
Characteristics of the Monkey-Aquarius man

Characteristics of the Monkey-Aquarius man
  1. general characteristics
  2. Family relationships
  3. Compatibility

Astrologers are sure that the date of birth largely determines the character of a person, the ways in which he builds relationships with the world around him. The constellation at the moment of birth and the year according to the Eastern calendar give a man or woman their own set of psychological qualities. Interesting, from this point of view, is the type of male Monkey-Aquarius.

general characteristics

The Aquarius man is a very bright personality with a well-developed intuition. Aquarius always builds its own path in life, and intuition and resourcefulness help to get results on it. The ability to analyze the situation, the ability to choose the best way to achieve the goal and quick wits allow you to rise high in the chosen profession. This is a responsible employee, a good colleague - creative, hard-working and keen on a new idea.

However, excessive straightforwardness, intemperance and impatience sometimes interfere with establishing the necessary contacts and moving up the career ladder.

Having a rather vulnerable and sensitive nature, a man greatly experiences his failures and criticism from his superiors, colleagues or friends. However, experiences that can lead to depression will be hidden under the guise of fun or indifference.

Aquarius-Monkey is creatively gifted, sociable, with a good sense of humor. These qualities often make such a personality the center of a company. This man always has many friends, a constant good mood attracts new people to him, but he is frank and completely open only to very close people. He sincerely appreciates his friends, and is always ready to help if necessary.

Inexhaustible energy, fantasy make life next to Aquarius-Monkey bright, diverse and rich. The sphere of his interests, as a rule, is connected with creativity. He is interested in cinema, theater, painting, literature. But a lot of attention is also paid to active recreation and sports.

As in all aspects of life, in love he will be attracted by novelty and unusualness, therefore it is difficult for Aquarius-Monkey to make a choice from the mass of fans. And inconstancy, some frivolity, a thirst for new experiences lead to adventure and acquaintances. He quickly transitions from one relationship to another without feelings of regret or guilt. Men of this sign may seem very loving, however, this is just a way of knowing the world.

Cognition of the world for such a person is a primary task. This person constantly needs food for the mind. The desire for new experiences and curiosity can push you to do strange things.

Family relationships

Aquarius-Monkey is not too eager to create a family. But in the presence of sincere love, this is very likely. As long as the woman remains an unread book, the husband will be faithful to her. And how long this state will last depends only on the woman herself.

However, creating a long-term relationship with him is very difficult. This is the sign that has the most divorces on its account, as its representative is looking for unusual love. The wife will have to take on the responsibilities of home improvement and everyday life - the daily routine of the husband is simply not interesting. The husband will still spend a lot of time with friends, and a woman should definitely enter the circle of his friends and share their interests.

By nature, this man has a desire for leadership, and this trait will manifest itself in family relationships. A woman will have to learn to defend her position softly and unobtrusively.

Representatives of this sign are energetic and restless, bright non-standard ideas for spending leisure time will certainly captivate them and at the same time serve to strengthen relations.

They will be able to create financial well-being in the family, but they are unlikely to present an expensive gift on the occasion of the holiday, since they do not consider it important. Something completely unpredictable should be expected from them. They themselves will also be much more happy with an unconventional gift than a practical need.

Knowing how to make money, Aquarius-Monkey does not make savings - funds are needed for life and enjoyment from it.

But what he will do with pleasure is to mess with the children. Perhaps the father will not become an ideal nanny, but he will be able to keep the child playing wonderfully - in his heart he remained a restless, mischievous boy. This is a father who knows how to be a friend.

At the same time, Aquarius-Monkey is a wonderful caring dad, he will have the patience to teach his child, listen and help solve his problems. With such a father, both the boy and the girl are comfortable. Children can trust dad, they will heed his advice.

In a marriage with Aquarius-Monkey, the common passion of children and parents will help to bring the family closer together.


Being an extraordinary person, Aquarius-Monkey will turn his gaze on a woman who is not just charming, but also has some mystery and zest. She should be an erudite, interesting interlocutor, since friendly relations with a woman, the opportunity to share a common hobby are important for her chosen one. This man will instinctively strive for a woman, relations with whom will be spared the monotony and banality.

Compatibility can most easily be achieved with a woman born under the signs of Libra, Gemini, Aries or Capricorn. It is best if the year of birth is the year of the Dragon or Rat. It is these women that the horoscope characterizes with such traits as a quick change of mood, unpredictability, inconsistency, which will intrigue Aquarius.

Such ladies are smart, confident in themselves, and they want to see a friend in a partner. A man will constantly have to solve them and conquer them. Moreover, when it seems to him that he was able to do this, the situation will change at the same second.A new riddle appears, the mood changes for no apparent reason, and you certainly need to figure it out.

A woman who wants to keep the Aquarius-Monkey should be able to be different every day, never ceasing to amaze her chosen one. Physical intimacy is important, but the spirit component of a relationship is very high.

A woman who wants to conquer an Aquarius-Monkey man should always remain natural, easy to communicate. Flousy, unnatural behavior, a desire to manipulate a man, attempts to try on someone else's role will scare him away. Also, a lady should forget about hysteria and moodiness. This man, living for today, does not need to be forced to make serious decisions and tire with difficult questions.

The appearance of the girl is important to Aquarius. She must be able to dress with taste, use skillful makeup, have well-groomed hands and nails, hair and skin - this man himself is well-groomed. Although he himself prefers a formal style of dress, he will also like the presence of extravagant details in a woman's suit.

An interesting smart woman who managed to become a loyal and reliable friend to the Aquarius-monkey, who knows how to surprise, will be able to win his heart and create a harmonious union with him.

About what kind of man Aquarius is as a husband and lover, see the next video.

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