Hair botox

Which is better for hair: botox or keratin?

Which is better for hair: botox or keratin?
  1. What is Botox?
  2. What is Keratin?
  3. Differences
  4. What is the best choice?
  5. Reviews

For many years, the owners of naughty curls gathered their hair in a bun or weaved braids - there was simply no other way to style their hair without being late for work or school. Nowadays, the situation has changed - the cosmetic industry offers a wide range of remedies to eliminate this problem, keratin straightening and botox are considered the most effective. However, many of the fair sex do not see the difference between these techniques and make the wrong choice.

What is Botox?

Botox is a procedure aimed at restoring hair, while the main task is to treat and regenerate curls, and not in any way straightening, as is characteristic of keratin. To some extent, botox also helps to smooth strands, reduce fluffiness, but it will not work to get rid of waviness in full with its help.

Keep in mind that botox, in a technical sense, has absolutely nothing to do with the facial treatment of the same name. The technique got its name only because, as a result, a light anti-aging effect is achieved, making the curls look more attractive.

Botox will be the best choice for women who want to make their hair more shiny, make it easier to comb, reduce hair porosity, and for blondes it is still a great opportunity to remove yellowness. The indications for the procedure are:

  • split ends;
  • fragility of strands;
  • dry hair;
  • weak growth;
  • profuse loss.

Botox is also used for thin and weakened strands.

The procedure is characterized by a pronounced cumulative effect, usually the result lasts on the hair for 1-2 months.

Let's dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of Botox for hair.

Benefits include:

  • regeneration of the hair shaft due to the action of botulinum toxin;
  • stopping loss;
  • reduction of hair breakage, reduction of split ends;
  • thanks to the oils and vitamin-mineral complexes included in it, a therapeutic effect is provided;
  • the appearance of shine, softness and silkiness of the strands.

    Among the minuses are noted:

    • not suitable for hair straightening;
    • not effective on frequently dyed curls;
    • when used in conjunction with any other mechanical influences on the hair, it leads to the opposite result - loss, excessive dryness and exhaustion.

    What is Keratin?

    Keratin straightening is very popular with women of all ages. This is not surprising, since the procedure allows you to cope with even the smallest unattractive curls and naughty strands. However, there have been a lot of dissatisfied reviews in the direction of keratin in recent years, so before resorting to keratinization, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of such an effect.

    The main task of keratin straightening is to straighten curly hair and curly curls. After the procedure, unnecessary fluffiness is removed, as a result, the woman gets smooth and well-groomed curls, but at the same time the volume of the hair is visually reduced.

    The glossy effect lasts up to 3-4 months on the hair, as is the case with botox, keratin has a pronounced cumulative effect.

    Hair remains smooth even after shampooing, but you should take into account the fact that it will be rather difficult to make any other hairstyle. After carrying out keratinization, the strands cannot be twisted into curls, in addition, it is not recommended to expose them to styling with a curling iron and other "hot" devices.

    Keratin, like botox, has its pros and cons.

    The advantages include:

    • long-term effect - up to 4-5 months;
    • complete hair straightening even after an unsuccessful perm;
    • the appearance of shine, elasticity and smoothness of the strands;
    • decrease in fluffiness and severity of the degree of electrification;
    • the hairstyle remains smooth even in wet weather;
    • keratin creates a protective layer on the hair, which neutralizes the harmful effects of external factors.

      The disadvantages are:

      • after the procedure, you can use only special shampoos that do not contain phosphates;
      • during keratin straightening, the active preparations are "absorbed" into the hair, which implies the effect of an iron that is heated up to 230 degrees;
      • when keratin is heated, formaldehyde is released, therefore, after the procedure, the use of hot hair styling methods is unacceptable;
      • in some cases, the manifestation of allergies is observed.


      The differences between Botox for hair and keratinization are largely due to the peculiarities of the active ingredient and the application technique. So, in the structure of botox, the main substance is an intra-silane molecule, upon contact with an aqueous medium, it penetrates deeply into the hair shaft and completely fills all the smallest damage to its structure. In addition, the composition of the preparation includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, medicinal oils and extracts of medicinal plants, as well as hyaluronic acid necessary to moisturize the curls.

      Botox is applied not only to the curls, but also to the root zone - this allows you to strengthen the follicles and stop alopecia.

      The procedure is carried out as follows: the composition is rubbed into the hair and head, then a warming cap is put on and intensely heated with hot air for 15-20 minutes, preferably under climazon. After the allotted time, the head is washed with a regular shampoo and the usual styling is done, in general, all manipulations take 30-40 minutes.

      Hair after Botox looks soft and silky, full of strength, there are no signs of fluffiness and splits, they comb well, keep their shape perfectly and retain their volume even without styling.

