
Choosing a stone for Aquarius

Choosing a stone for Aquarius
  1. By decades
  2. By year of birth
  3. Talismans
  4. What is contraindicated for the sign?

Aquarius is a wonderful zodiac sign. Surprisingly, this is an air sign. By nature, the person himself, born under this sign, is quite perceptive and calm. Girls are more creative by nature, it is these professions that suit them the most. They value freedom and independence in relationships, so keeping Aquarius at home will be difficult.

If you want to surprise your soul mate with a good gift, then you should choose a stone that is right for your person, according to all his parameters. And how to do this, we will deal with you further!

By decades

You can choose a coveted gift, focusing on the decade of a given zodiac sign or on a date, which is also very important when choosing a surprise.

There are three decades in total, and now we will consider what kind of people are born during this period, and what suits them best.

The beginning of the first decade falls on January 21 and ends on February 2. At this time, melancholic, romantic natures are born, but despite this, they are more often inherent in a decadent mood and bad thoughts. It is the first decade that shows Aquarius and all their true nature and essence. People prefer not to depend on others. At this time, they can achieve tremendous success in their profession or work. But this can be prevented by their own insecurity and fear of making mistakes. This mood is preceded by Venus. The stone must be chosen such that it will fit the human energy, for example, jade, jasper, cobblestone or amethyst.

Now let's move on to the second decade, which starts on February 2 and ends on March 11. Here people are born quite adventurous, because they are merging with another zodiac sign - Gemini, who love to travel.At the same time, Aquarians are scrupulous and strive to find out all the news of what is happening as soon as possible. For people of this period, such stones are better suited that they will bring success to the owner, preserve and increase wisdom and life experience, and also contribute to the development of a sense of humor. Gems such as amethyst, amber, or turquoise will do.

From February 12 to February 20, the third decade takes place. Here Aquarians merge with Libra and acquire more of their character traits than their own. They are characterized by such features as the solution of diplomatic problems and a bias in the sphere of politics. People born at this time are inclined towards sensory perception of reality rather than common sense. The decade differs from the previous two in its passion for truth. People born at this time are very purposeful. However, there are also disadvantages. Aquarians become too sensitive, which prevents them from controlling their feelings and making the right and balanced decision. In this case, you should pay attention to garnet, zircon or chrysoprase.

It is worth noting an equally important fact that even your birthday is determined by a special stone for you. If you were born on January 21, then give preference to a hyacinth, and if your birthday fell on February 17, then a sapphire will suit you.

It is rather difficult to consider gifts according to the decades in which a person was born, and such a distinction gives a more general concept and idea of ​​a particular talisman or amulet.

By year of birth

We all know that our birth in a certain year is also marked by the zodiac sign. Therefore, it will be much more expedient and more accurate to consider options for gifts by year of birth than in the first case. For example, if you were born in the year of the Rat, then the amber stone will be successful, which will increase your sexuality and attractiveness. Massive and beautiful jewelry is suitable for the bull - emerald or lapis lazuli. Carnelian is a stone that will suit Tigers. It is he who will help a person gain self-confidence and get around all problems.

Amber is a pretty beautiful stone that will suit Rabbits. The Dragon and the Snake are cold animals for which green chrysolite is suitable. The next sign of the zodiac is the Horse, a rather massive animal, which is also suitable for similar jewelry made from stones such as ruby, pomegranate or amethyst. Onyx is good for Goats, and opal for Monkeys and Dogs. Emerald or ruby ​​will be a great solution for those born in the year of the Rooster, and topaz is a great option for the year of the Pig. As practice shows, if a stone was donated by a loved one or loved one, then it will gain even more power for you.


Since ancient times, it was customary to consider stones not only as decorations, but also as some kind of talismans and amulets. Oddly enough, but it is so, because any stone has the power that can bring both success and vice versa. Let's figure out which stones will bring love, success and health to Aquarius. It is important to note that you can present such a gift to both a girl and an adult woman. In this case, do not forget to focus on the eastern horoscope, which is of no small importance.

