How to weave a dandelion wreath?

People were engaged in weaving wreaths of flowers, herbs and leaves even in the days of Ancient Rus. Where this tradition came from is unknown, but in translation from the Slavic language, the word "wreath" is translated as "gift". In those days, wreaths were used as a talisman against the evil eye, and were also attached to the door to protect the house from the penetration of evil spirits. Now, these traditions have been partially preserved, but more often wreaths are woven as an accessory for beauty or an element of decor. Wreaths are woven from different flowers, but most often from dandelions. There are several weaving techniques that are easy for anyone to master.

The classic way
To learn how to weave dandelion wreaths, it is recommended that you first master the simplest option - the classic one. To create a decoration, you only need dandelions.
An important point: it is necessary that each flower has a long stem. Otherwise, the wreath will simply fall apart due to unreliable fixation.

It takes about 30-35 dandelions to make a medium-sized wreath. The amount of consumable depends on the size of the head of the person who will be wearing the wreath. If the decoration is woven for a child, then it is permissible to reduce the number of flowers.

The weaving process step by step is as follows.
- In the left hand (or right - as it is more convenient), you need to take two flowers. This will be the so-called base.
- The third flower must be placed on top of the two previous ones, and the stems should be wrapped around the legs of the first two dandelions. It is noteworthy that all three flower hats must be on the same line.
- By the same principle, it is necessary to add all the remaining flowers.
- Then the resulting line of flowers must be folded into a circle.

As a fixture, you can use both natural materials, for example, sedge, and others (wire, thread). As a rule, after the final fixation of the wreath, extra stems remain. To make the jewelry more attractive, it is recommended to trim them.
In addition to dandelions, other wildflowers and herbs can be added to the wreath for beauty. It is better to weave additional elements after the main work is completed.

Moreover, additional decorative elements should be smaller in size than dandelions. For example, you can take daisies or bells.
How to braid?
There is another weaving method called "pigtail". From the name it becomes clear that the principle of weaving is identical to the creation of a woman's hairstyle of the same name. To create a wreath using this technique, you will need more dandelions than in the previous version. Weaving is carried out in several stages:
- you need to take three dandelions and weave a pigtail from the stems;
- then after each round in a braid, one dandelion must be added to each stem;
- this should be continued until the flowers run out.
According to this scheme, you need to weave a line of dandelions, and then fix it in the chosen way. It is important to do everything in stages.

An important point: in order to weave as easily as possible, you need to pick so many dandelions so that they can be equally divided into three groups.
How to finish braiding correctly?
It is important not only to correctly perform the weaving technique, but also to fix the wreath. If this is not done, then sooner or later the wreath will simply fall apart. Regardless of how the accessory will be used in the future, it is necessary to correctly fix it.

There are several ways to secure a braided braid into a circle.
- Since sedge is the most durable and longest of all herbs that are easy to find in the field, it is possible to fix the wreath with it. To do this, it is better to take several blades of grass at once and use them as a tape. You need to tie it in several knots, and cut off the ends, while leaving a gap of 2-3 cm.
- You can also use a rope. There is one very important nuance here: it is not recommended to choose thin nylon threads, since when tightening such ropes can simply cut the stems of dandelions. It is rational to use soft yarn for fixation. Do not tighten too much, as you can also overtighten the stems.
- You can fix the woven wreath with a paper clip. This method is considered fast, but not particularly reliable.
- You can also secure the wreath with a hair clip. With the same accessory, you can additionally fix the wreath on your head.

There are also a number of rules that apply not only to the setting option, but also to the process of creating jewelry itself.
These rules are as follows.
- Gathering flowers for weaving a wreath is best in the field, as roadside dandelions are often covered with a significant layer of dust.
- On the flowers themselves, you can often see small black insects. Midges live in dandelions, feed on pollen. They are not dangerous, but it is better not to collect flowers with insects for weaving a wreath.
- Collecting flowers should begin exactly at the moment when you plan to braid a wreath. If you pick dandelions a few hours before creating your jewelry, they will wither. And if, for some reason, the collection of flowers was started in advance, then it is best to put them in a glass of water. This will keep them fresh for a while.
- In order for the stems to be as even as possible, it is better to cut the flowers themselves with scissors.
- It is also recommended to choose flowers of approximately the same size so that not only the length of the stems, but also the circumference of the caps of the inflorescences coincide.

There is one more important point that also needs to be taken into account, especially for people who are allergic to bee stings. As a rule, dandelions appear in early summer, and insects begin to actively collect pollen. Care must be taken when collecting dandelions, as it is at this moment that bumblebees and bees may be present on the flowers.

If you follow all the instructions and recommendations, you can weave a beautiful wreath in just 15-20 minutes. It can be used as a head ornament, hung on a door, or anywhere else in the house.
How to weave a wreath of dandelions, see the video.