
Libra Man, born in the Rat year

Libra Man, born in the Rat year
  1. general characteristics
  2. In love and marriage
  3. Compatibility

The characteristics of a man who was born under the zodiac sign of Libra and in the year of the Rat reveals all his advantages and disadvantages. This is a sociable man who always strives for excellence. A guy can easily attract the attention of the opposite sex and easily fall in love with any girl.

general characteristics

Since childhood, this guy has been different from his peers. Born in the year of the Rat and under the zodiac sign of Libra, he is distinguished by an unusual outlook on life, a different worldview and a very strong character.

This man always strictly follows his principles. The Libra Rat will never change its mind, even if it turns out to be wrong. Moreover, the Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, does not like to live by someone else's rules. This character trait begins to manifest itself in school years. Libra-Rat from his youth tries to establish his own rules in any society. Because of this feature, the guy develops a difficult relationship with peers and parents.

These guys can rightfully be called the favorites of fortune. Nature has generously endowed them with numerous talents and abilities, thanks to which they can easily realize all their ideas.

Libra-Rat is a determined and purposeful man who knows exactly what he wants to achieve in this life. Due to the fact that the Libra-Rat knows how to correctly prioritize and sensibly assess his capabilities, a man easily achieves what he wants.

For this man it is very important to achieve a good position in society. The representative of this zodiac sign tries to do everything possible so that the people around him think extremely positively about him. It is very important for him to hear approval from the outside.

This man is characterized by such qualities as responsibility and adherence to principles.Thanks to these qualities, the Libra-Rat can achieve serious success in work. It is very important for him to get the desired position, to acquire a certain social status, to be one step higher than others. But at the same time, the guy does not care at all about the financial side of the issue. Status is much more important to him.

A Libra man born in the year of the Rat treats money with ease. A man does not put them in a box, does not open bank accounts, but simply spends on himself and his loved ones. Sometimes this man spends his finances very irrationally, which is why he has to get involved in loans and debts. There should always be a faithful friend or girlfriend next to him, who will help him not to do something stupid. After all, while he wastes money, selfish people who will only use his financial well-being can ask for him as friends.

The main drawback of this man is his selfishness. The representative of this zodiac sign needs to learn to listen to the opinions and desires of other people. It is important to remember that the family is the closest people who will be on his side in any situation. Therefore, the Rat man, born under the zodiac sign of Libra, should devote more time to his relatives.

In love and marriage

This man is distinguished by natural charm and special attractiveness. Libra-Rat easily finds a common language with girls, willingly flirts and flirts with them. But this does not mean at all that his heart can be so easily won. Attracting the attention of such a guy is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. Many girls make a gross mistake trying to seduce and charm him. The Libra man, born in the year of the Rat, must draw attention to the woman himself, she must imperceptibly attract attention, surprise with something. Only then will the Rat-Libra become interested and take the first step himself.

Libra-Rat man loves unusual girls. It is very important for him that the future chosen one is generous. In the event that a representative of this zodiac sign notices a certain stinginess, excessive economy, then he will not pay attention to such a girl.

In love, the Rat-Libra man requires a special attitude towards himself. The chosen one should be able to make unusual compliments. A girl should constantly praise her beloved and do everything possible so that he feels and understands that he is the best. In the event that the Libra-Rat man does not receive such confirmation every day, he may be seriously offended.

The future darling of such a man should remember that in personal relationships, Libra-Rat behaves very arrogantly and selfishly. It is not easy to be next to such a man, so many girls themselves decide to part with him, as they understand that he is not going to change.

In bed, Libra-Rat always wants to be a leader. This man is very fond of creating a special atmosphere in the bedroom on his own. Loves chic bedding, candles, twilight, beautiful music and the like. The chosen one of such a man should be able to constantly surprise. Libra, born in the year of the Rat, absolutely does not tolerate monotony in bed. His beloved must be able to fantasize and be ready to experiment. For this guy, the main thing is his own satisfaction. Sometimes in bed, Libra-Rat even forgets about his partner and is in no hurry to please her. This man shows selfishness even in this situation.

After entering into an official marriage, the man changes slightly. Feeling himself in a new status, he understands that now he will have to bear responsibility not only for himself, but also for the woman he loves. Libra-Rat tries to do everything possible to keep the family strong and happy. A man will provide for his family with dignity, will try to do everything possible so that his family does not need anything.

In marriage, the Rat-Libra no longer shows such selfishness as before. A man is ready to give the furrows of government to his wife and obey her instructions.This man treats children very well. He loves children, tries to educate them and spends most of his free time with them. For her child, Libra-Rat will always be a faithful adviser, thanks to which in the future the child will be able to reach great heights.


Almost perfect compatibility can be traced with a woman born in the year of the Ox. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but the main thing is that they can complement each other, thereby creating a strong married couple. Ox women are used to being the head of the family, she loves to lead. And Libra-Rat will not be against such a situation at all.

A good relationship can develop with a woman who was born in the Year of the Dragon. Both will treat each other with great warmth and affection. The Dragon woman will always be interested in the affairs of her spouse, will support him in all endeavors. Together they may well be happy.

Monkey woman can attract the attention of this man. They will be united by common interests and goals in life. Libra-Rat will admire his soul mate, and she will tirelessly praise her husband for everything. They will be a strong and happy couple.

What kind of relationship a girl can count on with a Libra man is described in the first video.

The characteristics of guys born in the year of the Rat are posted in the video below.

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