
Libra men: characteristics, talismans and famous representatives of the sign

Libra men: characteristics, talismans and famous representatives of the sign
  1. Character
  2. Friendship behavior
  3. What are they like in relationships and in marriage?
  4. Career
  5. Amulets
  6. What to give for your birthday?
  7. Suitable male names
  8. Notable representatives

Unperturbed, judicious, sociable - the Libra man conquers at first sight. He does not like quarrels and avoids conflicts, for such a man you want to go even to the ends of the world. But is a man born under this sign really that good?


The Libra man gives the impression of an ideal person. The soul of the company, smart and reasonable, a good family man. Opposites are combined in his character: hard work and relaxation, optimism can be replaced by bouts of depression, inside he will burn out with passion, but outwardly he will remain cold. However, under any circumstances, the inner harmony and love of those close to him remain above all.

They are always for justice, they know how to find a compromise. They have the amazing ability to build relationships in such a way that everyone is happy. Libra is naturally endowed with respect for others, always trying to be honest.

Any changes in life do not occur of their own free will of Libra, in the soul of men they are afraid of changes, they are indecisive. But if he knows what he needs, he correctly distributes forces and does not pay attention to temptations.

By nature, Libra is optimistic, but men have a period when they withdraw into themselves, practically do not talk to anyone. Fortunately, they are unable to be discouraged for a long time and quickly get out of this state.

This sign of the Zodiac does not tolerate public criticism of itself, will not tolerate an unceremonious attitude and familiarity. A man always expects pleasure and positive emotions from communication, otherwise he simply stops communicating with a person.

Negative traits:

  • Libra loves comfort, an excessive desire to surround himself with luxury items can lead to the fact that a man begins to demonstrate his own superiority, the importance of his person;
  • this sign of the zodiac is prone to constant fluctuations and long reflections, which can lead to the loss of various opportunities both in a career and in a relationship;
  • men in relation to their loved ones can be too domineering, demand complete submission, disregard the opinions and desires of others, they never accept advice that is harmful to them.

Positive character traits:

  • Libra men are fair even if they may suffer from it. The older the man, the more acutely this character trait manifests itself;
  • natural charm and intelligence - qualities that remain in any situation;
  • they always tell the truth, but delicately, without undue harshness. In a relationship, they prefer diplomacy.

What complexes does this sign have:

  • cannot refuse, which often becomes the cause of quarrels with the other half. They will always help relatives, friends, colleagues;
  • do not notice their shortcomings, complexes, but notice all the flaws in others;
  • secretive, cannot trust even a loved one.

The Libra element is air. They are prone to long reasoning, calculations, rely only on proven facts, but they themselves love to talk and often the description is embellished. The color of the zodiac sign is dark blue, turquoise, emerald, and pastel colors are also suitable.

Are ruled by Venus. The sign itself indicates a constant search for harmony and eternal vibrations. For Libra, inner peace is important, and anything that takes them out of their comfort zone can cause imbalance.

The complete characteristic of the sign includes other features that are characteristic of the representatives of the element of air: sociability, the ability to find a compromise. Air signs love to have fun and live for their own pleasure, in some way they are selfish.

There are three decades of the sign, each of which has its own characteristics.

The first decade is full-fledged Libra. Men born from September 23 to October 3 are attractive, pleasant, sociable, they feel their interlocutor and thus have them to themselves. They are optimists, they try to live beautifully and have a delicate taste.

The main thing in life is considered a successful career. We are sure that work should bring both pleasure and benefit. Men born in the first decade will do almost anything for a good career, they can be cruel, although their appearance can say quite the opposite. They do not give the impression of a ruthless and calculating careerist.

In other spheres of life, they are tactful, judicious, they will never refuse help. Libra men will always find a worthy way out of any situation, take failures in life philosophically and are always ready to start over.

In a relationship, such men always remain faithful and loyalty in return is important for them. Often they choose a rich bride as their wife, as they strive for luxury and a beautiful life.

The second decade is about freedom-loving and independent men. Those born in the period from October 4 to October 13 are distinguished by their desire to stand out from the crowd. Their desire is world peace, and they often inspire others to take decisive action. They want to be leaders, but they cannot lead other people.

