Making the base for the wreath

Decorations are essential to create a pleasant atmosphere in the home. But sometimes you want to make something yourself, by hand. A beautiful wreath can be an ideal option in this case. Such a decorative attribute can be made for the holiday, and it will fit into any interior, you just need to choose the right colors.
In this article, we will look at the most important component of decorative wreaths, without which it will be simply impossible to create them. This component is the base.

The base for an artificial wreath is an extremely important detail in the manufacture of any round composition. For many beginners at the very beginning of the path, this moment can cause certain difficulties, because for each conceived design one or another basis is suitable.
Wreaths are prepared for Christmas or New Years to hang on the front door. There are also wedding wreaths or arrangements for a specific time of the year.

The main feature of such a product is that the frame, usually a ring, is created from improvised means or bought in a store for creativity. All that distinguishes such frames is only the thickness of the base and its diameter.

How to make for a decorative wreath?
The most common way to make a particular wreath is to purchase all the necessary materials from a specialist store, including the base. But this option is very costly.

Finished frames can be made from different materials.
- Styrofoam. These are rings of different sizes, approximately the same thickness. Their edges are rounded. There are options when the foam rings are solid, and you can find options where there is a cut on one side.
- Vine. This option is possible both to purchase and to create a composition yourself. The vine can be replaced with any long branches.
- Metal rods.

The following will be ways of making a base for wreaths with your own hands from improvised means.
Made of cardboard
The first way is to cut the required stencil out of cardboard. He will be the frame. Because of cardboard is a very unpretentious material and you can cut anything from it, then the shape of the future base can be varied: a circle, a star, a square or a heart.
After the stencil has been cut, you need to add volume to the frame. To do this, it is necessary to crumple thick sheets (newspaper, wrapping paper) and connect with a twine to a stencil. You can decorate such a base with moss. It is worth glueing on PVA, and on top of the finished layers, wind the threads in color so that the base does not crumble too quickly.

This also includes the option from crumpled paper. This is a kind of lightweight version of the previous model. Crumple the paper so that there is a connection with the previous end. You can use glue or immediately wrap it with tape or twine.

Earlier it was said that the foam base can be purchased or cut it yourself. To do this, you need a sheet of polystyrene from under the box, the calculation will be based on what diameter will be needed. You will also need a clerical knife, compasses and a ruler. If you don't have a compass at hand, then any rounded shape will be suitable for a stroke.

For the base, you need to draw a large circle - this will be the main diameter, and draw a second one inside this circle. All calculations and distances are purely individual and depend on the specific idea.
The next step is to cut out the resulting circles and, based on the design, wrap with ribbons, stretch burlap or attach flowers to the resulting frame.

Thick wire metal base
Such a model will be slightly more difficult to create than just cutting a circle out of something. To do this, you need a wire, it is better to purchase a thick one - this way there will be less winding than in the case of a thin one. You will also need wire cutters or pliers, paper, thread or twine.
We measure the required length of the wire and cut it off. In order not to miscalculate the size, that segment must be bent into a ring, then it will be clearly visible. It is worth noting that a margin of a few centimeters should be left in order to twist the two ends together afterwards, without reducing the previously conceived diameter.

After twisting the two ends together, it is worth pressing them down to the base to avoid unwinding and in order not to get hurt.
From here, following your idea, you can leave such a base and attach jewelry to it using a thin wire, or wrap it with threads with a cloth. An even easier option is crumpled paper. The first layer of paper can be coated with glue for better adhesion, and the rest can be pressed with threads. This is necessary in order to give volume and thickness to the form. Wrap the last layer with tape.

Wooden base or rattan base
In order to create such a base, you need a thin rattan, it is more pliable, but requires a lot of perseverance. After all, it is necessary to bend the material so that the branches intertwine and fit beautifully. The resulting circle can be hung without additional decorations, for example, on the door.
Small sticks and twigs can also be used to create a base. They can be found not far from home or simply collected in advance at a convenient opportunity for a walk. It is imperative that the branches that go directly to the formation of the circle are bent.

The branches can be pulled together with threads and each subsequent one can be added until the required thickness is reached.
This option is also great in that you can create a wreath not only round, but also semicircular.

Making for a head wreath
In addition to making wreaths for interior decoration, wreaths are often woven as head decorations. This wonderful accessory is perfect for a theme party or photo shoot.
Consider a vine base. The vine is a very popular material for making various compositions. A wreath on the head is one of those. The material is easy enough to work with, and weaving something out of it will not cause much trouble.

For weaving, you need the vine itself and the wire. It is necessary to start weaving from the thick part of the branches, fastening them together with a wire, and then gradually bunching and forming a circle. Then the resulting base can be decorated with fresh or decorative flowers, dried flowers or fruits.

To create a wire base, it is better to choose a thin wire of medium hardness. It will look as impressive as possible. We twist the wire in a few words and wrap it in a ring of the required diameter. We fasten the two ends together. We again wrap the resulting frame with a thin wire to create volume. At the end, the base can be decorated with flowers, berries or sisal.

How to make a blank for a wreath, see the video below.