Hair botox

Cold botox for hair: what is it, the difference from hot botox and the technology of execution

Cold botox for hair: what is it, the difference from hot botox and the technology of execution
  1. Characteristic
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Composition of preparations
  4. Review of popular remedies
  5. Features of the
  6. Reviews

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is a sign of a real lady. Unfortunately, not all the fair sex can boast of the health and attractiveness of natural strands. Their quality is influenced by many external and internal factors: from health to ecology. Various cosmetics are used to restore hair and maintain its beauty. In this article, we will find out what cold botox for hair is, and we will analyze its effect in more detail.


Cold Botox is a restorative procedure that is performed using a set of special medications. These products contain active ingredients that make hair shiny and beautiful. If the work was carried out correctly, then the positive effect will be noticeable after several applications. Strands will become more manageable and elastic, as well as gain a healthy shine and strength.

The visual effect after a series of procedures can be compared to lamination. Botox has not only a regenerative but also a nourishing effect on the hair.

It also helps to get rid of dandruff, scalp redness, itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

The cold version of the cosmetic procedure has certain differences from the hot one, and is more popular. The second method of hair care is already considered outdated due to the fact that in the process of its implementation it is necessary to use a hair straightener. If you overexpose it a little or set it too high, you can cause severe damage to the strands.

Prolonged exposure to heat damages the hair and scalp. In addition, after the hot botox procedure, you should not wash your hair for three days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Beauty professionals and their clients highlight the following positive aspects of botox:

  • strengthening the hair structure (the scales are smoothed);
  • normalization of the scalp;
  • straightening strands;
  • elimination of fluffiness, anti-electrification;
  • additional nutrition for the bulbs;
  • enrichment of strands with microelements, vitamins and other useful substances;
  • soldering of the tips;
  • getting rid of the yellow tint (if the hair is colored in one of the blonde shades);
  • giving a healthy shine and volume;
  • preservation of the coloring pigment (provided that the strands are colored);
  • elasticity and obedience;
  • fast visual effect;
  • affordable cost (when choosing drugs of the middle price category);
  • safe composition of drugs.

A large number of advantages have played a decisive role in the dissemination of this procedure.

The negative aspects of this recovery method are also present.

  • There are a number of contraindications, we will consider them in more detail below.
  • You cannot use cold botox if the hair has a very curly structure.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the frequency in the sessions. If the drugs are used too often, the effect will be the opposite, and the hair will begin to lose strength.
  • To maintain the effect, you need to regularly carry out the procedure once every 2-3 months.
  • This regeneration method is incompatible with a perm.
  • A short-term effect that lasts for a maximum of 2 months.

Before signing up for a beauty salon to restore your hairstyle using the above method, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications:

  • severe irritation or inflammation of the scalp;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • open cuts in the places where the products are used;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components in the composition of the drugs.

With the wrong choice of cosmetics, unpleasant consequences may appear. In this case, you need to seek help from representatives of the medical field.

Composition of preparations

Various active ingredients are used in the manufacture of cosmetic preparations. Let's dwell on the most popular ones:

  • in order to quickly restore damaged curls, keratin is needed;
  • a set of amino acids and peptides have a positive effect on hair follicles;
  • the voids formed on damaged hair are filled with Intra-Silane;
  • natural plant extracts are needed for nutrition and blood circulation;
  • to make the strands elastic, add elastin;
  • natural essential oils will make curls obedient;
  • a comfortable state of the scalp and the hydrobalance of the hair is ensured by hyaluronic acid;
  • lactic acid is used so that beneficial substances penetrate into the hair;
  • a mixture of minerals and vitamins is also used.

Important: the composition of drugs may vary depending on the quality of the product, its cost and manufacturer.

Review of popular remedies

The modern drug market is constantly updated with new products. Among the many brands, some firms occupy leading positions. They make products that are preferred by most hairdressing professionals and their clients.


