Women's bicycles: varieties, brands, choices

It is known from the school biology course that there are some anatomical features of the structure of the male and female body. That is why in the modern world, almost all manufacturers offer the market certain types of bicycles, created especially for the fair half of society.

The women's bicycle has some peculiarities.
- Frame structure. Everyone knows that usually men are much taller than women, so women's two-wheeled vehicles are produced without an upper tube (or with a shortened one). Do not confuse unisex models with products made specifically for women. Bicycles for ladies can have a "beveled" frame or a frame in the form of an all-metal tube, which was actively used in the design of Soviet products.
- Sleek steering wheel. Here the handles are much narrower, a thin tube is installed, but the handlebars are slightly longer compared to the male models. The fact is that women's shoulders are much smaller than men's, and if the manufacturer supplies a large-sized steering wheel, the control will be uncomfortable. A long handlebar is needed so that the girl can keep her back straight and her arms relaxed. In this case, you can forget about back and shoulder pain.
- Seat width. Girls 'pelvic bones are slightly wider than boys' buttocks are larger. Therefore, for a comfortable ride, women's bicycles are equipped with a wide and soft saddle with a shortened nose. Almost all models have under-seat shock absorbers, and the saddle itself can be adjusted at different angles.
- Additional accessories. The design for girls often provides for a large number of third-party accessories: baskets, reflectors, trunk.
In some models, even a pump may be included.

Almost all types of bicycles have a female version.

Such a product can be classified as a sports vehicle, it was created for driving on uneven terrain. Compared to road or stunt bikes, the mountain bike has a different tire tread, which is much wider and stronger than usual. The frame is made of heavy-duty steel and the carriage is set high to increase the distance from the ground to the chain. Mountain bikes for men and women are practically the same. The only difference is the size. Models for girls are always smaller.
Mountain bikes for women began to be produced not so long ago. For the first time such products were presented by manufacturer Trek in 2000. The first line of bicycles was named WSD. These structures weighed much less than the "standard" ones, were slightly faster and were equipped with shock-resistant tires. Models differed improved shock absorption with good roll and wheels with increased grip.
If we consider today the mountain bike market for girls, then every woman can choose the perfect two-wheeled vehicle for herself based on her needs.

Bicycles of this variety are considered the most beautiful of all competitors, they have a reference appearance. All road bikes have a sophisticated design. However, such transport is as useless from a practical point of view as a racing sports car. It is impossible to ride a road bike in a city park or go to a country house. This unit is designed to get adrenaline and drive.
Such a product has many differences in its stylistic design and design features. All components for road models are selected taking into account the fact that the owner will drive at high speeds on perfectly flat roads (concrete or asphalt roads).

Such units also differ in the shape of the steering wheel, it is most often made in the form of ram's horns. Thanks to this solution, the cyclist can rearrange her arms without slowing down.
A lightweight frame is installed here, but in terms of strength it does not lose to a mountain bike frame. In order to improve aerodynamic performance, manufacturers install a low seat, making the distance from the handlebar to the saddle slightly larger than that of standard bicycles. Such models are equipped narrow tires with the same tire diameter.

During the production of such units, all structural details are thought out to the smallest detail. The manufacturer does everything so that the user can move comfortably on the asphalt. But please note that in many models no suspension fork, but in this case its presence is optional. Here wheels are installed in the size of 26-28 inches, and the tires themselves have practically no pattern.
The word "road" in the name of the bike is a little abstract. In fact, such constructions are divided into 3 more categories:
- walking - intended for daily driving around the city;
- comfortable;
- cruisers.

The base equipment of many road models comes with a mesh basket or roof rack, rain protection and a footrest. Here you can increase the height of the steering wheel, the seat is equipped with shock-absorbing springs, extended fenders are installed, there is a flashlight in front and behind. The number of speeds depends solely on the model, the most budgetary options have only 2 speeds, and premium bicycles - up to 24. It is very convenient to ride on such transport, and its design allows you to install any additional components.
In the section of road bicycles you can often find fitness bikes that are somewhere in between mountain and road options. These bikes stand out from the competition with their sleek 28-inch wheels. They are usually narrow. There is a reinforced fork and a simple saddle without a shock absorbing pin.But a seat without shock absorption does not affect comfort in any way, because such a bike means riding on perfectly flat roads.

If we talk about the features of such structures, then first of all they note simplicity, ease of use and practicality... Such performance is achieved due to a number of factors: a high seat with springs, narrow wheels of large diameter, a reinforced fork. Unlike competitors, these bicycles are equipped with foot brakes rather than manual brakes. Seven speeds will be enough for comfortable movement around the city. Almost all models from any manufacturer come with a rear fender, chain guard, kickstand and mesh front basket.
Road bikes are designed for quiet riding on asphalt and are not designed for off-road use, however if it becomes necessary to subject this transport to loads, then they will not lag far behind the mountain bike.

