Outerwear care

How to clean a sheepskin coat at home?

How to clean a sheepskin coat at home?
  1. rules
  2. We take into account the colors
  3. The ways
  4. How to clean it?
  5. Removing stains
  6. We clean the fur
  7. Care Tips

A sheepskin coat is a fairly popular outerwear for the cold season. It attracts attention with its convenience, warmth and sophisticated appearance. Its only drawback is that it can get dirty very quickly. You can use the services of dry cleaning, but there are methods that allow you to make high-quality cleaning of the sheepskin coat yourself.


In order to clean the sheepskin coat at home and not spoil the product, you must choose the right product to remove dirt from a certain material. To do this, you need to apply the product to the invisible part of the product.

The sheepskin coat must be laid out horizontally on a flat surface. A table is an excellent choice. You should take care of good lighting in order to clearly see all the dirty areas of the product.

An old suede sheepskin coat will allow you to update cleaning with specific means. A genuine leather model can be cleaned using home remedies. An artificial leather item at home can be cleaned with ammonia. Sheepskin coats can be made from other materials, for which special methods must be used.

The elimination of dirt from models decorated with fur requires special attention. You should first familiarize yourself with the methods of processing fur and only after that take on the process of cleaning the product.

It is strictly forbidden to dry a sheepskin coat near heating devices or use electrical appliances such as a hair dryer or iron.The best solution is to dry the product in a ventilated room, while the sheepskin coat should be placed in an upright position using a hanger.

It is very important before you clean the sheepskin coat yourself, carefully read all labels on clothes... It is necessary to build on the material from which the item is sewn, when choosing a cleaning agent and a cleaning method. For example, only dry cleaning is suitable for a suede product. Wet cleaning is ideal for laser-coated sheepskin coats. For the leather model, any option can be used.

The sheepskin coat cleaner should not be applied to all contaminated areas at once. First, you can check on a small area. If the selected product has removed the stain, then it can be used to treat the entire surface of the product.

It is forbidden to wash a sheepskin coat made of natural or artificial leather, as well as from suede, in a typewriter. This can negatively affect the attractiveness of the product, as well as reduce its size. The material itself will become hard and dull.

If you are in a sheepskin coat under the rain, then you need to hang it on a hanger and leave it to dry completely in a room, away from heating appliances.

At the end of the winter season, it is necessary to create comfortable storage conditions for the sheepskin coat. It is strictly forbidden to pack it in a plastic bag... The optimal solution is a cotton cover. A sprig of lavender can be added to it.

We take into account the colors

When choosing a method and substances for cleaning a sheepskin coat at home, you should take into account its color so as not to spoil the product.

The light-colored model must be cleaned regularly so that it does not lose its attractive appearance.

To clean the white model, you can use a solution that includes one teaspoon of ammonia diluted in one teaspoon of ordinary water or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. First you need to remove the dust, with a cloth soaked in solution, treat the surface of the thing. After the procedure, wipe the surface with a damp sponge and let it dry completely.

Another option is to dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm milk. With a swab soaked in solution, wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat. After cleaning, you should remove the remnants of the product with a gauze napkin, pre-moistened with vinegar.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to get rid of yellow spots. Only one teaspoon of peroxide is required for 200 ml of water. Use this solution to wipe the stains thoroughly.

Many women of fashion prefer dark shades, since a black or brown sheepskin coat is more practical. But even dark colors do not protect products from contamination, which is also visible on it.

To clean a dark sheepskin coat, you can use a simple solution consisting of a glass of water, one tablespoon of oxalic acid and two tablespoons of baking soda. All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied with a sponge to the surface of the product. After drying, a white coating will appear on the sheepskin coat, which must be removed with a damp sponge.

The ways

To eliminate any kind of dirt on the sheepskin coat, washing is strictly prohibited. She can completely ruin the thing. There are two cleaning methods that can be used at home: wet and dry.

Dry cleaning

The suede product attracts attention with its refined, elegant appearance. It looks luxurious and expensive. With frequent wear, suede loses its velvety feel. A suede sheepskin coat needs careful care and daily dry cleaning.

A slightly soiled sheepskin coat can be cleaned with salt. It will restore the suede velvety and remove small stains.

