Absent-mindedness and inattention: what is it and how to get rid of it?

Inattentive people always suffer from their own inattention. They forget everything and cannot complete even the most elementary cases. Because of this, they have to listen to reproaches from their superiors and from their loved ones. To get rid of the problem, you need to show willpower and familiarize yourself with the following information.
What is it in psychology?
Distracted attention is considered a very significant disorder of the nervous system. These complexities must be taken very seriously. It should be noted that they can touch any person. But don't panic.
With violations of concentration, a person feels some discomfort. If the problem gets worse, then we can say that the person suffers from signs of distracted attention.
To compare the two concepts of inattention and mindfulness, you need to understand what mindfulness is. So, mindfulness is the process of the highest concentration of attention or the complete processing of specific information, so that any individual can easily navigate the environment.
When the process of inattention is formed, then the process of concentration is extinguished. It is in this way that absent-mindedness is formed in the mind of a person. It should be borne in mind that a person is not born with absent-mindedness. This flaw is acquired over the years. Inattention in adults and children can appear for various reasons, it all depends on the characteristics of personality formation.

Know that distracted attention is a state of constant forgetfulness.As a result of the onset of such a state, a person loses the ability to develop normally. He has problems both at work and at home. Therefore, this condition must be eliminated by all available means.
Inattention is different.
- Functional. This look can appear when fatigue sets in. For example, if a person performs monotonous actions at work, and his concentration begins to dull naturally.
- Creative. This type is observed in people concerned with creating something new and unknown. People-creators are in constant search of new ideas, and therefore can not focus their attention on more mundane things.
- Minimum. This happens when a person cannot focus his attention on significant information due to a strong immersion in his thoughts. The personality is completely immersed in experiences and is no longer able to get out of this problem.
- Rigid. Basically, this condition is experienced by people with epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system. A person is simply not able to keep his focus on something for a long time and quickly switches from one topic to another.
- Unstable. When a child or an adult has hyperactivity in his character, it is difficult for him to focus on the same object for a long time.

Types of violation
Nervous system disorders must be taken seriously. Before making any decisions to eliminate this problem, you should familiarize yourself with the forms that are inherent in such violations.
For the first time, true inattention was described by the philosopher and psychologist from America W. James. He argued that during the onset of the above-described state, a person is disconnected from everything: from plans, from the external environment. With a loss of attentiveness, a person's consciousness wanders and cannot stop for a long time at any particular object. This kind of condition is usually called scattering or prostration.
Moreover, this state has a very strong effect on mental activity. A person feels a lack of energy due to the fact that he cannot concentrate. As a result, complete apathy sets in, and interest in any activity disappears. The cause of this condition is either insomnia, or some kind of illness, or complete fatigue from the tasks performed.
Often, drivers who have to drive on the road for a long time, where nothing interesting is happening, suffer from this condition.

Children often have student absent-mindedness. Distraction occurs due to uncontrolled mobility. However, problems of inattention in children may arise for another reason, namely, due to the manifestation of signs that are associated with psychopathologies.
The older generation also suffers from problems caused by lack of concentration. Such problems are called senile distraction. Due to poor switchability, which is directly related to lack of concentration on the object, focusing on anything becomes ineffective.
There are other types, such as imaginary absent-mindedness. The cause of this phenomenon is the many pictures that are in front of a person's eyes and replace each other very quickly. Often, this state is caused by both deep feelings and experiences. Strong emotions also prevent a person from concentrating normally on objects that are around him.
It should be noted that any individual can undergo such a state, and this is not surprising.

Experts in Gestalt psychology argue that concentration can be weakened when an emotional state occurs. For example, if a person has received a dose of adrenaline, then his attention will decrease significantly.
Sometimes a person quite consciously tries not to notice some of the details that surround him. Such inattention is called motivationally conditioned. It manifests itself when a person does not specifically notice any objects that can cause him stress. Cognitive inattention is expressed in the following manifestations: a person often does not notice the sound of the hands on the clock or the beating of his heart.

People who suffer from absent-mindedness make mistakes at work quite often and suffer from general dislocation. Apparent distraction can be caused by psychological problems. When any difficulties arise, a person concentrates his attention on overcoming them, and at the same time other information or objects fade into the background.
By the way, chronic fatigue syndrome can also cause problems with concentration.
However, it must be remembered that perceived and genuine inattention are very different from each other. If experts do not consider imaginary inattention as a disease, then when genuine absent-mindedness occurs, they sound the alarm, since in this case a serious pathology may develop. Consider the symptoms that may indicate clinical problems:
- the occurrence of headaches;
- loss of performance;
- mood swings and changes in behavior;
- constant sleepiness;
- feeling of fatigue that does not go away, even after a great rest;
- inability to concentrate on anything;
- frequent loss of personal belongings;
- decreased activity in general, as well as sexual activity.

