Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarius and Pisces: How to Create a Harmonious Relationship?

Aquarius and Pisces: How to Create a Harmonious Relationship?
  1. Characteristic
  2. Pros and cons of the union
  3. How compatible
  4. What is worth working on in a relationship?

Each person has a set of his own individual qualities. Features of character and inner world are tied to the date of birth, to the position of the stars at this moment. To build harmonious relationships, partners should know each other's personality traits, respect and accept them. Studying the horoscope can help with this. It is important to understand the degree of compatibility of partners under the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, about the peculiarities of building relationships, friendship and marriage between these people.


Aquarians are people born between January 20th and February 18th. This sign belongs to the Air group. Pisces birthdays are between February 19 and March 20. They belong to the element of Water. First of all, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the general characteristics of both signs of the zodiac.

Aquarius traits

People born under this constellation stand out for their creative, lively and interesting nature. They are not particularly fond of drastic and unexpected changes. But at the same time, they themselves are capable of surprisingly introducing positive changes in almost all situations in which they participate.

Through creativity and a lively mind, Aquarius shows flexibility and resourcefulness when overcoming difficult circumstances or resolving conflicts. It is worth noting that the representatives of this sign themselves provoke squabbles and conflict situations very, very rarely. They are not inclined to such ways of solving questions and problems.

Aquarians are sincere friends and are always ready for dedication and protection of their comrades.In friendship, they are disinterested, reliable, attentive. Aquarians usually have a fairly wide and warm social circle. They willingly make contact with them. In a sense, people of this sign practically charm and attract others, unconsciously and naturally have them to communicate with themselves.

The ability to find an approach even to people with the most peculiar and difficult character almost always makes Aquarius a leader or, at least, the soul of the company.

It is often difficult for people of this sign to decide on the choice of a profession and life path. They tend to seek and rush. They are characterized by frequent change of place of work and field of activity. Aquarians have a wide range of interests. Often they can reveal in themselves inclinations and talents even for seemingly incompatible and distant areas. For example, to show talent both in the humanities and in any area of ​​natural sciences.

People belonging to this sign are almost always erudite and strive to expand their knowledge, master new activities. Due to this, they are very good and interesting conversationalists.

Features of people born under the sign of Pisces

Pisces are very similar to Aquarius in terms of responsiveness and sensitivity of character. However, representatives of the sign of Pisces still weigh their actions much more carefully. They are able to analyze and plan possible consequences.

Those born under this constellation have excellent intuition. They know how to accurately and adequately assess and recognize the people around them. They themselves, like Aquarius, for the most part are not inclined to a conflicting way of resolving issues. But if they are still involved in situations of this kind, they know how to be restrained and adequate. For the most part, this sign gets along well with all the elements.

Pisces tend to be possessive in relationships. This applies to both friendship and relationships in a couple. Surrendering to feelings headlong and deeply attached, they sometimes not quite consciously and deliberately, but very persistently and even harshly demand the same from a friend or partner.

Since this sign has a good sense of intuition and the ability to weigh and plan, Pisces generally do not rush between professions. The choice of a job is their deliberate and balanced decision. Many fish are creative. However, in the work they still gravitate towards stability and constancy of conditions.

The year of birth of a particular person also has its imprint on the character and personality traits of the zodiac signs:

  • The Years of the Ox, Rat and Tiger have given the world most of the most creative and intellectually rich people. They are very optimistic in their perception of the world, childishly sincere and inquisitive. People under the constellation Aquarius and Pisces, born during these years, are especially sensual and emotional. They will be great sex partners for any sign.
  • Those born in the years of the Rabbit, Dragon and Snake are distinguished by high personal energy, assertiveness, self-confidence. They are purposeful and able to sacrifice a lot on the way to the goal. Their positive feature is also a tendency to introspection and a constant readiness for self-improvement and work on their shortcomings. In relationships, such people often become a support and an inspiring example for their partner.
  • But those who came to this world in the years indicated by the symbols of the Horse, Sheep and Monkey, on the contrary, are prone to pessimism, despondency, sadness and volitional weakness. They really need adequate and timely support in difficult situations. Moreover, these people are suspicious. They are overcome by fear and suspicion. Often they are distrustful of others, indecisive, closed on their problems. It is not easy to build relationships with these people. You need to have a large supply of personal energy and constantly share it with such a partner.
  • In the Years of the Rooster, Boar and Dog, people with very ambiguous personal qualities were born.Paradoxically, they are very cheerful and optimistic. But at the same time, at one point they can be filled with seriousness and even sadness. These people are characterized by thoughtfulness, rationality in decision-making. They deeply worry about the questions that concern them and the unpleasant situations that happen to them.