The train of thought of such men always remains a mystery. For them, harmony around and in everyone who surrounds them is important, only then can they fully express themselves. Libra men of the second decade do not like anything traditional, they want to live differently.

Adventure seekers are always ready to change their lives and rush towards the unknown. They are not afraid of difficulties, they are honest and always speak their opinion, which can change in the process of searching for the truth. The scales of the second decade do not stand blindly on their own, they are ready to analyze information and change their point of view.

The third decade - these are extraordinary personalities. Men born from October 14 to October 23 are the most talkative of Libra. They are always ready to jump off the spot, are often considered frivolous and at the same time love it when everything in their life goes according to schedule. By their nature, they are skeptics, they like to criticize, assert themselves, but for the sake of a common goal they are ready to sacrifice their interests.

In conflict situations, they remain neutral, diplomats by nature and can resolve complex issues peacefully. They strive to gain power and, as a rule, they succeed.

In communication, they avoid quarrels, they are very sensitive to statements. In crucial moments, they show themselves as much as possible, they are not afraid to make serious decisions. Libra men of the third decade are vindictive, in personal relationships they do not differ in constancy, they often marry several times.

Friendship behavior

The desire to please everyone, the ability to listen and give good advice makes Libra good companions. They are responsive and fair, listen to the opinion of a friend, in conflicts they prefer to remain neutral and try to find a reason for a truce.

What are they like in relationships and in marriage?

Libra men will propose only to the woman they consider "their only". They are characterized by romanticism, they love gathering at night with their beloved woman, talking about everything. If a man is ready to propose to his beloved, then it will definitely not be trivial.

The husband often becomes the envy of his wife's friends - courteous, always beautifully and fashionably dressed, knows how to make compliments. His charm is combined with a gentle character, he does not tolerate rudeness towards women, he will never raise his voice to his chosen one, but he will not allow himself to shout at himself. The Libra man is a rare type of men who enjoy attending theaters, reading poetry, and preferring psychological melodramas to action movies.

They usually perceive women as a means to achieve goals, therefore, reviews of marriage with such a man are not always rosy. Libras are proud and often demand full attention from their lady's hearts.

They are great fathers, will love their children, but they find it boring to change diapers or attend parenting meetings.


Libra men can achieve significant success in their careers, provided that they can cope with their tendencies towards laziness and carefree life. Professions related to communication or art are suitable for Libra. Often a Libra man “lives” at work, and treats the team as his second family. Therefore, they rarely change jobs as they get used to the people and the place.

A man will definitely make his workplace comfortable and beautiful, there will always be order here, since disorder can disrupt inner harmony. Libra builds good relationships with everyone. A decent salary is one of the main criteria for them; they will not work for a small fee, even if they enjoy the work process.

In business, a soft and indecisive nature plays against Libra, they do well in middle positions, but they rarely turn out to be a good leader. They prefer to share responsibility with colleagues and delegate the unpleasant part of the work to others.

As the boss, Libra is energetic and calm at the same time. They always listen to the opinion of their subordinates, but they do not perceive gossip in any way. They can find a way out of a hopeless situation, they never make hasty decisions, even if there is little time for reflection. A boss born under this sign, for his own confidence, will listen to the opinion of his colleagues and make a decision with great difficulty. If a project or a deal burns out, then he will shift part of the blame onto all those who, to one degree or another, influenced it.

In their work, Libra does not like monotony, constant movement and communication is important for them. For such a creative nature, work in a theater, a souvenir shop is suitable.Also, this sign is suitable for the work of a trainer, teacher, lawyer.

Libra's natural ability to compromise makes good diplomats.


Red coral is considered the best talisman for a man born under the sign of Libra. He is able to give eloquence, protect from negativity, evil eyes, envy, helps to remain calm in difficult situations.

Jewelry with lapis lazuli will give self-confidence, strengthen relationships in all spheres of life (with business partners, beloved woman, friends). In order for the talisman to retain its properties, it is sometimes necessary to wash it under running water.

The spiritual harmony that everyone born under this sign needs will be presented to their owner by opal. This talisman will help to control emotions, protect from rash actions.