      The cost of the procedure is about 2 thousand rubles and depends on the length of the hair.

      When straightening with keratin, only the hair is treated without affecting the roots. Unlike botox, the main goal here is not treatment, but smoothing, so the effect on the hair follicles does not make any sense. Keratin begins to act under the influence of elevated temperatures, hot air promotes its melting, as a result, the substance fills all cracks and forms a hair frame that allows you to keep them straightened.

      Keratin straightening is a much more laborious and time-consuming procedure than Botox. The composition is applied to the curls, retreating from the root zone a few centimeters, and thoroughly dried with a hot hairdryer, after which the hair is divided into thin strands and each is carefully pulled out with a hairdressing iron when heated to more than 200 degrees. This process takes 2 to 4 hours and costs twice as much as Botox.

      Another difference between keratinization and botox is the composition of the preparations. There are no medicinal additives here, on the contrary, the mixture contains formaldehyde, which has a rather pungent and unpleasant odor - if it gets into the lungs, it can harm the body. That is why both the straightener and the client must wear respiratory masks.

      Keratin is able to smooth out even the tightest curls, as well as African curls, due to which the hair after the procedure becomes quite dense and heavy, and the split ends are reliably sealed.

      The difference in the preparations used and the application technique also explains the difference in the result. Botox does not remove curls and waves, but at the same time heals hair and heals the scalp, and keratin makes hair smoother and shinier, but it does not have any healing effect on curls.

      The declared effect of Botox lasts about 1.5-2 months, and keratin lasts a little longer - up to 4 months.

      What is the best choice?

      Knowing how botox differs from keratin, you can quickly decide which option is optimal in each case.

      Keratin has a pronounced visual effect, but in no way affects the improvement of the quality of the head of hair and the structure of the hair. Let's say more, if keratinization is performed incorrectly or on too hard curls, then, contrary to expectations, they can become dry and brittle. That is why keratin straightening can only be performed by a master in a salon.

      Botox, in comparison with keratin, is completely safe for hair, and you can do this procedure even on your own at home, especially since not so long ago a series of drugs appeared that do not need warming up, but are only washed off with water 30 minutes after application.

      Botox is considered an ideal care product that strengthens and heals the curls, but in the case when the keratin layer is too badly damaged, you will not be able to achieve complete smoothness of the hair.


      Many women are unhappy with the look and condition of their hair. Frequent dyeing, perm, poor water quality, constant use of styling products - all this leads to a deterioration in the structure of the hair, brittleness and splitting. That is why the fair sex is in constant search of means that could improve the appearance and condition of the hair. Most often, they resort to botox and keratin straightening, but many do not know how one method differs from another, and are disappointed with the effect obtained.Owners of curly hair after using Botox are upset, seeing that fluffiness and curls have not gone anywhere, and women who have resorted to keratinization do not understand why hair loss has not stopped.

      According to user reviews and the opinion of professionals, keratin has a more aesthetic effect. - no treatment occurs. The procedure makes the curls smooth and straight, but at the same time there is a reduction in volume by 60-80%. These techniques are recommended for girls with tight curls and naughty strands.

      Botox is a milder procedure, women note that the hair does not straighten as a result, which preserves volume and makes styling easier.

      By the way, some ladies go for a little trick - if first keratin straightening is done, then after a few months you can prolong the effect obtained with the help of Botox. Such procedures are recommended for owners of lifeless and thin hair, but keep in mind: as practice shows, many women expect their hair to become shiny and shiny right before their eyes. In fact, the effect is not so pronounced - after processing, the curls remain similar to your relatives, but at the same time they look a little more well-groomed.

          Unfortunately, many women note that in practice, the effect of Botox is much shorter than stated in the hairdressing salon - after the second wash of the head, the hair begins to return to its original state, becomes more porous, and after 3 weeks there is no trace of the effect. the strands are tangled again and are difficult to comb. Despite the fact that such a procedure costs 2 thousand rubles and more, clients in the end admit that the result was not worth the money spent on it.

          Not all women are happy with keratin straightening. - many note that here the effect is also shorter than promised by the authors of the technique. At the same time, the hair begins to get dirty very quickly, especially if the haircut involves bangs, it is enough to touch it a couple of times - it immediately hangs like icicles.

          Some people note that keratin damages hair, making it more brittle. When keratin stops working, the hair looks like a washcloth and requires long-term treatment with masks, balms and serums. With all this, keratinization is an expensive procedure, the price tag for it starts from 4 thousand rubles, and in addition, it requires the use of special shampoos, which are an order of magnitude more expensive than usual.

          What is the difference between keratin straightening and botox for hair, see the next video.


          Which is more suitable for highlighted fine hair - keratin or botox?

          Only botox, I have the same hair. I do botox, this is the only salvation for me.


          the beauty
