VTB bicycles: how to rent and pay?

The use of bicycles for personal transportation is growing in popularity. Most people who care about the ecology of the environment and their physical condition opt for a two-wheeled assistant. In large metropolitan areas, for which traffic jams are frequent, bike rental is a practical and affordable solution to the problem. In this article, we will tell you how to rent and use VTB bicycles, as well as answer other questions of interest.

What are the basics of using rental?
The automated rental system is designed in such a way that anyone can ride a bike at any convenient time, without human intervention. Transport is taken from a special station. You will need a mobile phone to use the rental.
To use the rental, you need to register. This can be done in several ways:
- Install a special mobile application on your smartphone. You can download it from Google Play or the App Store, depending on the operating system installed on your phone.
- Visit the Velobike web portal and create an account.
- Use the terminal located at each rental station.

When registering, you must enter your personal data:
- phone number to which you will receive a message with data for entering the system (login and password);
- Full name of the user;
- electronic mailbox.
Having received your login information, visit the Velobike website.Next, you should select a tariff plan and pay for it using a bank card.

How to get transport?
The bike must be taken from a specially equipped station. They are located throughout the city. You can see their addresses on the website. After use, the transport is left at the nearest station. Before going to the address of the selected parking lot, you should check the availability of bicycles. This can be done through the program on your mobile phone or on the rental website. There you can also view the free places for the delivery of vehicles.
Approaching the station, you need to select any of the bicycles and press the "OK" button. It is located on the steering panel of the vehicle. Enter your username and code (login details for each user are personal). After successful authorization, the panel will display the inscription "Have a good road", and a sound signal will also follow. Now the bike can be removed from the parking lot and ride around the city. The second authorization option is to attach the Troika card to the panel (it must be previously linked to the account).

Where can I find an e-bike?
Thanks to city bike parking, you can use not only standard bicycles, but also models that run on electric motors. With their help, they overcome longer distances, while maintaining their own strength. Electric vehicles are not available at every station, so you need to check their availability first.
Anyone can use electric models by paying any convenient tariff. Pay attention to the color signal of the display when using. It will indicate the amount of charge remaining:
- red blinking charge - the battery is low;
- red color - there will be enough energy for a distance of up to 5 kilometers;
- red and yellow indicator colors - maximum distance up to 10 kilometers;
- red, yellow and green - the battery lasts up to 18 kilometers of the road.

To rent an e-bike, you need to follow the same procedure as for conventional transport models. The only difference is that the model with the battery must be turned on by pressing the red button located on the steering wheel.
Remember to return such equipment only to a specially equipped port. It will be marked "Electric Bicycle". Otherwise, you will have to pay 1000 rubles.

Where is it allowed to ride bicycles?
Most large cities in Russia are equipped with special paths designed specifically for cyclists. When traveling on highways and highways, be sure to follow the road safety rules.
Residents and guests of Moscow who use bicycle rentals can freely move around the territory of the Moscow Ring Road. In this case, it is also recommended not to leave the cycle paths. With their help, movement within the city becomes more practical and safer.

How to put the equipment back in place?
Regardless of where the user took the vehicle, the bike can be returned to any parking lot nearby. Be sure to check if the selected station has free space. Up-to-date information is available on the website and in the mobile program. After arriving at the parking lot, the transport must be placed in a free cell until it stops. If everything is done correctly, the text message "Return" will appear on the panel. Confirm the operation by pressing the "OK" button. A single beep will indicate to the user that everything has been done correctly. Three signals in a row - an error in the return procedure or the transport is not fixed properly.
As an additional confirmation of the return, a corresponding message will be sent to your mobile phone. It will indicate that the procedure was carried out in accordance with all the rules. Only in case of a successful return can you leave the parking lot. In that case, if you do not complete the procedure for returning the bike, the rental time will be automatically extended... After 2 days, a fine of 30 thousand rubles is removed from the user's card.

How to pay off debt and what cards can you use?
In the event that there is a shortage of funds on the card or the bank has disabled payment, there may be a debt for using the vehicle. To pay off the debt, you need to go to the rental website or the application on your smartphone and select the desired option “Pay debt”. Next, the number of another bank card is entered, from which the amount of debt will be withdrawn, and the code from the message sent by the bank.
The bike rental system accepts the following cards:
- "Peace";
- Visa from Sberbank of Russia;
- Mastercard.
You cannot use the following options to pay for services and debt:
- Maestro;
- Electron.

What information should you read before traveling?
Before using car rental services in the order follows:
- Study the DD rules carefully.
- Check the selected bike for faults.
- Read the rules for using the system. This section includes many items: a ban on driving bicycles under the influence of drugs or alcohol; a ban on highways; the boundaries within which transport can be used; weight of the cargo (it should not exceed 5 kilograms).
The stations are not equipped with models for teenagers, therefore the minimum age of the user must be 16 years.

What to do if a vehicle breaks down?
If you encounter problems while using your bike, you should contact dedicated customer support and report the problem. You can find contact information and the opening hours of the support service on the rental website. After that, the bike is returned to the station, following the general rules. The technical service representatives will send the bike for repair.

What tariffs are available to users?
For the convenient use of vehicle rental, several tariff options have been developed. Each client chooses the most convenient and profitable for himself.
Standard rates
- "Peace" (day). Open access for 24 hours. The use of bicycles for up to 30 minutes is free. The maximum interval between rides is 15 minutes. Payment can only be made with a Mir bank card. This tariff plan is recommended for novice users who are just starting to get acquainted with the system.
- "Day". This tariff is identical to the above. The only exception is the possibility of using other bank cards and the cost.
- "Peace" (weekend). Access to the station for 2 days. The user can make an unlimited number of trips per day. The sale is carried out only on Fridays. As in the previous tariff, the break between the use of vehicles must be at least 15 minutes. Payment only through the "Mir" card.
- Weekend. The tariff is similar to the option "World" (weekend), except that it can be purchased on any day. Also the price difference.
- "Month". The client can use the services for 30 days. The use of equipment within 30 minutes is free. The interval between trips is 15 minutes minimum.

Seasonal rates
- "Season". This tariff plan runs until October 31 of the current year. Trips within half an hour are free. The minimum interval between bike use is 15 minutes.
- "Season" (45 minutes). This option differs from the above in the duration of free rides, which was increased to 45 minutes.

There are also tariffs that include insurance of the client's life and the integrity of the transport. In the event of a bike breakdown that did not take place through the user's fault, the insurance company will fully reimburse all damage.
- "Day". Trips within 45 minutes are free. Access for a day. The amount of insurance is 50 thousand.
- "Month". The duration of the free rides is the same as in the tariff above. Access for 30 days. The insured value is 70 thousand.
- "Season". The user purchases access until October 31 and free rides if they do not exceed 45 minutes. The sum insured for the client is 70 thousand.
- Season 45. This plan offers the longest free rides, limited in time - 60 minutes. The insured amount is 70 thousand.
Up-to-date information on prices and current tariffs can be obtained on the bike rental website and at the indicated phone numbers.

For information on how to rent a bike, see the next video.