
Aquarius-Rat man: characteristics and compatibility by horoscope

Aquarius-Rat man: characteristics and compatibility by horoscope
  1. Peculiarities
  2. In a career
  3. In love
  4. In bed
  5. Married
  6. Compatibility
  7. Recommendations

A man born in the constellation of Aquarius in the year of the Rat is easily recognizable in a crowd. The main positive difference of this young man is a heightened sense of justice. Often, the Aquarius-Rat man is ready to sacrifice his own interests if this is required by the fair intentions of other people.


An Aquarius-Rat man is difficult to deceive, he rarely trusts people. Even if those around him do not wish him ill, this young man still senses a catch. Therefore, he does not have many friends.

The Aquarius-Rat man is very changeable in mood. It looks quite restrained, but in some situations it "explodes". Sometimes you can see the defiant behavior of a man born in this combination, but in ordinary life this is a cold-blooded young man.

He is mysterious, as he is rather silent. Little is known about him, only the closest ones know what his personality really is.

I'm not quite sure of myself, but very purposeful. This is a talented man, but he always doubts the need for his talents, and also does not know in which direction to direct his abilities. Because of his constant doubts, the Rat-Aquarius man rarely achieves high success in life.

Skepticism and insecurity are the main traits in the characterization of this guy, which are a stumbling block to the feeling of happiness in all areas of life.

In a career

This young man wants to occupy a high position, but he does not always succeed. And the reason for this is his constant lack of confidence in his abilities. For example, he may spend a long time preparing for an important interview in his life, but he simply won't come on an important day.Aquarius-Rat will explain this to the puzzled people around them by the fact that now is not the right time to change jobs.

To reduce such situations, the Aquarius Rat needs to have a mentor who could overcome these character traits in him.

The Aquarius-Rat worker has wide knowledge in various fields, is talented, has good intuition, but indecision does not allow to realize all these positive qualities in life. The importance of financial well-being or a high position is rarely fully understood by him.

In business, the Aquarius Rat can achieve great success, but only if he has a more ambitious assistant. And, of course, the leadership in this tandem should not belong to the Aquarius Rat. By himself, a man born under these signs has many promising projects in his head, but without outside help these ideas will remain unfulfilled. In business, he must develop new plans, and the transition to active action should be entrusted to a more confident and responsible partner.

In love

The Rat-Aquarius man enters into a love relationship gradually. He wants to express his romantic feelings, but is usually afraid of this: he is afraid of uncertainty. Insecurity often leads to loneliness.

The Rat-Aquarius chooses his lady of the heart, focusing on intuition. He is looking for an ideal companion and he himself tries to be ideal, but this cannot be, and therefore an internal dissonance is always felt in the soul of the Aquarius Rat. And this does not allow a man to be happy with a woman. A happy feeling begins to arise in him only in adulthood.

It is worth noting that this young man often chooses a financially independent chosen one as his wife, because, by natural habit, he doubts that he will be able to take on the financial support of the family. An important role in the choice of a beloved is played by her responsiveness.

The Rat-Aquarius man loves sincerely, but not for long. Sometimes, having won the heart of a lady, he falls in love with another girl. At the same time, his conscience remains indifferent to the unjustified hopes of the former chosen one. In a relationship, this is an impulsive and positive man, but responsibility for all common decisions will be placed on the shoulders of the partner.

In bed

The Aquarius-Rat man enters into an intimate relationship only with a woman who has a kindred spirit. Striving to be ideal in everything, he does not deviate from his principles in bed. Easily adopts sexual experience. Knows how to please his mistress.

Ready for experiments, but only for those that he likes. Coercion will not tolerate - a woman should be delicate. In general, for him the main thing in sex is the partner, and not the setting, posture and other factors.


Despite frequent falling in love, Aquarius-Rat will dare to offer the hand and heart only to the one whom it recognizes as deserving of its attention. He is attentive and caring to his wife. Becomes a wonderful father. He is appreciated by his wife's relatives.

In a marriage, scandals and quarrels are rare, he internally feels each member of the family. Children will not be particularly limited in freedom, will try to cultivate in them a sense of their own dignity and a sense of justice.

However, it is worth recalling that the spouse will support the financial basis of the family. If the lady turns out to be insolvent, then this will oppress the spouse of the Rat-Aquarius. From here, conflicts can arise. Moreover, a man will be dissatisfied, first of all, with himself for the fact that he cannot properly provide for his family.


Note that, in general, marriage for a Rat-Aquarius man is salvation. He is never sure of anything, and a spouse can become a mentor who will make decisions. The leader in the family should be a woman, so she should be smart, decisive, quick-witted and responsible, since the Rat-Aquarius man himself is absolutely helpless in everyday life.

In this case, the most successful options are women born according to the eastern horoscope in the years:

  • Dragon;
  • Monkey;
  • Rats.

It is better to avoid an alliance with ladies born in the years of the Horse, Tiger and Dog: they will not want to mess with such a dependent young man.

    Girls born under the signs will have good compatibility with this man:

    • Twins;
    • Taurus;
    • A lion;
    • Sagittarius.

    The least successful marriage will develop for the Aquarius Rat with women who were born in the constellation Cancer and Virgo.


    To make it easier for the Rat-Aquarius man to establish contact with others, he should heed the advice of astrologers:

    • be more decisive, do not be afraid to set goals in life: intelligence and education will certainly allow you to achieve them;
    • try to trust people more;
    • there is no need to suffer from the desire to be ideal in everything;
    • be more loyal and gentle with others;
    • work on yourself, it will be useful to seek advice from a psychologist.

    Thus, the Rat-Aquarius man is a kind, good-natured guy who loves justice and is sincerely ready to help his loved ones. But excessive self-doubt becomes a real obstacle to achieving real success in career and marriage. Therefore, his companion should be patient and love him for who he is.

    See the following video for the characteristics of the Rat sign.

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