Place the product horizontally, sprinkle salt on dirty areas, rub it with your hands lightly, without applying significant force, or with a rubber brush.Light movements will prevent the possibility of material damage. After cleaning, the salt should be removed from the surface with a dry sponge.

Leather sheepskin coats must not be cleaned with salt, as this product, upon contact with the skin, not only leaves unsightly streaks, but can also change its color.

To clean stubborn dirt or greasy stains on a leather sheepskin coat, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Semolina. All contaminated areas of the product must be sprinkled with semolina. Next, you need to put on fabric mittens and rub the dirty places well. All movements must be made from the edges of the spots to their center. After cleaning the stains, it is worth cleaning the entire surface, while you can use a hard brush or fine sandpaper. You can use starch instead of semolina.
  • Petrol... For removing greasy stains, the use of gasoline is the most effective. It is necessary to take a burlap rag and soak it in gasoline, then rub the greasy stain well with it. But this tool is suitable exclusively for cleaning sheepskin coats in dark colors.
  • Dried crust of bread... It allows you to eliminate slightly dirty areas. The sheepskin coat should be placed horizontally, and begin to actively clean the product with a crust of bread. After the procedure, bread crumbs can be removed with a soft brush.
  • Dentifrice... This product is intended for cleaning the collar or greasy areas in the area of ​​pockets. To apply tooth powder to the product, you must use a rubber brush.


For coated sheepskin coats or leather options, the wet cleaning method is ideal. It is very effective in removing stubborn dirt.

The main ways are:

  • A white sheepskin coat can be cleaned with a solution from hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To create a mixture, you need to take a glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. All components should be mixed well. Apply the product to stains using a soft sponge. Processing must be carried out until the stains are removed, as well as the restoration of the snow-white color.
  • The best option for removing stubborn dirt is ammonia. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 4: 1. The solution is rubbed into the product with light movements using a soft sponge. After removing the stain, the remaining solution should be quickly removed with a sponge previously moistened with water. After the cleaning procedure, it is still worth wiping the product with a dry sponge.
  • Milk and soda. Before cleaning, remove dust with a regular brush. To prepare the solution, you will need 200 ml of milk and 10 g of soda. For processing sheepskin coats, cotton pads are needed. They need to be soaked in a greasy stain treatment solution. When cleaning the dirt, it is worth using clean cotton pads, throwing away the already soiled ones. After cleaning, you will need to additionally wipe the sheepskin coat with a soft cloth, previously soaked in a solution of vinegar and water. After the cleaned areas should be additionally wiped with a dry sponge.
  • Combination of soap solution and ammonia often used when cleaning the surface of sheepskin coats. To prepare the solution, you will need a glass of warm water, 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of shampoo. A soft sponge is required to clean the sheepskin coat. All contaminated areas must be treated with a solution. This solution is used for the primary treatment of the product. Next, you will need another product, including 5 ml of borax, 15 ml of ammonia, 20 ml of glycerin and 500 ml of water. This solution is excellent for treating the entire surface of the product. When the cleaning of the sheepskin coat is completed, it is worth hanging it on a hanger until it is completely dry.

How to clean it?

To clean the sheepskin coat from various kinds of contamination yourself, you should use home remedies. To choose the right cleaning products, you need to push away from the material.

The faux leather product can be cleaned with soapy water. The sheepskin coat must be placed horizontally. Dampen a cloth with soapy water and wipe the entire surface. To get rid of excess foam, you need a damp cloth.

After the procedure, you need to blot the product with a paper towel, as it will help remove moisture and leave the sheepskin coat at room temperature until it dries completely.

To quickly dry a thing, you can use a steam generator that delivers a jet of dry steam under pressure. Do not use a steamer as this appliance generates moist steam.

Sheepskin coats made of genuine leather can be cleaned from dirt with various means. To eliminate grease or scuffs, the use of ammonia and tooth powder. These substances are mixed in equal proportions. Use a toothbrush to apply the product to dirty areas.

If the skin has lost its luster, then it can be wiped with glycerin.

Removing stains

Sheepskin coat requires regular and thorough cleaning, but even this can not always protect the product from the formation of stubborn marks. You can restore the original appearance of the stuffy things using different means.