It was said above that walking (city) models of bicycles are a subspecies of road bicycles. And they, in turn, are divided into several more types. Let's take a look at 6 main types of city bikes for women.
- Comfortable. This unit has taken over many components from a standard mountain bike, it has a gearshift on the handlebars, front wheel shock absorption, a comfortable seat and ergonomic handles.
Thanks to the special design of the steering wheel, the girl can completely relax her forearms, regardless of which route the transport is on: it can be perfectly flat asphalt or an earthen path in the village.

- Urban. Such a bicycle is distinguished by its good speed and lightness of construction. It can even be called sports, disc brakes are installed here. Such a unit can move in almost any conditions, it feels great not only in a city, but also when going uphill. These products are very popular in today's market.

- Cruiser... This design is not designed for racing, it is designed for quiet cycling on smooth roads only. The bike has adopted many of the characteristics of its competitors: wide seat with adjustable tilt angle, two fenders. But the steering wheel in these models is wider than usual. As a rule, cruisers provide for the presence of a trunk and a footboard.

- Fixie. Very fast bicycles designed for adrenaline lovers. Manufacturers usually provide for a fixed gear, that is, the pedals do not rotate simultaneously with the rear wheel. There is no braking system here at all, and for some this can be a huge disadvantage. To stop, the cyclist must use the force of her legs to stop pedaling, thereby blocking the rear wheel.
Such bikes are not very expensive and are not very popular among the population, since they are created exclusively for performing tricks and entertainment.

- Tandems... Bicycles for two, with a pair of pedals and two saddles.

- Walking. These bikes are made for slow cycling and it is not entirely clear why manufacturers are producing two-wheeled vehicles in this category. According to experts, any of the above options can be used for these purposes. Touring bikes are lightweight and feature wide, curved handlebars.
It is worth noting that the seat is equipped with a shock absorption system and is located below the steering wheel.

If a bicycle is required for an elderly person, then you can opt for three-wheeled models. There are also folding structures that can be conveniently transported in the trunk of a car.
As statistics show, girls prefer to choose bicycles with a trunk or a basket. They look sleek and are great for urban driving. Cruisers and road models are suitable for these criteria, because accessories are included in the basic configuration.

Rating of the best models
Below is a list of budget women's mountain bikes that are popular in Russia and have a large number of positive reviews.

Stels Miss
This lineup is the best in this price segment. The manufacturer presented 24 variations of Stels Miss mountain bikes, which differ from each other in design and equipment. Each girl can choose a product based on her needs and experience. The design boasts quality hand brakes. Each bike is equipped with a heavy-duty frame, which is made taking into account the anatomical features of the female figure. The cost in Russia ranges from 8,000 to 21,000 rubles, the final price depends on the availability of additional accessories.

Stern mira
Representatives of this line are distinguished by their maneuverability and lightness of construction. Such a decision will ideal for beginner cyclists... The models are perfect for both city walks and cross-country walks. It has an ergonomic seat, high-quality disc brakes, 26-inch tires. This option is also suitable for adult women. Thanks to the sturdy frame, even full-bodied girls will feel comfortable. The model is capable of withstanding a weight of up to 110 kg.

Forward Lima
This bike can compete with many foreign models. The range is represented by only a few bicycles, and each of them will be an excellent purchase for lovers of variety while walking. The product in appearance is something between a sleek city bike and an aggressive mountain bike. Here are installed components from the popular Shimano brand, tires with increased grip.
The model is perfect for those who like extreme driving on bumps.

In the middle price segment
And while choosing a good budget model is quite simple, then choosing a bike in the middle price segment is much more difficult. Such units are designed not for overcoming obstacles, but for relaxing trips along mountain paths... These models are usually equipped with a comfortable seat and unusual frame structure. Let's take a look at three of the best hobbyists in the mid-budget price segment.

Woman Like Series Cube
The country of origin is Germany, the models are famous for their high build quality. And even if these products are created exclusively for women, in their characteristics they are no worse than men's options. The manufacturer keeps up with the times, and this bike with a planetary hub meets all modern needs. Seats are equipped damping system, shortened frames are installed, and the pedals are covered with a layer of nylon so that the feet do not slip while riding.

GT Avalanche W
Mountain bikes in this series are presented in a variety of variations. Among the models, you can find both twin-liners (with standard tires) and solutions with 27.5-inch wheels. This design will appeal to even the most fastidious ladies: there are two hydraulic brakes, a steering wheel with two reinforcing spirals. Such transport will cope with driving even in the most difficult conditions.

