatics on flat surfaces;

Dirt-BMX - competitions on unpaved surfaces using trampolines;

Vert-BMX - stunt races on the ramp in the form of the letter U.

For jumping, that is, for the Street style, bicycles with a narrow handlebar and one gear are chosen. On the rear wheel, the tires are wider than on the front; the choice between heavy or light frames can be made as you wish.
The wheel diameter is 24 or 26 inches. Propellers of both sizes can even be used.

For Dirt riders, only heavyweight bikes with rear brakes will come in handy. Common features of such transport are the presence of brake levers and a wheel diameter of 24 inches. But if these signs are not always present, then reinforced rims and a lot of spokes are required. The frame is in any case made of chromium-nickel steel.... This allows for increased strength.

If you want to ride in the Vert style, only bicycles with smooth tires come in handy. The vehicle itself is robust and heavy, equipped with a rear brake. However, when driving on a small ramp, the front brake can also be applied. 4 pegs are provided. Thanks to them, optimal glide is ensured when driving along the edge and along the railing.

Flat riders use bicycles that are almost unusable on city streets. The weight of the bike is selected individually. Its rims are equipped with a large number of spokes. There are versions with 1 or 2 brakes, and on large pegs, the surface has pronounced ribs. Smooth tires are required.

Trial bikes are similar to BMX Street bikes in that they have the same purpose - to help overcome jump hurdles. Models without a seat are most commonly used. Brakes can be made on a mechanical or hydraulic basis. The average weight is 9.5 kg. But of course, each athlete chooses a transport to his liking.

For some people, a mountain bumper is an attractive choice. It has amortization for both wheels. At the back, the suspension is chosen at your discretion.
At the front, only a classic bicycle fork is used. The weight of the double suspension can be up to 20 kg. Due to the minimum amount of vibration, this bike is recommended for high-altitude jumps on competitive races.
If you have little or no experience, it is best not to consider bareback options. Then it is much more correct to use a hybrid bike. The hybrid bike combines the characteristics of a road bike and a mountain bike. It is characterized by increased frame strength and increased (sometimes up to 28 inches) wheels. The handlebars are the same as on a mountain bike, using a regular fork for shock absorption.

When it comes to track bikes, they look like classic road bikes. However, they are made without brakes. Special mini wheelbase allows for increased frame rigidity. The cross-section of the wheels is 0.622 or 0.7 m. Single-tube bicycle tires are worn on the wheels.
Since the track bed tilts, the bottom bracket on the track bike must be raised. This widens the gap between the lowest pedal position and the surface of the training tracks. The ends of the rear stays resemble a horizontal cut - therefore, you can influence the tension of the chains by changing the position of the rear wheel axis.
A good track bike always has a fixed gear. This eliminates the need for brakes, while simultaneously reducing the overall weight of the structure.

How to choose?
Even a superficial acquaintance with the varieties of track bikes shows that you first need to decide on the desired riding style. For those looking to perform tricks on flat surfaces, smaller, lightweight versions with tires without tread are better suited. Riders are encouraged to choose lightweight bike. At the same time, he must have powerful brakes and a tread with a large pattern. The more difficult the tricks, the higher the required durability of the bike.
A slightly different approach is typical when choosing trial bicycles. They are judged primarily by their mechanical strength, because such bikes must withstand the heavy load that occurs when hitting and jumping to any height. Mountain double suspensions are recommended for high jumps. It is their design that is designed for an extremely comfortable landing, as much as possible in such competitions.
Dirt jumpers sometimes use fat bikes. But for beginners, it is still better to take a specialized bike in order to immediately develop the correct technique.

Important: no matter what type of stunt bike is used, it is imperative to find out if a particular copy is working properly.
It should also be understood that no amount of bike perfection and no experience will allow you to do without personal protective equipment.
A frame heavier than 3kg is practically unacceptable for a stunt bike. This heaviness will greatly complicate the exercise. Only in the initial stages of preparation can the heavy frame options be used. It is also necessary to check the characteristics of the materials so that they have the optimal balance between weight and strength. The size is picked up along the upper pipe, and it is strictly personal for each user.

Handlebars for BMX bikes can consist of a bent tube and a bar. But there is another option, in which the crossbar is complemented by independent crossbars. Sometimes the crossbar is slightly underestimated. Pedals on a track bike rarely differ from typical pedals, but sometimes they are larger. The lightest pedals are made from magnesium alloys, but aluminum parts are considered the more versatile solution.
Beginners should buy cheaper bikes as long as they are quite sturdy. The risk of falls is very high at first. Important: it's worth checking how good a particular bike is for yourself. It is foolish to acquire it without doing at least 2 or 3 simple tricks. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the welded seams on the frame.

Manufacturers overview
Company BSD can offer a very wide range of modifications, and also supplies excellent spare parts for them. This is a well-deserved British firm that can be 100% trusted. Judging by the reviews, very good stunt bikes are supplied by and Duo. The American manufacturer also ships solid component parts.

But here Federal assess controversially. This firm is famous for its marketing moves. However, negative reviews about her products are almost never found. For lovers of real German quality, it is better to choose Stereo bikes... These bicycles also stand out for their design characteristics. At the very beginning of your career, you can choose products with a complete set BMX from Giant, GT, Stels.

See below for how to choose a good stunt bike.