To independently remove a greasy stain from a sheepskin coat, you need to choose the right product. Its choice depends on the material of the product.

Sometimes only special aerosols or sprays can help remove grease stains, but home remedies can also be tried.

To clean an artificial sheepskin coat from wine or dirt, you can use:

  • Starch. Sprinkle it over the stain and let it sit for five hours. Then remove the absorbent with a vacuum cleaner or brush.
  • Ammonia. It is necessary to prepare soapy water with a temperature of about 30 degrees and add up to 10 drops of ammonia there. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the stain with it. After cleaning, wipe the area with foam rubber and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Bura. To create a solution, you will need one teaspoon of borax, 10 ml of glycerin and ammonia, as well as a little water. The stain must be wiped with a napkin dipped in the solution, and then dried thoroughly.
  • Turpentine. This substance is ideal for removing stubborn stains.
  • To remove stains on a natural sheepskin coat, you can use semolina, potato starch with gasoline, milk with soda, a crust of white bread or corn starch.

We clean the fur

The fur of outerwear must be cleaned separately. You can use several proven methods:

  • Pour some lemon juice on a sponge and apply it thoroughly to the fur. After cleaning the fur, it should be combed using a regular comb.
  • Shampoo for washing cats must be diluted with a little water to form a foam. Apply the foam to the fur with a sponge and wait five minutes. After the procedure, rinse off the product with water.
  • Chalk is ideal for removing greasy or heavily soiled stains. Baby powder is a great alternative. The powder should be applied to the fur, left for a few minutes and carefully removed using a brush.
  • Sand or wheat bran is a common remedy to restore the attractiveness of fur. First you need to warm them up well in a skillet, and then rub into the fur trim. After cleaning, the substance should be removed with a stiff brush.
  • A solution of water, vinegar and alcohol is suitable for cleaning a collar made of natural fur. All components must be taken in the same proportions. The agent should be applied to the fur with a regular sponge, after the cleaning procedure, remove the residues by wiping the collar with a dry cloth.
  • A mixture of starch and gasoline is ideal to restore fur to its original appearance. It should be applied to the fur and allowed to dry thoroughly. After that, the remnants of the mixture should be removed using a brush.
  • To eliminate stains on a fur collar, a solution of salt and ammonia is suitable. To prepare it, you will need 30 g of salt and 4 ml of ammonia for half a liter of water. After processing the product, wipe the fur with a damp sponge.

The sheepskin coat inside is often represented by white sheepskin fur. To thoroughly clean it, you need to take potato flour and sprinkle the fur well, then spray it with soapy water. The result is a mass that looks like dough.

It must be evenly distributed over the entire product and left to dry completely. Then remove it from the product with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

To clean a thin layer of sheepskin, it will be enough to use a solution of ammonia and soap solution. To restore the whiteness of the fur, a solution including 200 ml of milk and 1 teaspoon of ammonia.

Care Tips

In order for the sheepskin coat to retain its initial appearance for a long time, you should adhere to several expert tips:

  • If a fresh stain appears on the sheepskin coat, it must be cleaned as soon as possible.
  • Do not apply new cleaning agents all over the surface at once. It is necessary to conduct a test in an inconspicuous place. You can use a seam from the wrong side for the test. You should wait until the solution is completely dry, and then carefully look at how it affects the material.
  • An excellent drying method is natural. The product should be hung on a hanger and placed in a well-ventilated area. It is strictly forbidden to use heating devices or hair dryers for drying.
  • A natural fabric cover is ideal for storing a sheepskin coat.
  • Fur cleaning must be done separately using other cleaning solutions.
  • Moisture should be avoided. It is not recommended to allow water to get on the surface of the sheepskin coat. If this happens, then it should be well dried. After drying, wet places must be thoroughly kneaded with your hands, which will avoid hardening.
  • Glycerin is an excellent solution to add shine to the product.
  • After storage, it is recommended to clean the sheepskin coat with a vacuum cleaner, installing a soft nozzle.
  • Washing is strictly prohibited.

For simple recipes and step-by-step instructions on how to clean a sheepskin coat at home, see the next video.

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