It should be noted that children also suffer from distracted attention. It can manifest itself as follows:
- slowness;
- fast switching from one activity to another;
- poor memory;
- fast excitability;
- frequent tantrums.
Children can often behave this way for a number of reasons, so don't worry too much. However, if such manifestations are persistent and long-term, you need to make an appointment with a specialist and get advice.

Causes of concentration problems
Inattention occurs for various reasons: from fatigue, due to headaches, due to monotonous work. Let's consider the most common reasons.
If you have impaired concentration and general forgetfulness, then these problems could arise due to different physiological conditions.
- The onset of a certain age. A person is getting old, and his body begins to malfunction in different directions. Various factors, including disorders in the cardiovascular system, affect the good functioning of the brain.
- The onset of menopause in women can also cause inattention.
- Transitional age. Teenagers often suffer from this factor due to disruptions in the hormonal system.
- Pregnancy and lactation can cause lack of concentration.
- Diseases associated with the nervous system directly affect the functioning of the brain as a whole. This means that lack of concentration is becoming the norm.
- Lowered immunity can also cause inattention.

Such reasons arise through the fault of the person himself. Often, an individual, not getting enough sleep, takes up work that requires increased attention. As a result, all his efforts are reduced to zero result.
Very nervous people can suffer from inattention. They constantly find non-existent problems around them. Because of this behavior, their psyche begins to malfunction. Therefore, psychosomatics arises, which indicates problems.
Strenuous work affects brain function and, as a rule, attentiveness. In addition, certain factors can cause poor concentration.
- Stress. In this case, human consciousness is completely aimed at solving a problem.
- Sedentary lifestyle. The person in this case relaxes a lot and reacts badly to the changes taking place around him.
- Lack of order in thoughts and surrounding things. When a person takes on everything at once, then he does not succeed, since in this situation it is very difficult to focus his attention.

How to fight?
If the case is not started, then inattention can be overcome using various means. If you have been suffering from distraction for a long time and feel that the problem is serious, then you can deal with it with medication.
However, this issue should only be dealt with by a specialist who has certain knowledge and license.
In other, less severe cases, you can use the advice.
- Try to get enough sleep and rest on time so that your physical and mental capabilities do not suffer.
- You can get rid of inattention with the help of sports. The restoration of general tone will significantly affect the restoration of concentration.
- To restore your brain activity, you need to make some efforts on yourself and overcome laziness and drowsiness.
- Prioritization will help to overcome this factor. It is necessary not to postpone problems until later, but to solve them as they become available.
- To avoid distraction of attention, you need to stop being distracted by trifles. Do not think about non-existent problems, and even more so do not "unwind" them in your head.
- You need to put things in order around you: wash the floors and remove all things in their places.
- Put some order in your head as well. To do this, you need to plan your activities so that you can act according to a certain plan.

Effective exercise
Of course, to improve mindfulness, you need to work on yourself every day. The following exercises can be done in your spare time. They are suitable for both adults and children.
- You have 2 arms. Take 2 pencils at once and start drawing different shapes with them at the same time. Moreover, the figures must be different. If you draw a circle with one hand, then you must draw a square with the other. Engage in such manipulations every day, and you will feel how your brain will begin to respond to the activity and "turn on" positive dynamics.
- Consider any subject (it is desirable that it be bright and have a lot of curves). Remember the smallest details. Take away the thing and try to reproduce its image in your mind. Description can and should be heard.
- Various pictures called "Find 10 Differences" or "Find a Cat" will help you recover lost functions.
- Try counting from 1 to 100. In doing so, do not mention every fifth number, but instead say: "I am attentive."

If you are unable to force yourself to perform the above tasks for any reason, then at least try to combine the useful with the pleasant at every opportunity. And for this, you can offer the following series of simple exercises.
- Go outside and just take a walk. During this activity, count the flowers on the lawn, look at the buildings. You need to remember everything that will come across you on the way. Before going to bed, rewind your walk in your mind and try to remember as many details as possible.
- Don't be automatic. And to fulfill this condition, you need to carefully look around the room and remember if you turned off the light or iron. These actions must be done before leaving the house. After you leave the entrance, once again scroll through all your actions in consciousness before moving in a given direction.
- When interacting with people, try to remember all the details. Listen carefully to what and how they tell you, and what your interlocutors are wearing and wearing. Consider every little detail on your clothes and shoes. Let this hobby become a habit.So gradually you will learn to pay attention to all the inconspicuous details and events happening around you. By doing so, you will eliminate low mindfulness.
- Curiosity is not a vice. Take an interest in everything that comes your way. Make it a habit, too.
- Concentrate on the activity you are doing. Conduct your actions consciously and leisurely.
- Think over your every step and choose your words carefullythat you are about to pronounce.
Your reputation depends on it and the potential for mental activity increases.