Merida juliet
This series includes only a few bicycles. They all have good characteristics. A bike like this will do for both slow cycling and intense workouts. The manufacturer has carefully thought out the structure of the unit: an ergonomic wide saddle and a special handlebar, a disc brake system, the ability to fine-tune the fork, and low-profile tires are installed here.
This is a fairly light vehicle equipped with narrow grips. Buying such a bike, the owner will be sure of a comfortable ride.

It is almost impossible to single out the best professional women's bikes. The fact is that such models are equipped with a shortened frame and are characterized by lightweight construction. Among all professional mountain bikes, experts often distinguish only 2 lines.

Giant glory
This option would be the perfect purchase for ladies looking to cycle professionally. This range of bicycles is different recognizable in appearance, the frames are made of carbon fiber and have no seams, there is a backlight on the back. In the latest Glory models, the manufacturer slightly changed the appearance of the frame, now the carriage is lowered by 1.5 centimeters, and the rear triangle is reduced by 0.5 cm.
Thanks to this solution, the bike becomes much more stable, since the center of gravity shifts, it becomes possible to ride at high speeds. The model provides for the latest generation of suspension, which has a positive effect on the sensitivity.

Specialized stumpjumper
One of the first bicycles produced by this company. The model is considered to be the founder of women's bicycles. The products are lightweight, durable, but at the same time lightweight frame that feels confident when riding on trails. There is a frame of an unusual shape, carbon is used in the construction of the bicycle.
Instead of creating classic mountain bikes for women, the brand opted for an aggressive design, with a handlebar angled at a non-standard angle. The pedals are set lower than the competition. The unit boasts a 4-piston braking system and carbon tires. note that the wheels are assembled by the factory workers by hand. The bike has a lot of positive reviews, choosing it, you will definitely not regret the money spent.
All of the above models were mountain bikes for women. The best road bikes will be reviewed below.

Top Selling Road Bikes
It is quite difficult to find a bad road bike on the market. However, before buying, a woman should know which models are the strongest and most comfortable. According to customer reviews, there are 4 lines of road bikes that are the best-selling in Russia.

Trek lexa
The best option among budget models. The manufacturer offers the cheapest bikes on the market. The frame triangle is made of lightweight aluminum tubes ranging from 18.5 to 22 inches. The model provides several speeds, two wheels of 28 inches. Installed here tires from the Bontrager company, thanks to which the transport accelerates in a matter of seconds and easily drives into any hills, even at low speed. A dual pivot caliper brake system is installed.
The uneven road will not be a hindrance at all. The steering wheel here is the usual curved, without "bells and whistles".

Marin terra linda
This is one of the most famous manufacturers - models of this brand are listed in all the tops of all bicycle ratings. The design is made taking into account the anthropometric features of the female figure. Models in this line deservedly recognized as one of the best for high speed, frame strength and build quality... A high seat is installed here, an ergonomic steering wheel without bends.
If you are looking to get a quality road bike for a reasonable price, then this is the best option.

Giant liv
If you need a more powerful bike, then this brand has three lines of worthy bikes: AnyRoad, Envy and Avail. These models significantly outperform many city and road bikes. Despite being a road bike, they can compete with semi-sport bikes. Due to the fact that wide tires are installed here, this transport rides without problems not only on smooth roads and mud, but also on rocky terrain - you can even take such a bike into the forest.
By design, female and male models do not have any differences, the only difference is in appearance. Of the distinguishing features, one can single out what the combined frame triangle decided to produce. The main tube is set quite high, so the girl can hold her back at a 90-degree angle and still feel comfortable.

Specialized Ruby SL4
The manufacturer positions this model as a professional bicycle, but in fact it is suitable not only for participating in competitions, but also for beginner cyclists who are just getting acquainted with riding two-wheeled vehicles. The entire Ruby range has a carbon cage, which ensures a smooth and safe ride even at high speeds.
Here is the Zertz damping system, therefore, even the worst roads will not be a big problem, and the spring seat perfectly dampens vibrations. Each bike of the manufacturer has a large number of positive reviews, but such products are very expensive, such a bike is not suitable for daily walks with friends.

Best road bikes
Speaking of the best road bikes, there are only 3 lines. The first two items on this list are budget models, and the last is a premium bike.

Stark satellite lady
If you are looking for cheap road two-wheelers for girls, then all the options in this line will more than suit you. The first bicycle of this series was presented in 2008, and a year later, male counterparts appeared on the market. As with competitors, the body of the unit is made taking into account the female figure... Such a product is something in between a city bike and a mountain bike. Installed here disc braking system, gearbox with 21 speeds. Additional accessories include availability of space for a bottle of water.

