Autumn wreaths made of natural material

It is especially convenient to make a wreath for decorating an interior or your own appearance in autumn, because you can use a variety of natural materials that are literally at hand for work. The creation of such a decorative element does not take much time.

How to make from leaves?
Beautiful colorful leaves are the perfect material for making an autumn wreath. A similar decoration on a table or door is either double-sided, voluminous on both sides, or one-sided, the details of which are attached on a cardboard base. Additional decor is selected depending on the color, size and shape of the main material.
Some craftsmen prefer to use one variety of leaves for this purpose, while others - several. Maple leaves are considered to be the most popular.

The simplest model of an autumn wreath does not even require an additional base. First, a piece of cutting is cut from each maple leaf. Further, for the specimen that goes first, the lower edge is bent in such a way that a straight line is obtained that runs parallel to the stem. The first leaf is pierced with a branch of the second leaf, and then the lower edge is bent. Weaving continues until the first two leaves are pierced by the handle of the latter.
Of course, such an adornment will not be particularly durable, and therefore it is suitable only for playing or for temporary wearing as an accessory on the head. To create a decorative element of the interior, it is better to take a vine circle tied with twine or strong thread in several places as a basis.

A wreath on the head for a children's matinee on the theme of "autumn" must be strong enough so that the decoration does not fall apart during active games and dances. It will be right to pre-hold the leaves selected for creativity in melted paraffin for several seconds. After drying, they can already be attached with glue to a base, for example, twisted from a floral wire or which is an ordinary plastic hoop. An excellent addition for colorful leaves will be pre-dried rowan berries, also processed in a wax mixture and strung on a thread.

Master class on creating a wreath of branches and flowers
To make an autumn wreath from natural materials with your own hands, you need to decide on a reliable basis, and then embody various ideas by combining details. It is customary to distinguish three main methods for creating a frame - some of them are more suitable for decorating the house, and others for a matinee in the kindergarten. The first involves weaving a circle of young twigs and branches, for example, willow, pine or birch. A vine will also work. Strong branches are preliminarily freed from the bark.

It will be possible to tighten the main ring from the rod with the help of twine, and after that it remains only to wind the rods onto it and fix them with a rope. In the event that weaving is carried out from young twigs, then they will first have to be slightly broken so that the bark remains intact. Dry rods are soaked in hot water for about an hour the day before. Winding each branch with the next one, the edges will need to be fixed with thread or wire.
A wreath for the home can also be made on the basis of a cardboard circle or magazine and newspaper tubes, which are fastened with a ring to each other. Additionally, such a blank is wrapped with tape or even nylon tights.

Some craftswomen prefer to fix materials on a polystyrene foam circle.
Finally, a graceful wreath is obtained on the basis of a wire frame wrapped in rope, woolen thread or twine. For greater strength, the metal rod is folded several times and intertwined with each other.
A bright and rich looking wreath from natural materials can be obtained even without using a lot of dried leaves. The decor of the composition is carried out using 3 miniature pumpkins, dried or artificial berries, cones, acorns, feathers and other details. Wire or hot glue is useful for fixing the elements.

First of all, two small wreaths of willow vine are connected to each other, or a large and thick base is initially created from twigs and branches. First, several clusters of small berries are fixed on the structure, about a dozen dried leaves of medium size and small pumpkins, previously coated with glitter varnish. Further, the decor is complemented by cones, acorns and feathers.
If you follow the instructions step by step, it is easy to get an autumn wreath from the ears of valuable and weedy cereals. For work, you will need a ready-made wicker base made of willow vine, dry spikelets of oats and wheat, lace braid and a glue gun. Cereals are pre-arranged in bunches and cut off. For reliability, each of them is fixed with adhesive tape of a neutral shade.

Spikelets should be immediately glued to the base with hot glue or tied with a thin wire.
In a circle, bunches of wheat are first laid out, and then bunches of oats. The material should be evenly distributed over the surface to hide the "pools" of dried adhesive. The finished wreath does not require additional decoration, and the lace braid is used only for hanging it. By the way, it is not forbidden to build such a decoration for the home using fresh ears, but you should be prepared that over time they will lose their color.

If you do not forget to dry a few plants in the summer, then in the fall they can be used to create a delicate decoration for the home. The list of materials includes dried buttercups flowers, willow twigs, and yellow lace braid. It is better to prepare a glue gun, fishing line and green tape from the tools.
- The process begins with making a ring of willow branches, which is wrapped with fishing line for reliability. It is important to let it dry for a couple of days, after which it will be possible to go directly to the decor.
- The flowers must be trimmed beforehand and laid out in bunches, which are fixed with tape.
- Then, one by one, they are attached to the base with a hot glue gun. It is necessary to move in a circle so that the next bundle slightly covers the previous bundle.
- At the end, the string is used to hang the wreath on the wall.

In a similar way, a decorative element is created from inflorescences of bird cherry, apple, chamomile or lilac.
Other craft options
In general, the abundance of natural materials of the autumn period allows you to implement any ideas of the masters. At the same time, nothing prevents you from creating an autumn wreath from artificial materials - cardboard or felt, or even combining them with natural ones.
For example, a wreath of varnished oak leaves and sisal on a twig base can be supplemented not only with acorns, but also with berries molded from polymer clay. You can use dried meadow grasses attached to a corrugated cardboard base, artificial lavender twigs, dried flowers or multi-colored sisal. A wreath of branches arranged by the "sun", which are complemented by large flowers or even fruits, looks spectacular.

When creating a paper autumn wreath, multi-colored leaves cut from glitter or patterned cardboard are glued to a round base. Soft felt is considered an excellent material for crafts. It is sold in all kinds of shades, it is easy to work with, and the pleasant nap adds a special coziness to the product. An alternative to felt can be ordinary fabric: leaves are sewn from it, and the round base is necessarily tied with woolen threads.

How to make an autumn wreath from natural materials with your own hands, see the video below.