Types of forks and their purpose

This cutlery dates back to the 15th century. Initially, it had 2 prongs, was flat and very inconvenient to use. However, over time, the device was modified until it took the form of a modern plug.

Manufacturing materials
The durability, appearance and strength of the forks depend on the materials from which they are made, as well as on the selected production technology. In most cases, stainless steel is used as the base, chrome is used as the top layer. The denser the chrome-plated layer, the higher the resistance of the device to corrosion.
Another "popular" material is steel with the addition of nickel. In premium-class devices, silver and gold are used as the top layer.
Let's consider the most popular options.

Steel cutlery on its own cannot exist; it will be unstable to corrosion. In this regard, steel forks can be produced in the following modifications.

Steel forks containing chrome
The composition of the material usually contains steel, iron and carbon, as well as a small (13-17%) chromium. It is made of 18C steel, sometimes it is marked as 18/0. Such steel belongs to the AISI 430 class and is considered budgetary. As a rule, such devices are said to be made of "stainless steel".
Chrome-plated products can be recognized by their noble metallic luster, which significantly increases the aesthetic appeal of the devices. In addition to attractiveness, chrome-plated appliances are resistant to corrosion and do not absorb odors and colors. Due to their high magnetic properties, such plugs are widely used in catering establishments. This is due to the fact that they have widespread dishwashing equipment with magnetic systems.

Steel appliances with chrome and nickel included.
Material includes steel, carbon, iron, no more than 18% chromium and 8.5-10% nickel. This composition is considered one of the highest quality, chrome-nickel steel is assigned grade 18/10, and it is also marked with AISI 304. Chromium-nickel appliances, due to special processing, have a pleasant creamy shade. Thanks to chromium in the composition of the plugs, they have increased anti-corrosion properties, while nickel provides increased resistance of devices to acids (including concentrated ones).

Chrome-nickel with silver plating
The devices are a chromium-nickel analogue on which silver is applied in one layer. The latter undergoes special cleaning, after which reinforcing elements are added to this composition. Silver-plated kits are often labeled "90g silver." It means that a set of 12 devices is coated with 90 g of silver. Such products are resistant to corrosion, they can be washed in a "dishwasher".

There are 2 types: from silver 800 and 925. The former contain 800 parts of silver and 200 g of another metal. 925 silver forks are composed of 925 parts of silver and only 75 parts of other metal. On their surface, the sample must be indicated, and there is also a crown symbol.
Appliances made of pure silver usually act as gift or decorative items. They are not suitable for everyday use - they are too heavy, prone to corrosion.

Gold plated
These are already well-known products made of steel or stainless steel, covered with the thinnest layer of gold. Gold plating is so fine that it is measured in microns (1 micron - 0.001 mm). Gilding can cover the entire device or only a certain part of it.

These forks are well known from Soviet canteens. They were very fragile - they bent easily, it was almost impossible to pick up meat or other dense piece of food with their teeth. The disadvantages include the nondescript appearance. No wonder that aluminum appliances have practically disappeared from use and sale today.

Cupronickel plugs belong to luxury devices. The material is an alloy of copper, nickel and manganese. Such products look very elegant, noble, resistant to corrosion, but their production is quite costly. Since the 50s of the last century, cupronickel is increasingly being replaced with nickel silver. In appearance, the devices are practically indistinguishable, however, the production process in the latter case is somewhat simplified.
Nelsiber is an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc. The surface of such items is necessarily covered with a layer of gold or silver or blackened.

In most cases, a plastic fork is a faithful "companion" for picnics and outings in nature. Such devices can be disposable (only these should be used in fast food cafes, fast food outlets and other public places) and reusable (usually more durable, can be washed by hand in warm water and used several times).

Wooden spoons and forks today are more decorative elements of the interior than practical cutlery. The explanation for this is the fragility of products, their ability to absorb moisture, fats, odors. These devices are very difficult to clean and therefore have a very short lifespan. If a wooden fork is varnished, then it is impossible to speak with confidence about its safety, if not covered, the question arises about the hygiene of the product.
It is worth noting that quite often manufacturers produce forks from combined materials. It can be stainless steel or chrome-nickel products in combination with wooden or plastic handles. Cupronickel devices are often supplemented with gold or silver plating.