Quartz is one of those stones that is one of the most common. Its zest lies in the fact that, depending on the color, it carries different energies to its owner. There are many variations in the color of quartz: white, pink, black, green, purple, blue and smoky. Consider now what each of them is capable of bringing to their master.

White - will help you improve your health and nerves. Thanks to him, you will remain calm and less worried about trifles.

Rose quartz - suitable for those ladies who have not yet found their soul mate. The stone will help to fully reveal your romantic nature and attract love.

The black stone carries a mysterious energy.

The color itself is associated with magic and is suitable for those who continue the family of witches and magicians.

If you want to protect yourself, remove the evil eye or damage, give preference to green quartz or blue, which has a similar effect.

The color purple will show in all its glory the inner potential of Aquarius and their creative component.

And finally, smoky stone will help you find a common language with people and become more open.

As for love, this is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can experience throughout his life. But there is a stone that will help keep the spark in your relationship. Sapphire is an amazing gem that stands out for its beauty and is suitable for older women. Usually they are distinguished by fortitude, willpower and great life experience. Sapphire is exactly the stone that can emphasize these qualities in a woman, because it has inner strength, helps in family well-being and, of course, in love.

The next stone is charoite. The very name of the gem speaks for itself. He will charm your soul mate, help old feelings flare up with renewed vigor and keep them alive.

Garnet is considered to be a stone of passion. - he will literally pull you in and envelop you with wild attraction and passion for your beloved. All these, so to speak, love talismans, you can carry with you as jewelry or just keep them at home, which will help and maintain harmony in your relationship.

One of the most important criteria for a happy life is, of course, material well-being and well-being. Even for such a case, there is a talisman stone that can help you.

Topaz is a well-known gem, quite expensive and very beautiful. It is better to choose blue topaz, because the shade of heaven suits almost everyone and goes well with your chosen outfits. The stone is quite versatile, because it will help you not only gain self-confidence, but also protect you from malicious intentions and lies in your direction.

The next talisman has a strange name - chrysoprase. This amulet is suitable for those who, to put it mildly, are a workaholic, go headlong into work and work for the common good.

It is possible to talk for a long time about which of the stones has which properties, but we all know that the level of our income depends on ourselves and on our efforts, but if there are circumstances in which we cannot influence the situation, then it remains to count on the magical power of the stars.

You can't go anywhere without health. There are also talismans and charms for him that can protect, and even prevent your illness.

These include:

  • aquamarine;
  • rhinestone;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • fluorite.

The first stone is aquamarine. It can be either transparent or blue or even green. The name tells us that the stone is associated with water and therefore, like no other, suits such a zodiac sign as Aquarius. It has the properties of calmness, helps to cope with stress, because it is often used in meditation.

The next one is crystal, but not simple, but rock crystal. It symbolizes a kind of purification and a surge of energy. The stone will bring success to the future owner in personal achievement, learning and love.

A stone like lapis lazuli is a very powerful and effective talisman. In appearance, it is opaque with gold veins. Such a talisman is quite strong and has powerful protection. Great for meditation, and also a good helper in love affairs, which is able to awaken your senses.

    If Aquarius lacks internal strength and energy, then it would be preferable to present them with such a stone as fluorite. Ideal not only as a talisman, but also in appearance, because the gem has greenish and blue hues, which looks very graceful.

    Amber can be attributed to the category of sun stones. Astrologers assure that this stone belongs to a universal category, because it is perfect for the entire zodiacal circle.For Aquarius, amber serves as a good calming agent and can make a person's life more comfortable. Excessive sincerity and gullibility are inherent in this sign of the zodiac, amber will help protect its owner from the evil eye and lies.

    For women

    When choosing a stone according to the sign of the zodiac as a gift, you should also focus on the fact to whom you will give it: a man or a woman. Indeed, depending on the gender, talismans carry their energy to a person. So, a given stone to a woman is able to bring success in work, love affairs and health. For example, those Aquarians who are rather distrustful of natures or are frivolous, more than ever such a talisman as topaz is needed. It is this stone that will help the fair sex to find peace, tranquility, in some way even slightly suppress the excess of adventurism that is present in Aquarius.

