
Aquarius-Monkey woman personality traits

Aquarius-Monkey woman personality traits
  1. Character traits
  2. What is she like in love?
  3. Choice of profession
  4. friendship
  5. Celebrities

The combination of the zodiacal and eastern horoscopes makes it possible to most accurately and in detail draw up a portrait of a person. What characteristics are most inherent in the Aquarius-Monkey woman, we will consider in more detail.

Character traits

Woman according to the zodiac sign Aquarius, born in the year of the Monkey, differs in the following character traits:

  • creativity;
  • striving for beauty;
  • sharp mind;
  • unpredictability;
  • sociability;
  • charisma;
  • seductiveness;
  • the ability to quickly adapt;
  • openness;
  • a special sense of humor.

This is not a complete list of the qualities inherent in the heroines of today's article. Let's try to understand the nature of such an interesting and controversial nature, such as Aquarius-Monkey. The main characteristics of women according to the horoscope are non-standard thinking, charisma and a constant readiness for adventure. They are easy-going and are often the life of the party. It is difficult not to pay attention to such a charming and bright nature! Undoubtedly, every girl with the aforementioned zodiac combination is incredibly attractive, captivating with her mystery, characteristic of Aquarius, and the unpredictability that the year of birth gives.

And also these ladies are cunning and enterprising, they can adapt to any circumstances and are very sociable, thanks to these qualities of character they quickly acquire the necessary connections. But despite their entrepreneurial spirit, they retain their childish naivety and spontaneity for a long time, although they try to hide it carefully.

Aquarius-Monkeys do not accept the earthiness of this world, they often live in their own world of dreams and fantasies. But despite this, they are always guided by their own life priorities, and with the help of their resourcefulness they achieve any assigned tasks. It is for the reasons mentioned that such women often achieve a high position in society, even if they have a rather complex and contradictory character.

Aquarius women born in the year of the Monkey also have their weaknesses. They are too impetuous, impatient and restless. Sometimes, if they get carried away with something too much, they easily change the direction of their thoughts and actions. Fussiness and inattention can play a cruel joke with them at the most inopportune moment. Of course, thanks to their extraordinary dedication and sharp mind, they can always assess the current situation, change their minds in time and bring what they started to their logical conclusion. However, Monkeys-Aquarius can sometimes afford to get lost - they are energetic and efficient.

Despite the predominantly reasonable attitude to life and a rational assessment of any situation, like all Aquarians, they are quite vulnerable and do not tolerate condemnation or misunderstanding. That is why quite often they are credited with qualities such as lack of flexibility and touchiness. And because of the vindictiveness and straightforwardness inherent in each Monkey, in an unfavorable scenario, it may have real enemies.

Their antics and inappropriate jokes sometimes literally shock others, the unpredictable behavior of the Monkeys can unsettle even loved ones.

What is she like in love?

Women born in the Year of the Monkey are incredibly charming and adorable. Thanks to their creative approach to any business, their image is also often bright and unusual. They are attractive, well-groomed and able to win over - thanks to these qualities they often find themselves in the spotlight. They have more than enough fans! Despite this, the Monkey is in no hurry to create a family, as he adores diversity and, like any Aquarius, is afraid of losing his freedom and independence, carefully preserving his inner world, which is very valuable to them. Such a woman loves male attention and gladly accepts gifts. Many consider her a true temptress!

When choosing the second half, one should be guided by his reliability and strong-willed qualities. Because of their naivety and sensuality, Aquarius-Monkeys quickly open their souls wide open, tending to idealize a partner, attributing qualities to him that he does not possess, which often leads to disappointment. But if the Monkey listens to his intuition, having met that one, he will unerringly recognize him.

With the right partner, the Monkey transforms incredibly, becoming a loving and caring spouse. She carefully keeps the home, but does not forget about finances! One of the pronounced traits inherent in Aquarius-Monkeys is the ability to combine taking care of the house and a career in which they realize themselves quite successfully.

Choice of profession

Such women are creative natures who try to see something beautiful in every little thing, and if they do not find it, then they transform every part of their life (whether it be an interior in a room or a new dress) into something unusual and original. Like any Monkey, it is difficult for them to sit still, so sitting in one place and doing monotonous work is definitely not for them. They easily perceive any information and learn quickly, have a brilliant memory and developed intuition. Most often, they choose a business that is entertaining, interesting and incapable of getting bored. The profession of a scientist, psychologist, tour guide, artist and even an astrologer is perfect for them!


What is typical for every Aquarius is a special attitude towards their friends. A sense of responsibility for a loved one sometimes overshadows responsibility for oneself. Monkeys, despite their sociability, are very selective in their choice of friends.They are looking for an intellectual equal, in the circle of close communication usually only people with similar interests enter, with whom you can have long fascinating conversations about everything in the world and those with whom they have significant points of contact.

The best friends for Aquarius-Monkeys usually become people of fire signs, which complement their "airy" temperament and support the spark inherent in the character of the Monkeys.


Famous socialite Paris Hilton and incomparable Jennifer Aniston are the brightest representatives of the stars born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Monkey. Agree, both of them are attractive. The charisma that the stars endowed them with helped them shine brightly on the red carpet and enjoy the attention of the most handsome and successful men of our time.

Undoubtedly, every woman born in the year of the Monkey under the sign of Aquarius is also endowed with the ability to become a sparkling star in her environment.

About what kind of Aquarius woman is in love, see the next video.

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