Those born in the above years are able to build solid, reliable, trusting relationships. With them, the partner will feel safe. After all, they are ready to help, listen, delve into the problem, give the necessary and correct advice.

Pros and cons of the union

The relationship between the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, unfortunately, is far from always successful and often has a far from smooth course. A significant difference in temperament creates many difficulties. Pisces, as a calmer and more rational side, can act as an anchor and support for a friend or partner. However, if the situation is overkill, it may seem to Aquarius that the second half practically slows down its development, pulls it to the bottom, does not allow it to advance and develop.

Both signs have good mental abilities and are not deprived of talents. This can also be interpreted both as a plus and as a significant minus for maintaining long-term relationships. At the initial stage, creative natures, of course, are able to quickly and deeply interest and even charm the opposite side. Even if interests and inclinations are rather versatile, an inquisitive and addicted Aquarius will almost certainly take over the interests of the other side.

Undoubtedly, this is a good platform for starting a friendship or building a marriage union. But quite often, over time, partners begin to compete in their activities. Or Aquarius, carried away by the sphere of the second side, begins to surpass it. Or Pisces does not want to give up its primacy in this area. Oddly enough, this state of affairs really leads to conflicts and ups and downs in the relationship.

The third difficulty in the relationship between two erudite and creatively enthusiastic natures is excessive immersion in joint activities. A couple who have admitted each other too deeply into their inner world and mutually penetrated into the partner's world simply loses their sense of reality and connection with the outside world.

The union can be saved by the common tendency of these signs to sensuality and daydreaming. Thanks to the subtle mental organization, the couple is much easier to understand each other. Intellectual closeness and togetherness helps to cope with conflict situations.

The signs have quite similar views on education and social issues, career choice and self-determination. In this regard, they are also able to become a good support for each other. Unlike most other unions, Pisces and Aquarius couples are much less likely to have disagreements and misunderstandings about financial issues.

Representatives of these constellations are very careful in their promises. Which is a good prevention of many quarrels. The dislike of Aquarius and Pisces to throw promises, as well as the latter's tendency to analyze the consequences of their actions, is a good fastening factor for the union.

How compatible

Further, the compatibility of signs will be considered from the point of view of relations of different levels and directions.

In friendship

  • Aquarius man, Pisces woman. In terms of friendship, you can give such a union an average rating. Communication without conflict is entirely possible, but deep and intimate friendships are hardly ever encountered. Aquarius men have an overly diverse and wide social circle. And Pisces of the female sex tend to be strongly attached on an emotional level and not wasted on a large number of contacts. In the case of common interests, signs can be good colleagues, understanding advisors. Long-term, stable friendships are highly unlikely.
  • Pisces man, Aquarius woman. With the opposite arrangement of signs by gender, the forecast for friendly relations is even more disappointing. In such a pair, there will be very few points of contact and the parties will have nothing to cling to in order to maintain communication. Male Pisces are prone to vulnerability and serious anxiety, fixation on the problem. Impulsive and emotionally mobile Aquarius women are very burdened by this feature of a man. They want to feel tangible and explicit support in a friend, and not support him herself.

Communication is possible in the presence of a common field of activity, but short-lived and not at all close.

