How to remove wool from clothes?

Pet owners often face the problem of spoiled appearance due to wool adhering to their clothes. To solve this problem, you will need to find out what cleaning tools are and how to use them.

Special means
Small priced gadgets will help you clean up your everyday clothes. They are much more effective than folk methods, and their acquisition is available to anyone, therefore such tools are popular.
Cleaning rollers
This option is considered the most popular and effective. You can buy videos at any hardware store. Terms of use:
- remove the top protective layer;
- run over the contaminated area from top to bottom;
- when the roller is completely dirty, remove the layer of adhesive tape.
If the tape runs out, you can purchase a new roller or purchase additional adhesive tape separately. There is a gel coated roller. After use, it is enough to rinse it under running water and let it dry naturally. The price of such a device will be slightly higher, but it can be used for a long time.

A regular rubber silicone or rubber glove will help to quickly remove wool from clothes. Necessary:
- put a glove on your hand;
- run over the fabric from top to bottom with light pressure;
- when all the wool is in one place, it is necessary to remove it with a roller or remove it by hand;
- to prevent the development of allergy to wool, it is necessary to rinse and process the device.
In addition to this device, you can use special gloves with teeth designed for combing animals, medical or latex gloves, as well as old nylon tights.

The device is similar to a comb, the only difference is that instead of the teeth, designed for combing out tangled hair, there is a sticky pile. Gentle removal of dog hair allows you to quickly and efficiently clean the surface without damaging the fabric. Sequencing:
- shake clothes to get rid of dust and other small particles;
- put the brush on your hand and run it from top to bottom;
- if the product has not completely coped with the dirt, re-run the roller for clothes.
Additionally, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a built-in round brush attachment. By rotating, the brush collects all the wool from the clothes. However, it can only be used on thick fabrics, as this method of cleaning is rather rough. For whimsical fabric (for example, for drape) use a velor brush. Additionally, manual cleaning of the product is carried out. The cleaning principle is the same as with a regular brush.

You can buy it in specialty stores for animals or in the departments of household goods. The sponges, specially designed for the cleaning procedure, will perfectly cope even with cat hair, have a natural composition and delicately remove hairs from the fabric. Application:
- moisten the sponge with water and squeeze it out as much as possible so that it remains slightly damp;
- with the rough side, walk in the direction of the pile on the surface, dividing it into small sections;
- remove hair by hand or roller;
- clean the sponge with soapy water and treat with a disinfectant;
- leave to dry naturally.
You can also use an ordinary clean washcloth designed for washing dishes, having previously treated it with boiling water to make it softer.

Traditional methods
If there are no special tools for cleaning, and you need to leave after a few minutes, you can make tools for cleaning at home.
It is analogous to a sticky roller. There are several ways to use it.
- Take a wide tape and cut off a few strips. Apply the sticky side to the garment one by one, smoothing it towards the seams. Then, with a sharp jerk, tear off the strip, holding the fabric.
- Option using double-sided tape... Glue one side to the fabric, avoiding creases, and fasten the other on a wooden rolling pin. Pressing on the rolling pin, walk along the surface.
- Wrap the tape around your palm, while stretching your fingers... With the sticky side, shake off the fabric in the direction of the pile. When the ribbon stops collecting wool, turn your hand over, placing it palm up.
It is recommended to use one strip of tape no more than 2 times, as the tape loses its sticky properties and becomes unusable.

Another way to get rid of hair is to use a pumice stone. It is suitable for heavy-duty garments. This method additionally cleans the surface from pellets. Sequencing:
- prepare a hard surface for the procedure;
- with light pressure, walk over the contaminated areas no more than 2-3 times;
- remove the remnants of wool with a palm or scotch tape.
It is important to remember that pumice stone erases the top layer of clothing, therefore, use on thin fabrics (for example, silk) and woolen items is unacceptable.

Useful Tips
If there were no special tools or folk remedies at hand, then other items will help you quickly clean your clothes.
- Use a piece of nylon fabric... Thanks to its excellent electrification, the wool is literally attracted to it, which does not harm the material being cleaned at all.
- A razor or razor blade will help remove deeply stuck hair... The procedure is performed with gentle movements to avoid tissue damage.
- Anti-static wipes make it easy to remove small hairs from your favorite item. You can buy them in hardware stores or car dealerships.
- If a situation arises when it is not possible to purchase or find any of the offered items, you can wipe things with wet hands, making vigorous movements from top to bottom.
- Clothing may need to be re-washed without using detergent or other products.... While the clothes are wet, shake them and leave to dry completely.

Preventive measures
To reduce the amount of hair not only on clothes, but also on household items, you do not need to get rid of the cat in the apartment. It is enough to follow a few rules:
- if possible, put your clothes in covers or keep them in the dressing room;
- cover sofas and armchairs with bedspreads, this will allow you not to clean the furniture itself;
- it is necessary to clean the room at least once a week;
- use a humidifier or ventilate the room regularly;
- on things that more often accumulate particles of wool, fasten a metal brooch;
- try to avoid rubber decorative elements;
- Wash towels, velvet fabrics, and sweaters separately from your daily wear.
- add 2 tablespoons of vinegar when washing;
- dry things outdoors if possible;
- when ironing things, pre-treat them with an antistatic agent or spray with a similar effect;
- brush and bathe your pets regularly;
- when washing, use special rinses;
- if possible, give up things made of synthetic materials;
- clean clothes (at least partially) before washing;
- treat the washing machine after every wash.