Varieties by purpose
Depending on the purpose, the following types of forks are distinguished.
Dining room
It is a device with four prongs. Purpose - the use of second courses, because dinner forks are most often served with a table knife. In this case, the knife is taken in the right hand, the fork in the left. You can cut a piece of meat by sticking the latter into the food and cutting off a piece with a knife. If the second is eaten with a fork, then it is held with the prongs up like a spoon. Food is "planted" on it, helping oneself with a knife if necessary.
The size of the dining fork is usually comparable to the size of the serving plate. On the table, the device is placed on the left, if the table is served with several forks at once, then the dining room will be the largest and lie closer to the plate than others.

For fish
This device is slightly smaller than the dining counterpart, has 3 and 4 prongs, they are shorter than the teeth of the dining fork. Sometimes the teeth are arranged in pairs and in the middle are separated by a shallow notch. The fish cutter is served together with a special fish knife. The latter can replace another fish fork.
With the second fork or knife, a piece of fish is pressed against the plate, while the other small pieces are separated from the piece. After this part of the fish is eaten, it is turned over and the other side is “straightened out” in the same way. Ideally, only the fish skeleton should remain on the plate after the meal.
According to the rules of modern etiquette, either 2 fish forks or a fork and a special spatula are served. The fish knife is usually served only with the herring.

Designed for cold snacks, omelettes, spring rolls, fried bacon. Outwardly, it is a copy of a dining appliance, but much smaller.
If several forks are put next to the plate at once, then the diner is the third after dinner and fish.

Designed for salads, has 4 prongs and a wider base. It is more curved like a spoon. Usually served with a special salad knife. It is used in the same way as the dining room. Large pieces are pricked on a fork, if necessary, cut with a knife into smaller pieces.
If in front of you is a finely chopped salad, then the fork is turned over with the teeth upwards and the food is scooped into it as in a spoon.

Differs in the smallest size, has 2 or 3 shortened teeth. For fruit, two-pronged options are always served. Cakes, tarts and small pastries require different types of dessert forks, in some cases a dessert knife is served with them. At buffet tables for desserts, a special device with a pointed clove is served. It is used as a knife, while pieces are pricked onto the remaining cloves. A buffet fork is a forced necessity, since it is impossible to use a knife at a buffet table.
However, if there is an opportunity to put a plate on the table, the buffet fork should be discarded, using a dessert analogue and a knife instead.

For asparagus beans
Used to transfer food from a common plate to your own. It is a device made of a single piece of metal, which is then divided into 2 teeth, representing the letter U.

It is larger than the dining room. And besides, the cutting device is more elongated. Used to cut a common piece of meat into plates or pieces. The meat is strung on a fork and cut with a special carving knife.

The squandering, or chef's
A device with two horns and a long handle, which is used mainly in the kitchen for preparing a dish - turn the pieces, check the readiness, cut a large piece into smaller pieces. With such a fork it is convenient to get the meat out of the broth and cut it. In this case, a large waste fork comes in handy, between the handle and the teeth of which there is a folding stop.

This fork features 5 prongs and a wider base. This allows you to bring sprats to the mouth without losing the integrity and aesthetic appearance of the fish.

For seafood and oysters
It is a slightly elongated device with 3 teeth, the left one is slightly longer than the others. It is convenient for them to eat seafood, as well as open oyster shells and take out shellfish. You can also eat mussels, cocktails with it. The fork is served with a coffee spoon, which is customary to eat a seafood cocktail.
For lobsters, the table is served with a fork with 2 bent prongs. The dimensions of the seafood appliances are small. But the crayfish fork has a more elongated shape and a longer handle. This is a 2 prong instrument. The crab appliance can be the same.

A small (smaller than dessert) fork with 2 prongs for grabbing the olive. A lemon fork has a similar design, but it is larger than an olive fork.

The device, which is served to the julienne, has 3 cloves, while the side ones are somewhat divorced to the side. The fork itself is small, comparable in size to a dessert spoon.

For fondue
2-prong device with long handle.

For spaghetti
The invention of Japanese specialists, designed specifically for the convenient eating of spaghetti and noodles. It is a serrated appliance with an additional shorter prong for gripping food and notches on the surface to hold the pasta.