In love

  • Pisces guy, Aquarius girl. The success of such a union can be assessed as average. In the early stages, partners can easily fall in love with the other side on the basis of a superficial impression of each other. It arises on the basis of common interests and mutual passion. But over time, with a deeper penetration into the personal and spiritual world, partners will be disappointed. Every day there will be less and less common between them. Pisces men are the first to notice this. In many cases, they are the initiators of the rupture. For a long time, girls are able to justify increasingly frequent conflict situations and lull themselves to sleep with sweet illusions.
  • Partner Aquarius, partner Pisces. There will be no stability in a love relationship either. In an effort to win the partner they like, female Pisces often make a very serious mistake. Prone to extravagance and coquetry, they begin to consciously behave in a rather unusual and even completely uncommon for themselves. This creates a very false impression on the other side. Having achieved rapprochement, the girl usually psychologically relaxes and becomes herself. At this stage, she is confident in her partner and is ready to develop relationships. However, the breaking false impression created by herself often becomes an obstacle to strengthening the union.

In addition, another feature of Pisces women is also very frightening for the partner. They tend to become very attached to their half and show very aggressive, persistent proprietary claims. In other words, the partner for the Pisces girl seems to belong only to her alone.

However, it is not uncommon for the above problems to subside over time. Living together can be a good bonding factor for such a couple.

In family life

Husband Aquarius, wife Pisces. Such spouses will not have an easy life together. In their marriage, everyone needs to be ready for mutual concessions and understanding. Both husband and wife should cherish the relationship. Otherwise, one partner will not be able to save the couple from the breakup.

Harmonious relationships have their own characteristics:

  1. Such a couple are not couch potatoes of their nest. Both will prefer to spend their leisure time outside the home, often even separately. Pisces women who are prone to jealousy may constantly feel anxiety about the loyalty of a partner. In turn, the Aquarius man, gravitating for companies and a wide circle of communication, will indirectly give his wife a lot of reasons for this.
  2. The couple's compatibility in bed is good enough. As sexual partners, such spouses are very suitable for each other. They are able to completely satisfy their other half in bed and give her or him unprecedented pleasure. An important role here is played by one of the definitely positive qualities inherent in both of them and allowing them to achieve harmony in sexual relations. This quality is their sensitivity and sensitivity to the sensations and feelings of each other.

If the spouse is Pisces, the spouse is Aquarius. Often, close people simply do not understand how such an alliance could have developed. For relatives and friends, it remains a mystery why these people attracted each other.The most interesting and even funny is that, due to emotionality, the young spouses also did not quite understand this issue for themselves.

Clarification of the specific reasons for rapprochement and the search for points of contact will occur over time after the conclusion of the alliance.

  1. In the first months of such a marriage, the spouses have a very difficult time. Being in some bewilderment, neither the husband nor the wife can begin to take actions to arrange life and establish further cohabitation.
  2. The Aquarius woman expects from the other half of the care, male attention and responsibility for important decisions. But her husband, who belongs to the sign of Pisces, is not so categorical and unambiguous in his worldview and views on marriage. He is more inclined towards equality and does not want to dominate. In addition, he is afraid to shoulder the burden of family problems and issues only on his own shoulders. In such a situation, the husband needs an understanding spouse who is ready to gently guide and support at the initial stage of life together. However, female Aquarians tend to see the desired result first, or to receive undeniable guarantees of their benefits. They are not ready to invest efforts in something indefinite.

Unfortunately, such marriages have a very high breakup rate. Imprisoned in a burst of superficial emotional impressions from each other, the union breaks down on a family life, which the spouses are not able to establish.

In work

Professional colleagues should not try to get close. As business partners, these signs get along well and are able to maintain effective collaboration.

The anchor and support in business matters will be Pisces' rationalism and balanced decision-making. This is what the second business partner, Aquarius, should rely on.

The main thing for a couple of employees belonging to these signs is to learn how to find a compromise in work issues.

Aquarians should master the skill of controlling possible negative emotions. Representatives of this constellation are very prone to impulsiveness and even outbursts of aggression and anger at moments of maximum enthusiasm for activity.

In turn, Pisces, due to their natural insight and good intuition, in most cases will be able to unravel the true intentions and reasons for the behavior of a colleague.

On the whole, such a business union is very stable and fruitful.

What is worth working on in a relationship?