Zircon helps in the work area. The amulet promotes career advancement, helps to find a good job, to conclude a profitable deal, and also gives the ability to make the right decisions. This amulet attracts money to its owner.

All stones of a bloody color are not suitable for the energy of men Libra, from such talismans there will be trouble.

When choosing an amulet, you need to pay attention to your feelings - the jewelry should be liked both to the touch and externally. It is best to choose small charms that are inconspicuous and will not cause envious glances.

A small heart-shaped ornament made of metal or silver is a powerful talisman for Libra. The heart is life and love, it will protect its owner from troubles, keep the family.

Libra patronizes the planet Venus, and the little angel figurine will bring good luck on the love front.

For such an intellectual sign of the Zodiac as Libra, a book is suitable as a talisman. Such a talisman is an excellent choice for men who work in the field of art, it will help improve thought and creative processes.

Small scales made of any material, as well as in the form of a picture or engraving, can also become an amulet.

Houseplants also contribute to harmonious family relationships. Libra is a refined nature, and flowers should be beautiful and refined: orchids, camellias, roses, hydrangeas.

What to give for your birthday?

Most men born under the sign of Libra love filming videos and making their own films. Creative people will appreciate the new camcorder with state-of-the-art features. If the guy already has a video camera with all the modern bells and whistles, then you can choose accessories as a gift - a flash drive for recording, an additional microphone, lighting for amateur filming.

Libra also loves carpentry. If a man loves to carve various crafts from wood, make chairs, bedside tables, etc., then a new jigsaw, a sander, an electric saw, a plane will be a great gift.

Libra men love to look beautiful and stylish. Gangster style is considered the height of chic. If possible, you can present clothes, shoes or other accessory in the style of a mafia from the 30s as a gift. They have a weakness for large hats, patent leather shoes, long cashmere coats. A cane umbrella with an unusual handle, which can be made to order and win a man's heart, will be a good gift.

As a gift, you can choose a good perfume or a shaving kit. Of the aromas, Libra prefers oriental ones, with hints of cinnamon or vanilla.

If you need to congratulate the manager, you can choose a mini-bar in the form of a souvenir castle or a globe, an unusual photo frame or a mobile stand. Souvenir scales always win - a symbol of their zodiac sign.

Libra loves to surround themselves with luxury items and create coziness in their home. Therefore, they will like a gift for the house. Velvet curtains, antique-style furniture, porcelain or marble figurines, crystal dishes are suitable here. When choosing curtains or furniture, you need to take into account the general style of the apartment.

Coffee lovers can be presented with an electric Turkish coffee set, which is brewed on the hot sand.

Libra prefers outdoor activities. Nowadays it is popular to give quests and various games where you can transform into a race car driver or pilot. Also, a trip to a city with an ancient history will be an unforgettable gift for a man born under the sign of Libra.

They love jewelry - chains with pendants, rings with stones. A man can choose a pendant in the form of a cross or a zodiac sign as a gift.

Suitable male names

According to astrologers, names are suitable for men born under the sign of Libra: Leonid, Vitaly, Constantine, Victor, Nikita, Oleg, Sergey, Anatoly, Philip, Artyom, Alexey, Mikhail.

Notable representatives

    Libra celebrities have good manners, even if the profession does not require these qualities. Among the famous men of Libra, one can single out Sergei Yesenin, Leonid Kuravlev, Oleg Basilashvili, Vladimir Putin.

    Famous representatives of the first decade of Libra are among politicians, directors, writers, military leaders, athletes. Among writers G. Green, N. Ostrovsky became famous, among the military - Marshals B. A. Shaposhnikov, A. M. Vasilevsky, among statesmen - K. U. Chernenko, N. I. Ryzhkov, Mohandes Gandhi.

    The second decade was presented by Dmitry Donskoy, I. S. Nikitin, Novella Matveeva, Yu. S. Semenov (played by Stirlitz), John Lennon.

    F. Nietzsche, A. A. Grechko, Sarah Bernhardt, Oscar Wilde, M. Yu. Lermontov, Pele, I. A. Bunin, L. I. Yashin, Nana Alexandria, and General Eisenhower became famous representatives of the third decade.

    About who the Libra men will be happy with in marriage, see below.

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