3-in-1 appliance combining fork, spoon and knife. Invented in the 40s in Austria, at first it was called a splay. Today it is produced by the only company in the world and is produced in Austria.
Another similar multifunctional device is the Spork. It is both a fork and a knife. Invented and patented in the USA at the end of the 19th century. Only in the XX century the device received the indicated name. Such devices are convenient for travel and hiking. A folding fork, as well as a fork-knife for canned food - from the same "company".

For pizza
The device, which appeared recently, only in 2007. Combines a round pizza knife and a dining fork.

It is fair to say that out of all the variety described, most often only 4 types of forks are involved in serving - lunch, salad, fish and dessert. As a rule, the meal begins with the serving of salads and snacks. They are served with a set of salad forks and knives. In addition to salads, they can be used for snacks (not sandwiches, they are taken by hand), jellied meat, and various cold cuts.
Then, when serving hot, the set of devices is replaced by a fork and a knife for the second. If fish is served hot, then the table is additionally served with fish utensils.
At the end of the meal, pastries, desserts and fruits are served, to which special cutlery is also placed on the table.

How to choose?
Before buying devices, you should pay attention to the material from which they are made. Another factor is the thickness of the metal. A high-quality product has a metal part thickness of at least 2.5 mm. The standard is considered to be a thickness of 1.4 to 4 mm.
Check the shine of the forks - grayish or white. If the lack of shine is not provided for by the design of the products, then this indicates a low quality of steel or the absence of at least some polishing of the devices.
One of the most time-consuming manufacturing processes is fork teeth, which is why unscrupulous sellers sometimes make them look like they were chopped off. A quality product cannot have this, as well as excessively sharp teeth.

The next selection criterion is the features of the bends of the forks. There should be a thicker layer of metal in this place so that the fork does not bend if it is pushed harder than usual. The depth of a quality device should be at least 7-10 mm. Flatter products are Chinese stamping, which is inconvenient to use.
It is important to carefully touch the surface of the product - it should be flat, without roughness and chipping, homogeneous, without stains and streaks. Only in this case can we talk about processing accuracy. In high-quality devices, only the edge of the teeth can be sharp.
When buying combined devices, inspect the joints of different materials for joints and displacements.Forks should fit snugly in plastic or wood handles. If the latter are made of plastic, it must be heat and moisture resistant.
If you are looking for everyday appliances at an affordable price, go for stainless steel forks. This is the optimal balance of quality and value. The choice should be made in favor of all-metal options.

Separately, it should be said about disposable plastic forks. The main selection criteria are safety and heat resistance (within the capabilities of the material, of course). You can understand how harmless plastic is by the marking. You can safely purchase plugs that read the following.
- RE (PE), that is, polyethylene.
- PETF (PET) or PET (PET) - an indication of polyethylene terephthalate.
- PS (PS) or the number "6" - polystyrene. A fork (or any plastic disposable utensil) is only suitable for cold meals. There is hot food, and even more so, you cannot reheat dishes in the microwave.
- RR (PP, digit 5) - polypropylene. Suitable for hot dishes, withstands heating up to 100 degrees. Contact of polypropylene with alcohol is unacceptable, otherwise toxins are released from such contact.

If you plan to wash the forks in the dishwasher, make sure the requirements for the use of cutlery match the technical specifications of the "dishwasher".
After visual inspection, smell the appliances. They should be odorless. But the pronounced aroma of machine oil, metal is a good reason to refuse to buy. Finally, you should ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and a hygienic certificate. The name of the brand of devices, their manufacturer and its address in these documents must match the data indicated on the packaging of the plugs

As a rule, forks are sold complete with other devices necessary for serving (spoons, knives). Sets are available for 6 and 12 persons. The first includes 24 items - 6 tablespoons and teaspoons, 6 forks and knives.
The set for 12 persons includes the same devices, but for 12 persons, as well as spoons for jam and sauce, for sugar, forks and knives for fish and salad - 72 items in total.
In addition, there are options that include only forks and knives, as well as different types of forks and spatulas / knives for them.

For information on how to use cutlery correctly, see the next video.