All about Ural bicycles

One of the most reliable and best Soviet bicycles is deservedly considered "Ural". Feedback from the owners of this vehicle testifies to the high quality of the product, the excellent design and technical characteristics of its various modifications.
The Ural bicycle began to be produced at the Perm Machine-Building Plant in 1965. The same company produced the women's folding bicycle "Kama". It is lighter and more comfortable than a male device. Ladies' means of transportation were often used by novice cyclists. The company emblem was attached to the front frame tube between the steering wheel and the wheel.

Reliable and unpretentious transport immediately gained popularity and began to be in great demand. He was distinguished by versatility. The Ural bike is suitable for urban and rural areas. It was used to travel short and very long distances.
He could serve as a road, mountain, sports vehicle. For transportation of babies, a child's saddle was attached to the frame.

The machine-building plant existed until 2006. Its successor, Ural-Trade LLC, works closely with bicycle manufacturers in Taiwan, China, and India. The modern corporation produces bicycles and spare parts for it.
There is no such huge demand for the new "Ural", as at one time there was for the Soviet bicycle. The old models are very simple. It took little time to repair them, and any part could be easily replaced. If necessary, it was possible to adjust the chain length.

Most of the Soviet models have similar specifications.The wheel diameter in inches is 28 units. For village needs, a modification has been created with two luggage racks - in the front and rear of the vehicle. Women's designs differ from men's models in the shape of the frame, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees. Most designs feature double brakes. The front handbrake usually has a tick system. The rear foot brake can be used at the same time. It belongs to the drum type.
Almost all Soviet products of the Perm plant provide for:
- free-wheeling foot brake bushing;
- a front sprocket with 48 teeth and a rear sprocket with 19 teeth;
- cast steering stem;
- soft saddle on a rigid frame.
Often, the standard equipment was equipped with additional elements: reflectors, footboards, chain guards, bags with pumps, first-aid kits, additional trunks.

Overview of some parameters of adult bicycles
Road vehicle Ural 111-621 with a closed frame, a not very high handlebar, a soldered fork has a wheel size of 40x622 mm. It is completed with terracotta-colored reflectors on the spokes, an electric generator, a flashlight, a bag with a set of tools, a tubular rack, a pump and a footrest.

Model B-124 "Ural", 1965, has a tubular brazed frame, cast pedals with ruby reflectors, a rotary steering wheel with a stem, which allows the cyclist to provide the most comfortable fit. The men's road bike weighs 16.5 kg.

Modification "Ural" B-142 has a swivel steering wheel with a deep bend, tubular trunk with a clamp. Standard wheels are 40x622 mm.
Another Soviet vehicle design was named B-110 "Kama Progress". Its weight was 17 kg, carrying capacity - 15 kg.

The most successful folding modification for adults was "Kama" 113-613... Its main difference from the previous similar model was the hand brake and the design of the front sprocket. An innovation was the cast and loop folding of the frame. The weight of the product without additional devices was 14.6 kg, the size of the wheels was 406x40 mm. The device provided for 15 links of the driven star, the leading one - 48.
Modern Russian models, made in Perm, have a steel frame, double aluminum rims, switches from 1 to 5 speeds. All the main characteristics are the same, with the exception of the lady's product, which provides for a frame of a different design.

The Perm Plant produces vehicles with a closed brazed frame 111-631 Ural and 111-641 Ural. The size of their wheels is 622x37 mm. The first model weighs 14.7 kg and provides 1 speed. The second modification has 5 speeds, the weight of the product without additional elements is 14.6 kg.
The universal Russian bike 113-661 "Kama" weighs 13.8 kg and has a folding frame with a swivel shackle. The modern handlebar with special grips allows for the most comfortable fit for the cyclist. The size of the wheels is 406x40 mm.

Latest modifications 114-621 "Kama" and 114-622 "Kama" have a semi-open one-piece welded frame. The size of the wheels is 406x40 mm. The bike weighs 14 kg. The first model has 5 speeds and a reliable braking system. The second model provides 2 hand brakes, 1 speed. The products are equally suitable for adults and children.

Soviet models have many advantages:
- adjustable steering wheel and seat height allows people of different heights to use the same vehicle;
- the durability of the device is achieved due to the material from which it is made;
- a comfortable soft seat stretched over a rigid frame;
- pedals are made of very high quality;
- the product provides a rear lower brake, one sprocket;
- there is a circuit protection;
- the ability to transport large and heavy items;
- wings are able to protect the cyclist from dirt flying from under the wheels.

The undoubted advantages of modern modifications include:
- great design;
- frame durability;
- practicality of the device;
- wide range of folding bicycles.

Unlike modern lightweight bicycles, the weight of old adult counterparts is 16-17 kg. The frames and other transport parts made of steel, such as the steering wheel, the fork and the wheel frame, contribute to the heaviness. The Ural bicycle has only one speed. Modern cyclists prefer a multi-speed vehicle. Outdated design is also considered a flaw in the Soviet model.
The disadvantages of modern designs include low-quality assembly, the absence of branded additional accessories, a very limited selection of mountain, classic urban and women's models.

Owners of the Ural vehicle love it for its simplicity of design, sufficient carrying capacity, high quality, strength and durability. Many avid cyclists testify to the fact that they still use vehicles produced in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. For a long period of operation, some consumers changed only the camera and tires and systematically lubricated.
This means of transportation is also preferred by summer residents. He is not afraid of pits, ditches, ravines, heavy mud. Most note the excellent off-road bike ride with heavy baggage. Owners are improving transport, for example, installing a headlight on the rear wheel and even attaching a motor to the frame. Anglers claim that the rear rack can easily accommodate the catch bucket, and the fishing rods and net attach perfectly to the frame.
Some cyclists rebuild and modernize old bicycles: shorten the chain length, replace the bottom bracket units with a modern square bottom bracket, paint and varnish the frame, and add new parts if necessary.
For an overview of the Ural bike, see below.