Forward Barcelona
Another budget representative of women's road bikes. Just like the competitors, disc brake system from the Promax company. The cyclist will be able to brake with ease even when riding on sand. The ergonomic steering wheel is made of steel, easy to control, there are 26 "wheels with additional protection against accidental damage.

Electra cruiser hawaii
The entire range of bicycles is very expensive, but it boasts reference aerodynamics, excellent performance and an attractive appearance. It makes no difference for what purpose you purchase such a product - for walks in the park on weekends, everyday commuting or as a sports transport - such a product will cope with any type of stress and will leave only a positive impression of use.
The manufacturer installed 20 "tires, which have long been recognized as one of the most durable. The model is perfect not only for young girls, but also for women from 35 to 50 years old.

Top urban models
And if there are not so many good road, road, mountain ladies' bicycles, then when the best urban models are singled out, as a rule, they mention at least 7 lines. Each of them will be described in more detail below.

Stark plasma
All models in this line are particularly comfortable. Such transport is quite functional, practical to use and aesthetically pleasing.... This bike is easy to operate - the bike rides well even on unpaved terrain... There are high-quality tires that do not slip during fast driving on wet roads. Units of this series are designed for trips exclusively within the city, but driving on bumps is also not difficult due to a good damping system that completely dampens vibration.
Due to the correct structure of the frame, the rider's arms and back will not get tired even after a long journey.

Author Integra
Country of origin Czech Republic. The entire range includes bicycles with a 27-speed cycling mode. Like many city bikes, it has a Shimano drivetrain, V-Brake on both discs, a low-slung aluminum frame... The bike quickly picks up speed on a smooth track, can easily climb a mountain. If you are looking for a bike for your daily commute, the Author Integra is a good buy.

Stern Urban Lady
All bicycles in this line have a lot in common with the classic urban. They also steer well, weigh little, and have the same 28-inch disc brakes. The manufacturer provides a 21-speed riding mode, switching speeds will not cause any problems for the cyclist. The height of the steering wheel can be changed, the seat is also adjustable. Having bought such a transport, no woman will regret purchasing it.

Stinger cruiser l
Another worthy representative of cheap city bikes, made in bright colors, but not having a speed change function. The model will fit for lovers, it has 26-inch wheels, an ergonomic wide saddle and a combined braking system. Above the chain there is a special cover that protects the cyclist from scratches. Of the accessories there is a bell mounted on the steering wheel.

Pelago Brooklyn
Ladies' premium fixed bike in limited quantities. Of the features, it can be noted frame of an unusual shape. It is made of steel and, according to the manufacturer, is assembled by hand. The pipes are perfectly polished, the seat height can be adjusted, and the wheels are 20 inches with reinforced rims. However, for this quality you will have to pay at least 75,000 rubles.

Schwinn tango tandem
An inexpensive bicycle for two with an aluminum frame. The frame has a glass holder and a bottle opener. The bike rides in 7-speed mode, two ergonomic seats with a shock absorption system are installed. Additional accessories include a footboard and two fenders.

Forward Surf Lady
Another striking representative of women's bicycles. The model has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. Of the features, we can note the ease of operation, attractive appearance, excellent driving performance. Of the minuses, only the lack of a gearshift function is distinguished. It has 2 beautiful wings and an ergonomic saddle.
Altair mountain and urban models are gaining more and more popularity every year. The manufacturer produces bicycles in a variety of colors from white to pink.

How to choose?
Before buying a bicycle, the owner must decide for what purpose she needs it. You should take into account the terrain on which the lady will ride. Ask your consultant if the metal of the frame can withstand low temperatures.
Below will be described the points, based on which the girl will be able to choose the right product.
- Weight of the structure. The strength of the frame has a negative effect on the overall weight of the machine. Take only a model that you can easily lift and carry. Each ruler is usually designed for a specific weight category, which should also be taken into account.
- Amortization system... If you plan to ride on uneven terrain, make sure the seat is spring loaded. Otherwise, vibration will cause severe discomfort and you will not be able to ride for a long time. Plus, the wheels may fail.
- Wheel diameter. It is not recommended for overweight women to take models with small wheels, otherwise an accident or breakdown cannot be avoided, especially if you are not driving on a flat road.
- Number of speeds. If the model provides a multi-speed mode, then the cyclist will be able to significantly reduce the load on the legs. By correctly setting the speed of the bike, the hostess can significantly extend the life of the product.

For information on how to choose the right women's bike, see the next video.