Thin hair: why is it and what to do?

Thin hair is a problem that worries millions of men and women, and both doctors and fashion stylists talk about how to make it thicker. In fact, there is still a solution, but it requires an integrated, comprehensive approach. Only after figuring out what makes the hair thin and thin, you can understand what to do to improve it at home and in the salon.

Causes of the problem
Thin, thin hair - this is not just a cosmetic problem, but a serious reason for thinking about your own health... Sometimes luxurious curls in a matter of weeks become a lifeless fluff, and even without that rare strands begin to show all the signs of alopecia. In men, this phenomenon is often associated precisely with physiological problems or the influence of external factors. For example, with telogen alopecia, the reason that the hair has become thin, brittle, weakened can be:
- the transferred surgical intervention;
- lack of trace elements in the body;
- poor, unbalanced diet;
- taking anticoagulants, retinoids, anti-epilepsy drugs;
- hormonal imbalance;
- infectious acute and chronic diseases.
In women, an intense change in hair structure is often the result of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding. Often, even hard and curly strands turn into soft and wavy strands, a dissection appears at the ends. The lifeless look on straight hair is less noticeable. But sometimes even good care doesn't work.

A sharp change in the condition of the hair is a reason to pass tests for trace elements, to visit an endocrinologist.
At the onset of menopause the hairstyle always noticeably loses in volume, and alopecia may well be physical... The growth of new hair slows down, old ones fall out as usual. And now the luxurious hair has to be turned into a neat short haircut.
Genetic predisposition to intense hair thinning in the fair sex is much less common than in men. In addition, certain manipulations and procedures can lead to such consequences. Hair extensions, braiding dreadlocks, constant wearing of hairpieces and onlays - these are just a small part of the reasons for a radical deterioration in the condition of the scalp. Her hair also suffers. Sometimes, after removing the artificial hair on the head, only a short downy hair grows for a long time, which is very soft and difficult to style.
No less dangerous are persistent coloring, straightening or curling of hair with the help of special irons. With prolonged thermal or chemical exposure, it is the hair structure that suffers in the first place. Strong tightening also negatively affects the general condition of the strands. In addition, the problem of thinning hair is often accompanied by loss due to stress or illness.

How do you make them thicker?
Do not assume that thinning hair cannot be restored. Of course, you will not be able to immediately tighten and smooth the fluffy strands. With proper care, it will be possible to notice a change in their structure after 3-6 months. For this period of time, any styling, drying with a hairdryer should be performed using thermal protection. Also recommended regularly make masks, take multivitamin complexes to eliminate the deficiency of minerals and trace elements.

Special means
Among the means for self-use, you can find many ready-made compositions for improving the structure of the hair, its regeneration. You need to wash your hair with shampoo for thin, lacking volume hair. These products do not contain fatty weighting agents and cleanse well. The alkaline environment has a beneficial effect on the condition of fine hair - rinsing with mineral water can be part of the therapy.
It will be good change the usual care cosmetics to keratin. It has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, thickens it. For care dry shampoos with absorbent properties are excellent - they help to add volume to the hairstyle. In special cases, stylists advise using modeling powder.

Traditional methods
At home, you can improve the condition of thin hair with the help of masks that have a beneficial effect on their structure. Among the most popular and effective formulations are oil - compresses and wraps are made with them. Ingredients for crafting are usually readily available for purchase.
Castor wrap
For weekly use, a mask is suitable based on:
- 30 ml castor oil;
- 30 ml of almond oil.
Mix the ingredients in a bowl. The base is always castor, for dyed hair you can take olive oil, for oily hair - grape seed oil. The mixture is stirred until smooth, then heated in a water bath to a temperature of 35-40 degrees - so the composition will be better absorbed. Apply an oil product to the root zone, accompanying the process with massage, then distribute along the length of the strands.
The head is covered with a shower cap or cling film. Action time - 2 hours. Then the composition is washed off with shampoo.

Honey oil mask
Popular remedy for structure restoration, hair growth stimulation. To make it you will need:
- 5 ml of brandy;
- 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
- 5 ml of castor or burdock oil;
- 1 chicken egg yolk.
All ingredients are thoroughly mixed; there is no need to heat the composition. Immediately after preparation, the mask is applied to damp hair, wrapped in cling film, and insulated. Exposure time - 60 minutes, wash off the composition with cool water, otherwise the yolk will curdle.
It is worth considering that honey is a fairly allergenic product that should be used with caution.

Yeast mask
To prepare a product to combat thinning hair, it is recommended to use exclusively natural "live" yeast in briquettes. Powdered express options will not work.
To prepare the mask you will need:
- 2 teaspoons of yeast;
- 15 ml of liquid honey;
- 100 ml warmed milk.
All ingredients are mixed, put in a warm place to activate the yeast fungi for 30 minutes. The finished composition is rubbed into the hair roots, covered with cling film and a terry towel, washed off after 1 hour.

The modern beauty industry offers a fairly wide selection of vitamin and mineral supplements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of thinned hair. For example, taking iron supplements helps to eliminate the problem caused by a deficiency of this substance in the body.