This well-known company offers an effective kit called Faberceutic. This is a professional complex used in large beauty salons. The products have gained popularity due to their high efficiency. The brand also offers ready-made kits for home use.

Separately, you can find complexes specially designed for lush, long and thick hair.


The Brazilian firm produces collagen kits for powerful recovery.They include preparations aimed at high-quality cleansing and treatment of the hair structure. The composition of the preparations reconstructs the structure of the curls, restoring their natural beauty.

Honma tokyo

A feature of the H-BRUSH Botox Capilar complex from the above manufacturer is that after application, the hair receives reliable and long-term protection from negative environmental factors. Also noteworthy remarkable and intense recovery, visible from the very first application.


Rejuvenating and restorative complex Plastica de Argila includes preparations based on effective natural ingredients. Each element works with care and at the same time produces excellent results.

Features of the

To conduct a treatment session, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • towel;
  • multifunctional hair dryer with different operating modes;
  • a special set of preparations for botox;
  • hair clips;
  • protective cape.

First, let's look at how similar procedures are carried out in beauty salons.

  1. The hair is thoroughly washed with a special composition.
  2. After that, the curls are washed with water and excess moisture is removed with a towel.
  3. The specialist gently comb the hair, dividing it into strands to distribute the composition evenly.
  4. Using a syringe dispenser, the master applies the serum. It is very important that the composition covers the entire length of the hair and envelopes each hair.
  5. The drug is kept on the hair for a little over 30 minutes.
  6. Then the master uses the following tool, the task of which is to enhance the restoration of curls and fix the micronutrients and nutrients inside.
  7. After a five-minute exposure, the preparation is washed off with water.
  8. At the end of the work, a mask is applied, which maximally prolongs the safety of the procedure.
  9. After 15 minutes, it is washed off, and the hair is dried with a hairdryer.

After a few weeks, it is strongly recommended to come back to the salon in order to further consolidate and extend the result obtained. Especially if this recovery method is carried out for the first time.

In the presence of a set with special formulations, cold botox is done independently at home. Especially for such cases, there are budget options on sale that are much more affordable in comparison with professional cosmetics.

Let's look at the step-by-step implementation of the recovery procedure using the example of a kit from Cadiveu.

  1. Using shampoo, wash your hair thoroughly. This action is performed 2 times.
  2. After that, the strands are blotted with a fluffy towel, removing excess moisture.
  3. On damp hair, gently apply a clay-based mask and distribute evenly. It is necessary to cover the curls completely, from roots to ends.
  4. Gentle massaging movements are passed over the scalp, increasing blood circulation.
  5. A hat is put on the head and the composition is left to soak for 15 to 30 minutes.
  6. Further, without washing off the mask, a special fixer is used. It is kept on the hair for 15 minutes. During this time, you can put on the hat again.
  7. After the time has elapsed, the hair is thoroughly rinsed.
  8. Dry hair with a hairdryer, turning on the cold air mode.

To give your hair an extra healthy shine, strands can be treated with a small amount of fixer before drying. Remember that the effect of a home restoration can be significantly weaker compared to a salon result.


Let's summarize the article with real reviews of users who have tried the effect of cold botox on themselves. Due to the popularity and high demand of this restorative procedure, there are many responses and articles on the network telling about its effectiveness.

Having carefully studied the largest thematic sites, we can conclude that most of the fair sex (about 70%) were satisfied with the results of salon sessions. Many have managed to heal damaged hair, weakened due to frequent coloring and styling, as well as make it more manageable.

They also spoke positively about the home-based care option. Some noted that when using high-quality formulations, it is possible to achieve excellent results on your own, without the help of specialists.

A minority of users said that the money was wasted, and even expensive funds did not give the expected effect. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the reaction to drugs is individual for everyone.

There were also girls and women who got the opposite effect of the restorative one. The reason for this is often the wrong composition. In order not to face this problem, it is recommended to perform the procedure in the salon.

For a review of Honma Tokyo hair botox, see the video below.

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