
Libra man, born in the Horse year: characteristics and compatibility

Libra man, born in the Horse year: characteristics and compatibility
  1. general characteristics
  2. Professional sphere and finance
  3. Love relationships and temperament
  4. Compatibility with other signs
  5. Marriage behavior

Balanced people with a calm character are born under the sign of the zodiac Libra. They are sensible, take a sober view of life and do not hang in the clouds. But if a Libra man according to the eastern horoscope is a Horse, then he will be endowed with optimism, enthusiasm and a great desire for his own well-being. It will be important for him to achieve success in what he loves and to prove his importance to society. In addition, such a person cannot imagine his life without a family, so he tries to get one at a fairly young age.

general characteristics

Libra guys, born in the year of the Horse, personify calmness, reliability and stability. They are friendly and sociable, so they usually have many friends and acquaintances. The inner world of these individuals is in perfect balance, but they try to hide emotions and feelings from outsiders. It is difficult to unbalance them, and even the closest ones very rarely see Libra-Horse in anger. Usually guys exude incredible optimism, which they "infect" others.

Libra men are characterized as bright and kind people, but the love to demonstrate their positive sides and bright abilities gives rise to arrogance and selfishness in them. The horoscope advises to control the desire to prove your importance and superiority over others, otherwise friends will simply turn their backs on such an arrogant. It is better to focus on decency, delicacy and charm, because thanks to these qualities, you can achieve success in various areas of life.

In friendship, Libra-Horse manifests itself in the best way: he will always come to the rescue, listen and sympathize with his friend, give good advice and at the same time will not impose his opinion.Such a man loves to spend time with friends, but for this he does not always have time.

The Libra horse is inherently a workaholic, and devotes almost all of himself to work. On the one hand, this allows him to achieve financial well-being, but on the other hand, the lack of rest and communication with loved ones negatively affects their emotional state.

Professional sphere and finance

A career for a Libra-Horse man is one of the main components of his life. Such a person strives for financial stability and recognition of others. Representatives of this zodiacal tandem achieve the greatest success only in the business that they really like. The horoscope advises guys not to rush to choose a future profession, but first to understand which area can bring moral satisfaction and allow them to reveal their inner potential.

The Libra Horse is responsible for its work, and always performs it efficiently. The bosses appreciate these employees, but sometimes they can take advantage of their kindness and dedication. Men of this combination of signs should learn to give up overtime work if there is no payment for it. It is better to devote this time to rest or spending time with family.

Scales, born in the year of the Horse, know how to work with their hands, besides, they like to do it, so they make excellent locksmiths, mechanics, carpenters, computer operators, welders. In addition, these individuals have prudence, sensitive intuition and insight, thanks to which they build a brilliant career as a lawyer, diplomat or businessman. But what Libra should really avoid is broad-based specialties.

Love relationships and temperament

Men of the Libra-Horse zodiac combination are happy to make new acquaintances with girls, but are in no hurry to enter into closer relationships with them. Before letting a person into "his world", he will have to earn trust. Therefore, girls who want to conquer such a man will first have to establish friendly relations with him. In addition, representatives of these signs love when representatives of the opposite sex take the initiative, but do not rush things, since excessive assertiveness can push them away.

By nature, the Horse-Libra guy is romantic, gallant and attentive., seeks to surround his soul mate with love and care, while in return he wants to receive the same. The guy surprisingly subtly feels the mood of women, and guesses their desires, which he gladly fulfills. In such couples, conflicts usually do not arise, but if the beloved uses the kindness of her partner and tests his patience, she will soon feel the full power of the Libra-Horse's anger.

Men of this zodiac tandem can be called skillful seducers, because they know how to charm and fall in love with a girl. These persons skillfully use their charms, but by no means for short-term intrigues, because they are only interested in long-term relationships. In addition to mutual understanding, the intimate component is important for the Horse-Libra, through which a man expresses his feelings.

Despite the conservatism in his views, experiments in bed are not alien to him, but he is unlikely to offer them himself.

Compatibility with other signs

A wise, calm and understanding woman can win the heart of a Libra-Horse guy, who will be able to support him in difficult times, and will not criticize in case of failure. It is also important for a representative of this zodiacal combination that his beloved be able to arrange life, cook well and love order. Among other things, the guy wants to see reliability and constancy in his beloved. His partner must become a good friend for him, who can be trusted with all his secrets.

A Libra-Horse man will be able to build a happy relationship with a woman under the zodiac sign Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini or Aries. Also, good compatibility is observed with Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus, Capricorn or Scorpio, but in such couples, conflicts and misunderstandings will not do without. As for the signs of the eastern calendar, it is better for a Horse man to choose a companion born in the year of the Goat, Dragon, Tiger or Ox. But they have a complete incompatibility with the Horse and the Rat, so you shouldn't waste your efforts, because they cannot achieve happiness with these girls.

Marriage behavior

Libra-Horse men are created for family relationships - they make wonderful husbands and fathers. Such personalities will not shift all responsibilities around the house to their wife, but will help her in everything. It is easy for them to clean up the house, take out the trash or wash the dishes, even if they are tired at work, but, in turn, the other half should make every effort to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Representatives of this zodiacal combination love children., and sincerely rejoice at their appearance, but realistic outlooks on life do not allow them to have more than 2 children. They understand the whole burden of responsibility and the need to provide financial support for the family. They treat children with responsibility and strictness, but they are not averse to "fooling around" with them.

Men of the Libra-Horse sign want to raise purposeful and responsible individuals, so they try to instill these qualities in every possible way, although sometimes they can "go too far."

About who the Libra man will be happy with in marriage, see below.

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