Plus, the beneficial ingredients can be added directly to your regular hair care products. To combat structure thinning well suited mumiyo, which has a unique composition... It is preliminarily dissolved in water, and then added to the shampoo, left to brew.
Effective for thinning hair silk proteins - its hydrolyzate is sold in mini-format bottles of 25-30 ml. It is recommended to add the agent to the shampoo before shampooing, the effect will be felt immediately after shampooing.
The liquid form of vitamins A, E is sold in a pharmacy. With their help, the shampoo can be made more nutritious, gradually regenerating thinned, damaged strands.
It is worth choosing an oil form, 5-7 drops are enough to add to a 200 ml bottle.

Salon treatments, haircuts and coloring
Among the procedures that a beauty salon can offer during the period of hair restoration after lightening, chemistry, extensions, their intense loss and thinning under the influence of various factors, it is possible to distinguish not only a haircut.
Although, making the styling easier, removing the length to the shoulders, you can significantly simplify this task. Bangs often also help to reduce the load, it can be grown, styled in different ways, without radically changing the image.

Keratin straightening
On hair of medium length, they usually try not to apply too drastic measures of influence. Curly or slightly curly thin strands are most affected by heat. A hot iron changes the structure, damages the already weakened curls.
Keratin straightening helps to avoid constant negative effects, but it should be said right away that not all masters recommend it.
The procedure is carried out in a salon, it consists in saturating the strands with fibrillar protein (keratin). Hair after such treatment becomes dense, straight, smooth and thick enough. During the procedure, an artificial form of keratin is used, processed in a special way. The material is completely safe, hypoallergenic, ensures long-term preservation of the obtained effect - from 3 to 6 months. On curly hair, the procedure must be repeated more often.

A special gentle chemistry technique suitable for weak, thinning hair. Carving is also called long-term styling, as it allows you to create a spectacular hairstyle literally without effort. The styling effect lasts for a long time. Cold permanent curling does not damage the structure, acting only on the surface of the hair. You can choose different sizes of curls - from large to small.

Root-free staining
Any hair dye has a negative effect on the hair roots and scalp. If the goal is to grow strands in parallel with their treatment, you should forget about complete discoloration or lightening, even in the salon. However, there are techniques that allow you to give your hairstyle attractiveness with natural roots.
In the salon, you can paint balayage, ombre, sombre, air touch, Californian highlights, strobing.

When the problem with thin hair is associated with intense alopecia, vitamin deficiency, age-related changes, mesotherapy can be a good solution. It will provide effective restoration of the structure, help literally turn back the clock. The procedure consists in the injection of a special cocktail of medicinal and nutritional substances. Injections are given for 8-10 days, after the course, the scalp cannot be injured, massaged, exposed to chemical and thermal effects for some time.
The composition of drugs for mesotherapy contains collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid, stem cells, mineral complexes based on zinc, phosphorus, silicon, vitamins.

Care features
There are certain rules that can be followed to improve the condition of fine hair. Among the most useful recommendations are the following.
- Washing the head with a product already foamed in the palms. This allows for more gentle care, contributes to the correct distribution of the composition over the hair surface.
- An active effect is shown only on the scalp. When washing, it can be lightly massaged. Even simple contact with the foam will help wash away dirt and dust.
- Thin hair needs soft water... It can be obtained in a well or bottled. It is better to boil ordinary tap water first.
- Stimulating blood supply. A contrast change of hot and cold water during a shower helps to speed up the process of hair growth, to stimulate the "dormant" bulbs. When used regularly, this "hardening" is good for eliminating the stress factor associated with the change of seasons.
- Regular cleansing... Thin, weakened hair gets dirty faster. They need to be washed more often to get a good result.
- Gentle care. Wet, thinned strands should not be twisted, rubbed, combed and squeezed too coarsely. Simply wrap them in a soft towel and allow the fabric to absorb excess moisture.
- Natural drying... At the slightest opportunity, you need to give up a hair dryer, irons, and other appliances. In just 3 months, such measures will help restore hair to its former thickness and healthy shine.
- Aroma combing. This care measure is associated with the use of essential oils. They are applied to the surface of the wooden comb. With its help, the hair is combed from roots to ends for 1-2 minutes. Aroma combing helps to stimulate the regeneration processes, revives the "dormant" hair follicles, helps to make the hair structure smoother and more even. It is worth choosing oil of cedar, tea tree, orange, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, rosemary.
After shampooing, apply an indelible mask or conditioner to thinned hair. It is optimal if the agent has thermal protective properties.

It is worth considering certain restrictions and recommendations, the knowledge of which is sure to come in handy for all owners of fine hair.
- First and foremost — It is better to exclude coconut oil from the list of skin care cosmetics.
- Also, thin strands are worth keeping away from highly foaming detergents... They contain ammonium lauryl sulfate or magnesium lauryl sulfate - substances with increased rigidity. They simply dry out the scalp and hair, depriving them of their natural moisture.
- To obtain voluminous styling without a hairdryer, you should use Velcro curlers and dry shampoo. It is better to apply the absorbent at night. This will give the product more time to absorb the sebum. In the morning it will be enough just to comb your hair.
- A careless effect will help you achieve a dry texturizing spray. It is applied to the hair roots, adding visual volume to the hairstyle.

Naturally thin hair is a reason to find a good stylist. For girls and women, men with such features, complex textured, multi-layered haircuts that add volume and lightness are well suited. It is best not to grow long curls - they will always look weak.