Libra woman, born in the year of the Rat
Individuals born in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their energy and dexterity. Their mobility can only be envied, because they succeed in both work and personal life.
People of the zodiac sign Libra, although they have excellent intuition, are still endowed with an innate sense of inner anxiety, a kind of self-flagellation. Always striving to achieve harmony in their feelings and relationships with others, they do a lot of work on the inner "I".
How interesting is the characteristic of a woman in such a zodiacal mixture, we learn in this article.
These natures love communication. In a conversation, they love erudite interlocutors in order to show off their extraordinary mind. They are always looking for equal rivals in everything. Maybe this is the opportunity to cover up internal anxieties. Girls are accustomed to good gifts and respect in a gentleman, first of all, clarity of thought and the ability to skillfully express themselves.
Libra-Rat girls get along well with others and love going out into society. They will not stand for hours at the stove and plunge into household chores. Their splendor and, as they believe, their purpose is in free travel. She is turned on and carried away by the prospects of new acquaintances and emotional sensations.
Contrary to all the most valuable qualities, women of such a zodiacal mixture are a little impulsive and even talkative. Such shortcomings destroy them as individuals. Unable to resist, they can shake up too much, which as a result turns ill-wishers against themselves.
Sociability sometimes goes sideways to women Libra-Rats. Carried away in a conversation, they are able to offend the interlocutor with a caustic and unpleasant phrase.
Spenders! Easily said.Despite the practicality, girls of the Libra sign are able to spend up to a penny of money earned for the sake of momentary pleasure.
Finances are not such an important part of life for them as achieving a high office. When they decide to act, the desire for power will manifest itself in everything. They are ready to work day and night without rest. Women of this combination are distinguished by the ability to set goals and the ability to work in a multitasking environment. Like cyborgs, their bodies and minds are set to be successful and unstoppable.
Having achieved the desired "chair", the question of the financial component disappears: a good post means high earnings.
Marriage and love
A romantic relationship with a woman under the signs of Libra and the Rat is possible, but how lucky. Depending on the mood of nature, her attitude towards her partner will vary from sincere tenderness to strict rigidity. Only a sensitive companion can understand such an eccentric and contradictory nature. If he tries to satisfy even the most fabulous needs of the beautiful tormentor, then such a union will certainly await happiness.
Even in their youth, because of the nature of the girls, disappointments await. Already in middle age, they are more confident and know exactly what they expect from a relationship.
Not everything is lost! It is possible to develop family relationships in a supportive environment if demanding Libra-Rats devote time to self-development and psychology of relationships. As a result of such a union, the companion will experience only satisfaction and joy. Of course, the birth and joint upbringing of children will make their character stable and compliant, and the union even stronger.
As a result, the most productive relationships of a woman born under the zodiac sign of Libra in the year of the Rat are in middle age.
Despite the complexities of the character of the Libra-Rat woman, good love compatibility with men Aquarius, Gemini or Libra is possible. The representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Dragon, Ox (Ox) and Monkey, are especially suitable.
The Rat woman and the Ox man will make a wonderful family. This union will create a solid spiritual and material foundation for relationships, and will bring up a worthy generation. The main advantages of partners will be the feeling of confidence in the future, mutual assistance and support of each other.
According to the zodiac horoscope, a bright relationship may well turn out for such partners as a Libra woman and a Gemini man. Raging passions and dizzying relationships are quite possible with Leo, Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Recommendations for happiness
All horoscopes must provide instructions on how to achieve happiness and harmony. So for a woman of the Libra sign, born in the year of the Rat, even at the beginning of her life, one should cultivate a sensitive and attentive attitude towards others. This skill will be useful to them in order to build the right family and work relationships.
By the way, one should express one's opinion without an aggressive attitude, because the environment is always ready to listen and even support.
As a result, in order to achieve the best in life, girls definitely need to draw up their own system of values, or better - to fix it on paper and hang it on the wall.
Character features of girls born under the sign of Libra, see below.