    And also you will be able to make such deliberate decisions and avoid unconscious fears.

    For more modest, but at the same time active girls, such a stone as amber is perfect. It will give the lady more self-confidence, liberation, strengthen their inner spirit and, of course, give even more energy to accomplish noble deeds. Did you know the fact that natural stones such as amethyst and obsidian have a stronger property? Let's talk about them further.

    Amethyst is a gem of a certain sensuality and sensitivity of the fair sex. He even helps many ladies to get pregnant. The stone so absorbs the energy of a person that it can become for him not only a talisman, but also his own symbol.

    The next stone is obsidian. If you dream of climbing the career ladder and achieving personal growth, then this gem is for you. And it will also help you avoid gossip and envy from your competitors and envious people.

    For men

    Now let's move on to the stronger sex, which loves to receive pleasant gifts and surprises no less than girls. If you want to give your significant other a gift in the form of a talisman, then be sure to check out those stones that are best suited for men.

    Let's start with such a beautiful stone as agate. However, here it is important to take into account not only the stone itself, but also its color; the benefit that it will bring depends on it. For example, white agate will give a guy more wisdom and flexibility in relation to the lady of the heart. Helping in friendly affairs and becoming more calm is the work of gray agate, but, oddly enough, it is black that will help a man in love, reveal his full potential and depth of feelings. To strengthen the position in life, to complete all the begun and planned goals - here such a stone as a sapphire or a ruby ​​will contribute. But jade will help to reach the material peak, gain self-confidence and become stronger in spirit. A talisman or even a talisman made of this stone is able to present you with not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth. Cufflinks or rings will look spectacular.

    Do not forget about such a stone as black pearls. In the case of Aquarius girls, this stone is able to give them calmness and sensuality, while for men it gives rigidity and self-confidence, which will help them overcome all the difficulties that have appeared on their way. Seemingly not particularly suitable for the stronger sex, moonstone has rather strong properties. He will allow a man to fully reveal his inner self and show the creative component of his personality.

    Thanks to this stone, the stronger floor becomes more vulnerable and tender.

    If you, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, think that your man lacks rigidity and straightforwardness, then feel free to give a diamond. It is he who will give your boyfriend confidence and make him stubborn in solving some issues.A stone like turquoise, on the other hand, will make a man slightly windy and, in a sense, easy to climb, which will help him gain more strength and energy to accomplish great things.

    One of the best and most faithful stones that will suit the Aquarius man is citrine. The gem will give not only self-confidence, strength to solve complex problems, but, on the other hand, make a person less vulnerable, slightly frivolous and quick to climb. At the same time, you will find a loyal friend and good companion next to you. Now that you know what is best for a man, and what for a woman born under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, feel free to make a choice towards that talisman that will help reveal a person, his inner qualities and express himself to the fullest.

    What is contraindicated for the sign?

    In addition to solid and good stones, there are those that are not recommended for this or that sign of the zodiac.

    As mentioned above, diamonds make a person become tougher and more arrogant, in some cases even stubborn. Such precious stones are contraindicated for women, as they can provoke the appearance of a certain selfishness. As mentioned earlier, citrine is well suited for men, but not for women; such a gem is categorically contraindicated for them, since the manifestation of negative sides can reach its extreme point, which will be quite difficult to cope with.

    As for turquoise, it is contraindicated for married ladies, because it can provoke the manifestation of such negative qualities as frivolity, a little stubbornness, which can radically affect the behavior and mood of the fair sex.

    We got acquainted with the most famous and relevant options for gifts for Aquarius. When choosing, be sure to take into account all the indicators so that the stone is ideal not only in character, but also in the date of birth of a person, because this is the thing that will stay with him all his life, become a talisman and will be of benefit.

    For information on which stones and talismans are suitable for Aquarius, see the next video.

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