To create harmony, both partners are advised to think about a number of questions:

  • Signs should not delve unnecessarily into the financial sphere of life. The desire for wealth and the immersion in making money will never benefit a relationship. Thanks to their talents and natural endowments, the people of these constellations are already sufficiently financially secure. Don't get hung up on money to the detriment of your partner's feelings.
  • Often the union can undergo difficulties due to the tendency of Aquarius men to idealize their partner. In addition, the air sign is subject to the first superficial impression and tends to cling to it for a long time. Aquarius should show more interest and attention to the true inner world and character of the partner or spouse. The mistake is the irrepressible desire to "reshape" the personality of the companion for their own, often fantasy, ideas.
  • Both signs are very addictive. Harsh criticism of the work or neglect of the partner's favorite activity is unacceptable. It hurts and repels very deeply.
  • Often in their younger years, partners are unable to provide each other with practical assistance. Emotional support for such a couple most often occurs at a sufficient and even high level. But concrete actions to help in difficult circumstances in the early stages are simply not taken. This is due to the fact that young men and women have little life experience and practical skills in solving difficult, serious problems.

Young couples should not hesitate to seek advice from older friends, parents, or other people they can confide in. With a set of experience in personal life in the family, specific methods of practical mutual assistance and support will be formed, adequate to the situations.

    • Couples can find themselves in a difficult situation where both partners have very high expectations from the other half. In this case, heavy mutual reproaches cannot be avoided. This requires a mutual lowering of the overstated bar. This can be achieved by exploring and accepting each other's personalities.
    • Due to some Pisces' isolation, their partner often experiences feelings of guilt or a feeling of limitation of their freedom. After all, the sign of Air has a sociable character, a wide circle of friends. He cannot do without communication for a long time. In such a situation, the spouses should make mutual concessions.

    It is dishonest and undesirable to completely detach Aquarius from his friends and relatives. Dissatisfaction with the situation and the mental energy of this sign not wasted in communication will only accumulate over time. And this will eventually lead to an emotional breakdown with all its negative consequences.

    At the same time, very often it is not an option to bring Pisces prone to introversion into an unnatural and even somewhat difficult noisy and crowded environment. This sign will only get tired and stressed, surrounded by many friends and acquaintances of his partner. In addition, Pisces simply cannot compete with Aquarius in the ability to communicate and charm the interlocutor. This means that the Fish in many cases is practically doomed to be an inconspicuous gray crow at this "celebration of life."

    The best option is to share your leisure time. Aquarius should try to introduce his soul mate to the maximum possible number of his friends, colleagues and acquaintances. So the Pisces will experience much less anxiety about his relationships with others.

      • In life together and in solving difficult issues, natural intuition should not be avoided. In both signs, and even more so in Pisces, this quality is well developed. Blind adherence to dogmas and established opinions does not always work positively on maintaining harmony in marriage and relationships.
      • Pisces have the unique ability to see a person, recognize his true intentions and the reasons for his actions. The partner should take this into account and refrain from lying. Since systematic exposure will cause permanent mistrust, which will later be very difficult to overcome.
      • A couple should not be shy about talking to each other about their feelings sincerely as often as possible. Declarations of love, praise, words of support, admiration and approval soothe and increase mutual trust.
      • Partners should find the strength and ability to at least sometimes compromise their absolutely personal interests. Signs of Pisces and Aquarius tend to put life and arrangement of cohabitation in the foreground.

      A neglected home life, an uncomfortable atmosphere and atmosphere in the house will over time add tension to relationships. Reasonable distribution of household responsibilities, joint participation in the arrangement of an apartment or house can greatly help a couple to maintain a relationship.

      You should not shift all responsibility and most of the responsibilities to your partner. But, at the same time, you should avoid unnecessary removal of the second half from everyday issues. For the most part, women and girls born under the sign of Pisces are inclined towards this. Disappointed, waiting for the activity and initiative of a partner, they rashly try to take everything upon themselves. This is mistake. The second half just needs to be supported and adequately distribute household chores and chores.

      You should not use your partner's sensitivity for selfish purposes and manipulate him. The temptation to do this is very great, but one should refrain from this.Crying once more, embellishing the situation, pulling the blanket over yourself - all these techniques take a lot of spiritual energy from a spouse. By themselves, they are gimmicks and play on the senses. If this behavior is exposed, the couple begins to build up mutual distrust.

      For more information on the compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces, see the next video.

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