Hair botox

Which is better: nanoplasty or botox?

Which is better: nanoplasty or botox?
  1. Description of procedures
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Hair care

Luxurious, well-groomed hair, followed by not only men, but also women - perhaps any girl dreams of this. Fortunately, even if naturally hair doesn’t look the way we would like it, modern beauty salons have a wide range of procedures, thanks to which what you want can be easily turned into reality. The most popular procedures in recent years include: botox, keratin straightening, nanoplasty.

Description of procedures

The botox procedure for hair should be attributed to the therapeutic methods of exposure. Many professionals especially recommend it to blondes, because they know firsthand what dry and brittle hair is after bleaching and lightening. This procedure impregnates each hair from the outside with useful substances. The bulbs and cuticles of each hair are processed. Experts say that after this procedure, the hair begins to actively grow and become stronger.

Indeed, unlike keratin straightening, the botox procedure is aimed at improving and restoring hair. The active ingredients contain vitamins and minerals in combination with plant extracts, amino acids and collagen.

It is worth noting the fact that Botox is a cumulative procedure, and the result cannot be noticed immediately.

Keratin hair straightening is a cosmetic procedure. Ideal for dry, damaged and brittle hair. The composition contains formaldehyde. A very strong substance that has the property of accumulation, therefore, keratin straightening should not be done very often, unlike nanoplastics.

Nanoplasty is one of the types of keratin straightening, which can be attributed to more gentle procedures. The method is quite new, but has already gained sufficient popularity among stylists and hairdressers. Unlike keratin straightening, nanoplasty is not performed on very damaged hair for the reason that the effect does not last long. Manufacturers claim that there are no harmful substances in the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each procedure has both positive and negative aspects.


Positive aspects of the procedure.

  • Substances consist only of useful components, a vitamin complex and various oils. They do not contain any harmful components.
  • For the reason that the main focus of this procedure is aimed at complete recovery and restoration of hair, the substances soak not only the hair from the outside, but also from the inside. The bulbs and cuticles are saturated with useful components.
  • Removes yellow hair from blondes.
  • The restoration process is easy and painless for hair can be combined with coloring.
  • Eliminates split ends.
  • Regarding keratin straightening, the pricing policy is much less: one and a half to two times.

Negative sides of Botox.

  • The effect after the procedure does not last long. The maximum period is up to two months. It is worth noting that the structure of the hair is different for everyone. Therefore, it can hold out for no more than a month.
  • There were cases of individual intolerance or allergic reactions.
  • Due to the fact that the composition of the procedure is more health-improving than cosmetic, the hair does not have a strong shine.
  • The botox procedure is not aimed at straightening the strands.

Keratin straightening

Positive points.

  • Durability of the effect. It can reach a period of up to four months. This is how it differs from many procedures.
  • One hundred percent hair straightening, even after a perm.
  • The structure of the curl acquires shine, smoothness, elasticity (thanks to collagen). Less electrifying in cold weather.

Disadvantages of Keratin Recovery

  • Very high cost. The service itself is expensive. As a rule, for hair of medium length, the cost will be from 10 thousand rubles, for long hair - from 15 thousand.
  • When working with keratin, the hair heats up to a temperature of 200-230 degrees. Only with a very strong thermal effect does the procedure achieve the desired result.
  • Contains formaldehyde.
  • Contraindicated in pregnant or lactating women.
  • Very pungent odor. It is necessary to perform the procedure in a well-ventilated area and wearing a mask.
  • Individual intolerance. An allergic reaction is possible.


Benefits of nanoplastics.

  • Does not contain harmful substances. Including no formaldehyde.
  • Absolutely no harm to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Durability of the result. The effect on hair lasts up to five months.
  • Many women note the end of fragility and the disappearance of split ends.
  • After the procedure, the hair becomes lighter in color, one or two shades lighter. But it should be noted that this property can be attributed to negative aspects.
  • The procedure takes no more than one hour.

Disadvantages of the procedure.

  • Nanoplasty is not designed for severely damaged hair. The effect will be zero.
  • Small or large volume loss may occur after the procedure. The difference can be significant.
  • An expensive procedure. On average, the cost ranges from two to five thousand rubles. Not everyone can choose it.
  • One of the conditions for hair care after nanoplasty is shampooing. For the reason that the hair very quickly becomes "greasy" in appearance and gets dirty faster.

Hair care

After botox

There are several unspoken rules to preserve the effect of the procedure at home as long as possible. First of all, you need to purchase a special sulfate-free detergent instead of your regular shampoo.

In addition, you must constantly use products that moisturize your hair.These can be masks, balms, conditioners, etc.

After keratin

You can use masks after the procedure no earlier than a month later, and they must include keratin. It should be applied only to the ends of the hair and slightly above, in no case on the roots. This entails a loss of root volume. Moreover, it is better not to wet your head in the first couple of days. If possible, apply a protein-based spray before going outside.

Also, in the first two months, you need to refrain from baths, saunas and swimming pools.

It will not be worse if, instead of tight elastic bands, the tail is tightened with a fashionable spring. Firstly, the hair is less injured, and secondly, hard elastic bands have long been out of trend.

After nanoplasty

In general, shampoos that contain sodium chloride should be avoided. In addition, it is better to give up deep cleaners and a variety of oil-based products. When washing your hair, you should focus only on the roots, it is better not to wash the curls too much. Of course, at first it is better to refrain from a hair dryer, curling iron and ironing. For a longer lasting effect, various sprays containing keratin are also suitable.

Which procedure is better is up to you. The main thing is not to forget that all experiments with hair are best done in salons with professionals, so that the result does not upset, but, on the contrary, pleases the owner of luxurious hair.

You will learn about the difference between nanoplasty, botox and keratin straightening from the video below.

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